Xbox 360 Should I buy COD Ghosts?


New Member
Nov 24, 2013

I have bought almost all of the CoD series and really enjoyed playing Black Ops 2. Thats like the beast of the series.Anyhow Ghosts is out and I am planning to buy it. Is it really worth it? I have read many negative reviews about it and cant decide whether to buy it or not? :confused:

if you really enjoy the cod franchise it probably falls right in line with with bo2 only with better graphics and tweaks. both cod and bf4 are good games at what they deliver/offer.

cod is polished now and a well oiled working machine.

if you have no played bf4 check it out. if you enjoy the smaller fast paced maps.. domination and team domination are perfect fit. but you also get massive worlds with conquest. my only gripe with conquest i really how much is going on at one time..its hug maps and the vehicle aspect hire great as a gunner or driver.. as a foot soldier your always looking for cover.

my cousin has cod and i will probably play it and may end up getting it.. but i liked the versatility ofb f4.
Ghosts is a great game but I prefer Black Ops 2 over any other game in the Call of Duty series. They're all great though. You won't regret buying Ghosts.
Ghosts is a good game. But my problem with it is that it feels nearly identical to the last entry, and the one before that. Yeah its a decent enough game, but not a lot has changed.. And plenty of people are still playing Blops 2, so you really don't need to buy it unless your friends switch or something.
I agree with Lucas here. Sure, Ghosts is a good game, but it's basically the same game they've been spitting out for years now, all wrapped up in a fancy new package. If you've already got all the others, you're not really missing out on anything unless your friends have moved on to it and left you behind (which was the case with me, ha ha).
Ghosts is a great game, but you're going to need to adjust to the quick times to kill. Since you said you were a CoD veteran, I suggest you switch it up for this year and play BF4. However, if you don't like the BAttefield series, go ahead and buy Ghosts. I have both.
You've probably already made your mind up about it by now, but I would say buy it if you are a hardcore online gamer with Xbox friends who also play the game. Otherwise, I'd go with Battlefield 4.
I had this question recently, so I decided to rent it from Redbox. It's pretty good, if the online community is still alive for Black Ops II, I might just buy that instead. If you've played a COD game, you've played them all. Not sure what it is, but Ghosts feels like it is just missing something that Black Ops II has.
I had this question recently, so I decided to rent it from Redbox. It's pretty good, if the online community is still alive for Black Ops II, I might just buy that instead. If you've played a COD game, you've played them all. Not sure what it is, but Ghosts feels like it is just missing something that Black Ops II has.

Really??Ghosts is missing something?? I have to disagree for obvious reasons if you have played both games. I did love Blops 2. As far as ghosts go, I love that lag is 99.9% gone. I like that there are more than 3 ways around each map on ghosts. I also like the customization of your character and all the weapon/perk combos. Operations is a blast if you ever get bored and need a cool patch to work for.....Clan wars is pretty fun and keeps you playing and even gets you to play game types you normally wouldn't play. I could go on.

I actually feel as if Blops 2 is missing a lot that Ghosts has. I just wish all the dedicated servers were up. My guess is after Christmas.
The multiplayer is pretty much the same, but the singleplayer does change a bit compared to previous games. It has a few new guns and the maps are more diverse but beyond that it doesn't really change much.
To each their own. Going all the way back to CoD 4....I think this is the best one yet. It has a TON of new weapons and customiztions.
Blop2 and Ghosts are night and day...I was a big Blops2 fan but now Ghosts.
I remember being 12 years old and choosing call of duty 1 over robosapien. I've bought every single game since but I do not intend to buy ghosts. I do not think it is right to support the crutch of "Autobuyers" that this franchise is leaning on. I mean, I was among them, after all.
I have most of the them but still prefer Black Ops 2 since Ghosts has a Modern Warfare 3 feel to it in my opinion and has a similar pace to it. I'll probably buy it when it goes down in price since I'm still having fun on Zombies.
IMO, it's the worst one so far and the one that REALLY shows that Activision is just milking the cash cow at this point. I would say no.
Ghosts is just like the rest, a COD FPS with small-sized fast paced maps and many cinematics. I wouldn't buy it, but it might be your gig.