Xbox 360 Did you ever regret buying a game?

New Member
Jan 7, 2013
Did you ever buy a game, play it, and then just regret buying it?
It happened to me a couple of times unfortunately.
For example:
1) 007 Legends
2) Sniper Ghost Warrior
3) RAGE (Just because of the ending)
4) Brink

Did it ever happen to you?

Also, if you would mention reasons, would be nice :)
I got Perfect Dark Zero for cheap and still regretted wasting money on it. The gameplay was terrible! Oh, and Ninety-Nine Nights. It was just a button masher IMO and I got bored with it really quickly. I had Devil May Cry 2 on my PS2 and I was pretty disappointed with that one as well. Just wasn't challenging enough and it felt a little too button-mashy.
left for dead, the first one lol.... i picked that up at the FULL price $59.99 one day.. was the dumbest waste of money ever.. i played the game for about 10 minutes and considering throwing that crap in the trash lol i'm still mad about buying that game years ago to this day.
There are some times where I buy games for $5 from the bargain bin at Gamestop or used games section of Amazon and they either turn out to be buried treasure or total crap.

The total crap was so crapulous that I can't believe I actually paid someone to ship it to me. These games were pretty much worthless, bad graphics, broken gameplay.
1) Godai -PS2, awful ninja game and when the ninjas jump it looks like a puff of smoke is coming out of their butts.
2) Evergrace -PS2 really bad fantasy RPG with crappy graphics,
3) Kabuki Warriors-Xbox , even though the Kabuki thing seemed cool at first ,this is barely a game. The characters stay in the same theater the whole time and they're basically the same character with different coloring.
4) Stake- Xbox ,this game looked like a high school kid made it with Microsoft Paint,
5) New Legends-Xbox, I drove a tank in this and the physics were so weird that it felt like the tank was slipping on ice instead of driving,
6) there was a Bruce Lee game made for Xbox that had such bad physics that his punches looked jerky like one of those boxing nun toys, or Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots.

I would have felt bad trying to resell these to another victim, so I left them on bus benches, free for the taking.
I somewhat regret buying Soul Calibur 4 even though I got it for $10, mainly because I've lost my fondness for fighting games. Crystal Defenders is perhaps my biggest regret this generation; it's a shallow TD game that enticed me with the FFTA character models. This game was also $10, and considering you can get the mobile version of Bloons TD 5 for less than $3, I still facepalm when I think of my decision to purchase it.
I regretted buying Lord of the Rings: Conquest, especially because I bought it new and couldn't return it. I had played the demo and thought it had a lot of promise, but the gameplay was very awkward and the game felt unfinished. There were a lot of good things about it, like the cut scenes and the voice acting, but it just wasn't enough. It was basically the Lord of the Rings version of Star Wars: Battlefront, but it had a weird ticket system in the story mode where you had limited lives. On one level those dragon things would swoop down literally out of nowhere and instantly kill your guy, and it took many attempts to do one simple task. It was just the most disappointing experience, especially since a little bit of polishing would have made it an excellent game.
red dead redemption....

first one jus didnt like after 20 minutes sold to a coworker on the cheap.

bf3 was just hard as it was my first fps game... now that i am use to it i would love to give it another go especially with bf4 as a pre order on xb1
Yeah, a couple of times but I will have to say the one game I definitely regret buying would have to be Shadow The Hedgehog on PS2. I was so excited about the game before it came out since all the commercials looked so cool and I was also looking forward to seeing the untold story of the character Shadow. Sadly, the game pretty much sucked and the gameplay was terrible in my opinion. Worst $40 I ever spent on a game by far.
One game that I regret buying would have to be MW3. I really liked it, it's just right after I bought it they announced a new Call of Duty game. LOL.
I still want to play Modern Warfare 3, despite the new game coming out. There were still a lot of people playing the first MW game well after the second came out, so it isn't that big of a deal when new games are released. I prefer the gameplay from the studio that makes Modern Warfare to the one that makes Black Ops, the latter of which I believe is developing Ghosts. In that sense, they're a lot like different game series.
not really, even bad games I like and keep just to say I have them and how horrible they really are...and so nobody else may suffer they're pain...
I regretted buying Wild Arms (spelling?) which is a JRPG. I love the JRPG genre and even played through Final Fantasy XIII to a point. I really like to work on completion activities and do the achievements for a game. This game's downfall is the upgrade/leveling up system. You could either go through a grueling process of getting characters stronger or you could exploit a grinding method using the casino. Either way wasn't fun and it sure didn't make the game anymore challenging. It was just a time consuming activity and ultimately I stopped half way through the game. That was one of the games where you can achieve a 1,000 gamer score for that game just by playing through all the story missions. That's pretty cool since everyone wants to have at least one 1,000 gamer score game, but this one sure wasn't it for me.
Not really. Don't think I've bought any terrible games. I usually find someone who's bought them and I just borrow them from my friends just to see what's so bad about them.
I regretted buying Hitman Absolution. I had watched a few gameplay videos for it on Youtube before I had bought it. Once I got it, I realized it wasn't as excitement as it looked in the trailers and Youtube, so I sold it on Ebay for fifteen dollars.
I regret buying Fallout 3 for the 360, but only because I later tried it on the PC and liked it much more. The game was much more enjoyable with keyboard+mouse and tons of mods.
It's rare that I regret buying a game, but I almost regret buying Black Ops 2.
I bought it just to play with my friends.:eek:

No graphic enhancement, same gameplay, DLC too expensive ....
A chance that Battlefield 3 is.

COD Ghost will surely be a little better ... I hope so.

I do not psense I regret buying my games, because I always excellent investment.
BF3 has cost me over $ 100 with Premium.:cool:
No, all the games I have bought, I at least played one hour of it. Not to mention that I will probably replay and give a second chance to the games I didn't complete. I can always save them as well, since there may be a chance someone else is a big fan of the series or game, therefore I would mostly sell it to them.
Ha, yeah, Brink.. I agree with that. I was so pumped up for that game. And it's okay. It's just... not what it was hyped up to be. I usually don't give in to hype, but I did that time. I think I more so regret buying it at full price, and within 8 months it had been dropped to $20. Now I'm sure you could find it for $10 or less used at Gamestop or somewhere.