Xbox One COD to Battlefield, learning curve.


New Member
Oct 20, 2013
I have been playing COD for some time. I have become less interested to the point of not playing it for the last 6 months. Now that XBox One is coming out I am thinking of making the switch to BF4. I'm not gonna lie, I am a little intimidated by the idea of jumping into a new game. I am usually in the top third of the lobby in COD. I tried BF at a friend's house some time ago and was getting wrecked. For those of you that have made the switch, does it take a long time to get good again? Why do you prefer BF? Does BF have offline play vs. bots to hone your skills? Does the single player campaign help to get you prepared for online multiplayer? I am not looking to make this a COD vs. Battlefield thread, just want you guys who have made the switch to convince me.
COD is a simple shooter which is just literally gun and run. BF requires much more tactics and a strategical approach.

I am sure the single player will help a bit but playing MP for a while will help more.
I haven't played BF4 yet, but I've played a lot of BF3 and all the earlier games going back to PC.

COD and BF are very, very different games. In COD, if you are really good, you can rack up lots of kills and get killstreaks and dominate the other team. COD is just about being able to aim fast.

In BF, you just can't dominate that way. BF is a much, much more team oriented game. People who sprint in the middle of the map in BF die quickly. BF goes way beyond simple FPS skills. A "good" BF player doesn't need to rack up a ton of kills. Maybe you are an engineer repairing friendly vehicles and taking out the enemy tanks. Maybe you are support lying down cover fire. It is a completely different mindset. The best thing to remember in BF is if you are going it alone you are probably not helping your team.

The big thing that people from COD forget is that when you move to BF, you are not some special player. You are part of a team. The game isn't nearly as fast paced. BF is actually a hard game to solo in. You've got to try and find people to work with and stick together.

BF is so much less about fps skills and more about smarts and tactics. The other thing about BF is if your team is terrible, you are probably going to be in for a long round. It happens. In COD, you might be able to deal with bad teammates, but in BF... not so much.
Thanks for the answers. I always preferred the game modes where you had to work as a team, like domination. I just want a more realistic feel to the game. If you tell me there is no quick scoping I may be sold.
i agree with the man above you.

teamwork in bf is almost a way of life.

with bigger maps and multiple flag/capture points bf4 is build with a team in mind. your not in a team of 15 your in 4 teams of 4-5 players.. and some teams hold down positions while others are out trying to capture. its easier to hold down and take the tactical advantage points than it is to run in guns blazing.
if you do plan to solo odds are your snipping (still want 1 man cover) or are not trying to take a position but more after the runners going between capture points. 95% of the time unless you are stupid good or know the position of others you dont stand a chance trying to capture a position solo. a team of 2-3 will 99% ofthe time pick you up and will allow team mate to respawn on them as cover in 7-10 seconds. this gives a solo run a hard time.

allot of the time if a team knows that capture point their is ways to open it up make it easier to see thru or take away the major cover points.. this in itelf makes walking into a capture oint hard even for a team of 3 on 5. the more you can rely on your team the better off you are in bf4... if you can transfer your team to cod odds are you can run those maps with ease even with decent players. a 3 person team in cod can 99% of the time run and gun most any one just running and gunning.

conflict gets bonkers with teams trying to capture a bomb.. ifyou enjoy the cod spped this is the mode for you. and honestly its just so fast it gets annoying.
Battlefied is a complex and strategic game and COD is a Counter Strike with better graphics. The first COD was one of the most memorable shooters that I played but after that the franchise started to change things, and now all the real gamers moved to BF. You can see this immediately when you play BF4 and COD Ghost, one is a masterpiece and the other is the same old crap were nothing changes.
Thanks again for the input. I think I'm gonna give it a try. It was a pretty rough start with COD years ago so I think I can work through it.
Thanks again for the input. I think I'm gonna give it a try. It was a pretty rough start with COD years ago so I think I can work through it.

if you are ok with fps games... as in decently quick at spotting enemy or aiming you will do fine... the hardest change over is relying on your team or members of people around you. in bf4 the people in your group(team) will be in green other members of your team non group will have name over them iirc. enemy's are non labled or colored. once you figure out how to cover and be covered you will enjoy bf4 much more than cod it gives you a reason to work with your team rather than go it alone.

if your with a friend and chatting and calling things out and working together it gets much better.
Well they certainly are quite different games when it comes to play style though I believe they are both kind of the same thing when it comes to their respective franchises. Both are enjoyable games with the right factors but COD seems to be more of an arcade kind of shooter while BF is certainly more focused on the strategy because while in COD you could definitely Rambo your way to the top BF requires team work to propery acomplish the objective. In all honesty they decent games it just depends on what kind of shooter you want to play.
I think battlefield had very high quality gameplay and Call of Duty Has now reached their kind of quality. Just The have different options, such as killstreaks, driveable planes, and other things.
Well they certainly are quite different games when it comes to play style though I believe they are both kind of the same thing when it comes to their respective franchises. Both are enjoyable games with the right factors but COD seems to be more of an arcade kind of shooter while BF is certainly more focused on the strategy because while in COD you could definitely Rambo your way to the top BF requires team work to propery acomplish the objective. In all honesty they decent games it just depends on what kind of shooter you want to play.

