Girl Gamers and Other XBL Demographics revealed


Former Moderator
Jun 24, 2012
The D
In the report, Turner revealed that almost 40 percent of the Xbox Live "audience" is female, which he stated was a "giant change" compared to the amount of female users the service had back when it was introduced. While it is unclear what the exact figures are for the female demographic are for today as well as the past, this is a huge piece of news.

Gaming, once thought of as a teenager boy domain, has gradually shifted to a more open club where both male and female users take part in the various advantages owning a video game console provides. However, it is strange that Turner would use the term "audience" to describe the Xbox Live user base, which may indicate that the company is focusing more on delivering a media centered experience rather than one that focuses on gaming.

I seriously had NO idea that there was such a high percentage of girls on XBL. I mean, I am one, so I know girls play, but 40% just blows me away. Also noted was that 42% of XBL users in the US spend at least 30 hours watching digital movies and shows through XBL (I'm assuming per month). Can you say Americans are addicted to their TV?!

Wow. That's an eye-opener for me. I always thought of a percentage of 10% female gamers and 90% male gamers, it sure feels that way to me. It's quite rare for me to find a girl in any game I play. My guess is that they just don't use their mics so they don't get "trash talked" by other male gamers.

As for the watching movies/TV shows on the Xbox, i'm a part of that percentage. I watch a lot of them through Netflix since it's so much more convenient than watching through my PC.
Well I knew there was a good percent of girl gamers from just watching twitch feeds... But I did not know it was 40%. That is a really good
Yes, and how many of those accounts are really female and how many of the accounts created by females are used in a daily or weekly basis?
Yes, and how many of those accounts are really female and how many of the accounts created by females are used in a daily or weekly basis?

This is the kind of reasoning that makes females either pretend to be guys or just not bother correcting others when they're assumed to be guys. It's just easier to never let the issue come if you want anything like respect or consideration. The only time you're likely to see some really want to be "female" is in an MMOPG setting and that's likely a dude trying to get free stuff.
Wow. That's an eye-opener for me. I always thought of a percentage of 10% female gamers and 90% male gamers, it sure feels that way to me. It's quite rare for me to find a girl in any game I play. My guess is that they just don't use their mics so they don't get "trash talked" by other male

Yeah its pretty crazy i had no idea! Still though not to be a stereotyping person but i feel like most of them just use it for netflix and other things. Either that or theyre just very casual gamers, as most of the girls that i know who play games are very very casual gamers.
I must be an exception then. I have a few girl friends that are as avid gamers as I am, but definitely not 40 percent, that's for sure!
i had an ex who was a major gamer. played wow(when younger) lots of ff, and is now big into saints row and grand theft auto.
he younger sister is also a gamer because of this. it was their way of bonding.

both are in the nursing field. and both are quite good at gaming. now allot of their time is spent on netflix and such..

the reason netflix/hulu,prime consume a large chunk of time is quite simple imo. if you are really into a show unless you dvr or have a job that allows you time weekly at a set time to be alone or away from life odds are your relying on a 3rd party to watch. it also gives you those select hours when people may be asleep and you cant to watch a 30 min show or that hour movie you have yet to see.

but i agree 40% is a huge number of the demographic.
I find those numbers hard to believe. I haven't encountered that many females on xbox live. Maybe I'm playing the wrong games online? I figured the number would be under 20%. Something more like 10%. I think this is a good thing. It provides common ground for men and women. I mean, what else do we have in common? We both eat and breathe. That's about it. It's nice to share a hobby together.
Yeah, my wife plays a lot (and is constantly harassed but that's another story) and I have many friends that are women that also play so this isn't really that surprising.
That's insane but seems realistic. 40% still seems high but there definitely are a lot more female gamers at play these days.
Not surprised at all. Girls have always played video games. If it's in the house and for the family, then usually the family will play together. The problem is that a lot of people dismiss girls as gamers, so they just play in their spaces without drawing attention or you have some girl gamers that want to make a statement and let you know that they and their crew can destroy yours, but this isn't a new habit.
Don't know how I feel about the source. I'd say 40 on gaming in general. Maybe a high influence in the Nintendo systems, but not Xbox Live to be that high.
The female gaming community is actually increasing greatly today. I'm sure males will always be a higher percentage, however, our group is growing. When I first heard the 40% were females, I thought it was huge... but then I was thinking, I'm still usually the only female in a game/match any time I'm playing. Males still are gaming more even though the number of females is increasing.
Funky jammer,

I agree. The number of girls that play nintendo products is much higher than the numbr that play xbox. I really feel like xbox live is played predominantly by men or male teens or even male adolescents. Women love nintendo. Sony is probably more of a diverse crowd than microsoft's gaming products. I'm not sure why men gravitate more towards microsoft products. It is what it is, I guess.
I still think a lot of the perceptions of the numbers that have been studied, researched and determined on a WIDE SCALE is due to the narrow scope in which a lot of you play. The reason why some of you are so shocked and/or happily surprised that you've met a woman that plays video games and the same type that you do is because you didn't believe such a thing could happen, as it doesn't happen on your friends list.