Considering the cost...


New Member
Feb 18, 2013
...and the annoying adolescents along with some of the restrictions/additional costs - what is it about Xbox Live that makes it a better choice for you then PSN? With the coming generation of consoles they're both going to cost cash, but previously what gave Live the edge considering the potential issues that have been brought up time and time again regarding the system? I personally just felt it was more alive for better lack of a term and well... I don't recall my information being stolen out of hand so there is that yes. Anyone else?
the vast majority of my friends play xbox not ps3, hense why I have achievements...
The Xbox Live service offers a lot more features and it is generally more reliable and the customer service is more active (although that doesn't mean that it's more helpful :p) . Also on Live you quite often gives discounts for titles that you can buy in the store and overall the servers seem to be more reliable go down a lot less frequently than PSN.
Trust the Captain to have a set of good reasons. Honestly though I have to admit to having chosen Live for the same reason Oldman did. When I want to do multiplayer it just seemed to work better with Live than with PSN. There were more people and more I guess enthusiasm. Of course, after the issues with the Xbone's PR it may be that PSN sees a major boost in members so I'll have to see.
I don't prefer XBL over PSN in general, but I prefer online multiplayer on the Xbox 360 over the PS3 for many reasons. The first, more obvious one is the controller. It feels a lot more "natural" with the games I play online, mainly because of the triggers (and I like the weight of the controller as well). Part of the reason is the exclusives, but I also prefer many third-party games on the 360 if they have multiplayer capabilities. Now that they're starting to offer more features, and giving out some good games for free for gold subscribers, I can justify XBL more easily than I could in the past. Plus, Sony is going to start charging for online multiplayer on the PS4, so it's generally a leveled playing field.
Also, Xbox has more apps available, which can help justify the cost of the subscription. I don't even play that many online games, but I keep Xbox Live up for Crackle, Crunchyroll, etc.
If you have to pick one to subscribe to, PSN is probably more worth it, with the huge catalog of free games you get, but Xbox Live isn't a terrible deal. It honestly just comes down to preference in the end. I doubt PSN and Xbox Live have been the deciders entirely for most people.
Is it true that you won't be able to play the Xbox One at all without an Internet connection? Because that's a pretty big factor if so.
I do like to jump into some Pubs sometimes, but I don't tolerate little kids cussing or using racial slurs like the sterio types tend to do. I don't want that to be part of my gaming experience and I have no problem jumping into other pubs at the point that I feel like its getting out of hand. I also dislike when someone is taking something so very seriously that they are yelling at their teammates. I think there's some class to be had in gaming. I loved the Left4Dead 2 community. Everyone was really cool in that and people were really chill.
I remember once messing up and thinking I'ma bout to get yelled at when a girl yells "Holy ****, your back is broken and you're dead as ****" and a guy said "That was some awesome hang time."

Yep, I got smacked by a Tank off the roof of the Hospital. Good times.
By paying Microsoft money Xbox 360 is able to make a smoother gaming experience. Playstation is laggier, their dashboard is unfriendly, and their are less features. Also it's going to be much easier to get an Xbox One since one Live subscriptions count for both. If I were to switch then I'd be paying for Xbox 360 and PS4.
We've found that in our house the playstation network is a little slow. I'm not sure why, as we have no issue with the Xbox. It was mostly a matter of knowing more people that had an Xbox than a playstation at the time. All of my husbands friends are on Xbox live. It wasnt a matter of the games because the ones we like to play are made for both consoles.