Xbox 360 How much time do you use on your 360?


New Member
Aug 25, 2013
I spend about an hour a day on mine, I realize that's not as much as some people but I really enjoy it. What about you?
A good hour over here as well, sometimes sporadically more on the weekends :)
Around 3 to 4 hours, but it changes in the weekends, because i have more time, but that doesn't always translate into more hours. I would say at least 15 hours per week, for certain.
I tend to binge. I'll go nearly a week without playing, usually because I just won't have time, then I'll sit there and play for 8 hours straight till 3 or 4 in the morning. Probably not healthy.
Depends on how much real life demands of me. Usually I stay up late to get in 2-3 hours a day, and usually on a Sunday I can get 4-6 hours as I usually spend that day doing errands, chores, or home projects. Many times I go without for weeks since you've gotta do what you've gotta do.
Depends on what my schedule is like for that day. Most of the time however, I would say about a couple hours a day, which I spend playing games in my off time.
I actually don't use my Xbox that much anymore. I used to about an hour to three hours a day. However, I'm currently having TV issues and I haven't played *my* Xbox in a couple months.
Not as much as I used to. I am playing more on my PS3 and PC than on 360 right now. But Xbox One is going to change it.
I don't do the eight hour binges like McFuzzy, but there are unfortunately stretches of time where I won't play at all. It usually has to do with the type of game I'm trying to complete. Games like Forza or Burnout Paradise, you can sit down for even 15 minutes and get in some good gaming and progress through it. A game like LEGO anything, you already know that you have to commit about an hour of time to get through a chapter.
Depends on the given week. Lately no more than 2 hours night, but I don't get to play every night either. When a new release is out then its all different. I'm sure GTA 5 will have me going on binges.
Now that i'm in college I hardly ever use it. I'm too crammed with so many assignments I can rarely play. On the weekends, when things are not as hectic I try to play for around 1-2 hours. It's nice and relaxing from the hard work you do during the weekdays.
I can't really pinpoint an exact number, but on average, about 2 hours on weekdays playing games. On the weekends it's often over 6 hours per night gaming and perhaps another 2 watching Netflix or Amazon Prime movies. It really depends on a very simple math formula.

How many beers I've had, divided by how many hours it took me to drink said beer, plus the number of times I've screamed obscenities at the TV for dying 8 times in a row, equals whether to watch a movie or continue playing!
I use my 360 for Netflix and everything else, so I would say that I use it at least four hours a day. Now, when you factor in how much my kids use it, that number increases substantially.
That is awesome! I would suppose the beer factor would have nothing to do with the 8 deaths in a row. Of course not, that would make you play better!
There are stretches of time where I wont play on my xbox, but when I do I spend about an hour and a half on it or even more if the game is harder and more complex. When I play Gears Of War which is my favourite game, I tend to spend half an hour on it at one time. If I play a game any longer than that I usually get bored.
I hardly do anything but work, watch sports, online videos and play video games. I spend about 16 hours a week on video games. When I was in college I was spending a good 6 hours a day playing video games. Looking back, that was kind of pathetic and I should have been socializing more. Meh, it is what it is. Sure beats a crack cocaine addiction, doesn't it? Though some days I think it is worse :)
I use my Xbox 360 all the time, for all my gaming needs. I don't use my Xbox 360 for anything other than media. I also use my 360 to watch movies, tv shows and Netflix. I use my Xbox 360 at least a hour on a weekday and at least 3 hours on a weekend.
MW2, Black Ops, and Halo 4 were the only games I spent time on, but boy oh boy did I play hours upon hours at a time. Now I pretty much don't play those games at all. Reflecting on the time I spent on Black Ops in particular (prestige 13) makes me feel disappointed. I've wasted way too many hours on shooters.
Well not counting the already 100+ hours ive spent on GTA V, i dont really go on my Xbox too much anymore. My wireless adapter is pretty much broken, or so i think because i cant usually connect to people and ill randomly disconnect sometimes. I also have gotten more into computer gaming over the years and play games where i can actually make good friends, because it seems like thats almost impossible to do on the Xbox for some reason. I recently bought Xbox gold just for GTA online and i dont regret it at all. Amazing online, ive been playing it nonstop