Xbox 360 Is the gaming console a dying trend?


Former Moderator
Jun 24, 2012
The D
Saw this graphic/chart on Daily Infographic today and thought it was pretty interesting. What are your thoughts? While I agree that mobile gaming is becoming more and more popular, I don't think console gaming will be replaced by mobile gaming anytime soon. I'd much rather play on a console and usually only play on my mobile device or tablet when I'm just taking a quick break. I don't expect much depth from mobile/tablet games and think they're quite different than console games. I often see parents letting their little ones play games with their phone or tablet, but they also have a lot less of an attention span than, say, an Xbox gamer.

Mobile/tablet gaming may perhaps hurt systems like the Wii and WiiU a little bit, perhaps because the majority of the games made for those systems are not that complex, as the systems themselves have a lower aged target market than the PS3 or Xbox 360, but only time will tell. The advantage that I see where the Wii and WiiU will do better is with the group games that kids love, such as Wii Sports, etc. where everyone can get active and involved in the gameplay...Okay, I'm done rambling.

I don't see console gaming dying out. Mobile offers very no-frills gaming experiences for the masses...which are ok when you are waiting for the bus, but they will never be able to offer the same entertainment value as a least not to those who care about such things :)
To people that care about quality and depth, a smartphone will never replace an XBox 360 or a PS3. If mobile gaming became the only choice offered, I would start backtracking and collecting old games and consoles that I missed out on the first time around. I have a couple of games on my cellphone that I play while waiting in line, but it's not the same as playing a console game. Consoles are not likely to go anywhere soon.
I really can't imagine console gaming dying out. I do think consoles, as we see them will change drastically in the next 8 to 10 years. When there's superfast network access across the world, all you'll need is some kind of terminal and the power of the CPU and graphics will only be dependent on how many computers you're networked too. We'll sort of have a world-sized farm of networked computers to draw upon.
Console gaming is nothing when compared to PC gaming, although I do not see consoles dying out in the near future as PC gaming can be quite expensive and unattractive to some people.
Considering how long gaming consoles have been around already, I can't see them dying out any time soon. They may have some competition, but then they keep evolving and upping the stakes.
PC gaming is sometimes like a different animal altogether, with enthusiasts spending hundreds of dollars on expensive graphics cards. They overclock CPU's and add extra cooling all so they can benchmark and get a good 3Dmark score. I can't afford all that so I'll stick with my console.
I don´t see gaming on consoles a dying trend at all, people who don´t like or have the time to mess with configurations like pc users do will always buy consoles because they want to put the game disc in tthe console and start playing right away. I think in the next generation of consoles there will be more competition, there are the rumors that some companies like Valve and Apple want to release their own consoles, but that is a good thing, more competition always results in better prices and products for consumers, so that won´t be a problem at all.
I agree with the previous post. Gaming console never dies, it just keeps getting better and better. Xbox, PS and Wii keep on improving theirs. I guess the old models will just be replaced by new ones. I remember my first xbox I got in 2004, it was replaced by the xbox 360 and soon I get one of those xbox kinect.
Everything is dying. Smartphones are dying. The question we all need to ask ourselves is how long will they be around before something better comes along and takes it's place. I have yet to see anything that has taken the place of the Xbox, PlayStation, or even the Wii.
Game consoles aren't going anywhere, everyone owns at least one. Wall st investors wish they would go away now because there is too much competition which means your game dollar is split between too many platforms to make any one of them ultra profitable. That's good for us but not so good for Wall st. Don't believe the death rumors, heck some houses still have the old Atari tucked away in the entertainment center.
I agree that competition is one thing from Smartphones; but you also have to look at the price for these things.
Alright so someone just shelled out a couple hundred bucks on a gaming console.. I really don't think it's in their best interest to be spending $60 on a new game every time.
Even $40 is a bit pricey and that was back in the PS2 days.

Not to mention the rise of DLC which I'm sure companies are pushing and pushing more upon their customers.
It's a total rip off when what's being purchased for something that's already on the disc can be used in buying a brand new game.
I would say - just opposite! I think there are still new consoles, because people are getting bored in playing on PC.
Hardly. I don't necessarily think people are bored of PC gaming, and I still think both console and PC games are popular.
I don't think game consoles are dying but they are declining because of the advancements of handheld games on cell phones and mobile devices. Still these mobile devices cannot replace the game console. It is just not the same experience in my opinion. I just hope the next generation of video game consoles will be more creative and enable the gamer to be more involved in the game.
I definitely dont think gaming console is dying. How it can it be dying when it recently surpassed even the film industry in sales, which is quite incredible.
I think that the iPhone apps and games are taking a huge portion away from the console market. I'm sure I recall reading something saying that there is at least 10% of the American games market being lost to apple. Which is a telling sign of people likeing the lower costs.
This question is always up. There is definitely more gaming happening on other platforms such as computers, tablets, phones, etc...
But I doubt console gaming will die out. I know a lot of people who game on many platforms, including myself.
Console gaming will always be there.I don't see it dying out anytime soon.
No way! PC's or Tablets and Smartphones can't compete with consoles when it comes to enjoyment. Consoles are designed for gaming, it's the best platform to experience games and with the new consoles coming out, the graphics will improve and catch up with the PC. There's no reason to think that consoles will become obsolete... they are awesome and people love using them. Plus, if you work sitting all way in front of a computer, you probably won't want to sit a few more hours in front of one just to play a game. Consoles offer a more chill and fun time.
Console gaming is nothing when compared to PC gaming, although I do not see consoles dying out in the near future as PC gaming can be quite expensive and unattractive to some people.

The thing that can be unattractive about PC gaming to some people, including me, is that you have to keep upgrading your computer because the requirements to play certain games keeps getting higher. I guess that's okay if you have money to keep upgrading your computer or keep buying faster computers. A console can last for several years and apart from maybe downloading an Xbox Live update, you don't have to do anything to upgrade your console to keep up with new games coming out. So it's easier and it also seems like there are more console games available than there are PC titles.
I have nothing against PC gaming, or any gaming, I'm just expressing why not everyone is cut out for PC games.
If I tried to run a brand new current PC game on the computer I use to surf the web, my PC would probably just die on me.