not really with all the modes bf4 offers you can stick to the rambo run and gun like cod or go team style with others.

what a few reviews have posted are basically
cod: feels good but small maps
bf4:big maps has the same feel as bf

where things seem to go to the next level for me is levolution, dynamic map damage. vehicle play

i cant touch on how cod is with dynamic map damage. but i know how it works in bf4.
in one capture point you could blow the whole bottom of the store apart.. take down 80% of the interior walls, drop metal gates and even destroy sections of them... this became so great. when in heated battles you could push them in the middle with little to no place to get cover.. without dynamic map damage this was not possible and would giv cover to anyone inside. so say they drop the gate for cover.. but you know you destroyed a section that lead to slight cover. you can come in on the backside and take out 2 people and start calling out other enemy positions.

with levolution you can/could drop small sections create ramps to areas and even use ladders to scale a building that otherwise required a elevator. this gives you roughly 4 entery points to a very hard to take high point. not to mention levolution in the cse of dropping a building.

cod has a aspect of level change but it not as involved and does not give back to the players as much.

idk to me if you stripped bf4 of levolution and dynamic maps,vehicles you would than have a cod game.

it just seems like cod has one play style.. rambo/run/gun while bf4 gives you many an option on every game type. i have only played 3 bf4 game types thus far.
I am still sticking to COD for now. I have seen videos of actual gameplay for both games and both look nice.

What I like about COD is, its COD and no real learning curve if you played it before. Ghosts has a lot of things that interest me besides multiplayers, you have Clans and you can build your own how you want or use real people, Squads, Extinction looks great with the aliens, it gives a totally different aspect to the game, even the single player mode where you start out in space seems interesting. I also like that there are many ways to play offline with things you decide yourself if you want.

BF4 is more complex with bigger maps and hard to control vehicles from what I have read. Levolution if you watch all the videos is really only a few spots throughout the levels. It's not everything and everywhere as they try to make it sound in the ads. There is a YT video that shows all the limited areas where you can destroy things.

I will get BF4 eventually, but COD Ghosts is first.
My son bought COD for our 360 so I'm sure I will pay the $10 to get it for XBox1. Maybe playing it on the new console will help to freshen things up. I will be getting BF4 as well. If I can get to a point where I won't embarrass myself I may look some of you guys up on Live.
BF4 relies more on teamwork.
Engineers have put ammo and repair the vehicles, while the assault team focuses on killing everyone. It requires a bit more of skill but in essence both games are pretty much the same.
I feel like the Call of Duty route will be better, at least for me. I played the Battlefield 4 Beta, and to be honest, did not like it, just seemed like rehash of other FPS games combined. I like close quarters combat that COD offers a lot of.
Yes and no I think is the answer here. It all depends on how you play your first person shooter games... and also, who you're playing them with. Yes it might be a steep learning curve if you are used to be being the one man rambo fighting machine that works for a lot of people in COD (such as myself). How Battlefield comes into it's own in the tactical side of things. The best way to play it is with a group of people who can choreograph tactic together. For example I play with a bunch of work friends and every day at work we also talk about the games we played last night, and things that come up are: What went wrong with how we handled last night's game? what went good? How could we change our approach to a certain situation or a certain map to get an advantage over other players? We come up with very good answers for this and then, when we come to play Battlefield that night, we implement them and continue refining our tactics to make us unstoppable. Then every now and then I want to play solo, so I decide to play a game of COD- because solo simply doesn't work on Battlefield.
Sounds good. I think I am looking for something that takes a little more thought. Nobody answered yet, are there quickscopers?
Sounds good. I think I am looking for something that takes a little more thought. Nobody answered yet, are there quickscopers?
You can't really quickscope in this game, 99% of the time you're going to be "hardscoping" when using the snipers.

I recently made the switch to Battlefield a couple months ago when BF4 came out. I had been playing CoD for the past 4 years. It was a pretty difficult switch, but I eventually got the hang of it after a week or so. You can't be running and gunning all the time like you would in CoD. Battlefield heavily emphasizes the need for teamwork and objective play. Without those two essential elements, you are more likely to lose the game.
Thanks Fresh,
I've been playing the single player trying to get the controls down. Gonna try the multiplayer soon. I appreciate the input.
Hey gringo... This game can be very intimidating when playing on your own,but as soon as your part of a decent squad who talk and are objective motivated it's an incredible game. I'm always looking for squad mates! My GT is o Razza o feel free to add me!