Whatsup XboxForums


New Member
Apr 1, 2013
Hey, I think this has to be the first gaming forum I've registered at. For any who want to know my gamertag is Epiclown. I don't play like I used to, probably because my xbox has turned into a piece of crap that leaves gashes on any disc I feed it, and I just haven't gotten around to buying a new one. I do play ps3 time to time, but work and college take that time up now. I pretty much signed up to talk about recently released games, or get a few xbox repair tips. I play mostly FPS and RPGs. Favorite games are COD: BO2, Skyrim, and GTA4. So...whatsup?! :D
Hello, welcome to the forums, I am Rainbow. I hope to see you around. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to the forums JD. Big fan of RPGs here.
Hey there, welcome to the forums! Everyone is really nice here and I hope you enjoy your stay :) my xbox used to eat disks too and leave like perfect circular scratches on the bottom, in the end I had to buy a new xbox because I didn't know what else to do lol.