Xbox One Microsoft Xbox One 'Invitation' ad (video) puts the focus back on gaming


Former Moderator
Aug 31, 2013
Sony exploited the nostalgia of the PlayStation brand a few days ago and now it's Microsoft's turn to slosh some ad money around. The latest clip to be released on the official Xbox YouTube channel is simply called "Invitation," and it might be best be summed up as the exact opposite of the original Xbox One launch event. Instead of emphasizing Kinect, HDMI in/out and TV overlay features, what's being sold here is straight-up gaming immersion, with titles like Titanfall and Fifa 14 dominating the first part of the clip, leaving just a few seconds of screen time for movies, Skype and voice commands. This focus tallies with Microsoft's wider effort to re-jig its image among gamers, but it probably also has a lot to do with geography: this looks like a global advertisement and some parts of the world may not benefit so heavily from Microsoft's US-centric TV and content deals.


So what do you guys think? I thought this was epic! Really got to the gamer core that is the XBOX and serves as a great reminder of the fun times to be had and memories to make as we enter a new generation. It also is a direct parody of what Sony has been doing in reminding everyone its about the games. Hopefully this is only the first of many like ads as we approach November 22nd. The all-new Xbox One commercial features Star Trek's Zachary Quinto and Liverpool midfielder Steven Gerrard. The advertisement is the first from Microsoft's Xbox One global media campaign, scheduled to begin this weekend. The Guardian reports that the cost of Microsoft's global advertising campaign for the Xbox One is likely to be at least $100 million.

via Engadget
Well as the launch day gets closer I am getting more excited. After seeing all the new news and these videos I am glad I choose the Xbox One over ps4 to start with. :). Oh and I've watched this trailer like 6 times today already! Love it
I'm glad to see an ad that puts emphasis back on gaming. I think it's cool that the Xbox One will have the ability to function as an all-in-one entertainment center and everything, but really, I'm in it for the gaming. I was actually kind of disappointed to see how relatively little emphasis they put on gaming during E3 coverage.
I'm glad to see an ad that puts emphasis back on gaming. I think it's cool that the Xbox One will have the ability to function as an all-in-one entertainment center and everything, but really, I'm in it for the gaming. I was actually kind of disappointed to see how relatively little emphasis they put on gaming during E3 coverage.

You mean during the reveal? E3 was all about games.
That was a pretty cool advertisement showing all the stuff that the Xbox One is capable of doing. A nice combination of the new features added to it, with good footage of focus on games. It's nice to "see" that they didn't "forget" about gamers, as it really did feel like all the previous advertisements were intended for selling the Xbox One as a TV+Internet extension of some sorts.
Loved the advert. I've watched it on yt quite a few times now and will probably watch it a lot more before launch. I like the zombie bit best :)
I loved the Titan and zombie part. I think I'm up to 17 views now in two days :). I wish I had a fast forward button, I want the 22nd to get here.
its a good commercial. enjoyed it and wasnt to strong or felt aimed at gamers but more as whole.
Don't show me Kinect interaction that fluid and then disappoint me Microsoft! I really want Kinect to work that well, because if it does, it will change a lot of minds.