Xbox 360 Why are there more male gamers?

I'm not sure that I've ever been aware of such a disparity between males and females. I've always played games, as have all my friends- male and female. I've played the dumb "Hannah Montana" and "My Horse and Me 2" (paying ridiculous money to get it off eBay) as well as every karaoke game made- not because they're "girl" games but because they're easy and I could boost my gamerscore with them. I play games like MW2 and Halo and Gears for the story.

I think that as long as a big emphasis is made of "girl vs boy" for games and gaming there will appear to be a divide, but there shouldn't be. Gaming is like every other hobby, in my opinion- some people like it and some don't. As long as I'm not playing on Xbox live with randoms, I usually don't think about my gender at all! :p
I think video games in general have always been a kind of audiovisual entertainment meant for men, that is why you almost can´t find female gamers, but since the launch of Wii, videogames are more accesible to anyone including female gamers.
It's funny that you should ask because I swear I just keep seeing more and more female gamers. I know I myself am just as interested in violent, creepy or otherwise 'unfeminine' style gaming, and I know plenty of other women who are as well. A lot of the women I know who say they don't like games haven't really tried them...and so how can they really say? Not necessarily liking the idea of something and not liking it are two different beasts altogether. But that's just my two cents.