Xbox One Will there be an Ace Combat 7 for nextgen? Remember when AC6 was announced for 360?

Parallax Scroll

New Member
Oct 5, 2013
I very much hope there will eventually be a proper numbered sequel, Ace Combat 7, within the next couple of years, for Xbox One.

No more sideshows--I wasn't thrilled with AC Assault Horizons and don't have much interest so far in AC Infinity.

Does anyone here remember in early 2007 when Ace Combat 6 was rumored to be in the works for 360...
...then BAMB, those Famitsu scans came out ? I didn't decide to 'jump in' and eventually get a 360 until the day I saw those scans (ack! can't post links yet so just google for them in the meantime)

I do. I remember.

That's what made me choose the 360 over the PS3, of all games :cool:

As soon as I could save up enough for a reliable 360, I got one and ended up finding a preowned Ace-Edge flightstick.
Stayed up all night playing. I didn't even get to the stack of other 360 games I bought until the next day.

Sure AC6 had its flaws but it was the first game in the series to have HD graphics, massive-scale battles, (semi) dynamic missions,
overwhelming allied support from the air, land and sea, among other features. Not to mention online play.

AC6 was the last AC I enjoyed. While it was no AC5 in terms of story and # of missions, it was still fun as heck.
My only real complaint against it was that it was only 30fps, not 60 like every PS2 game in the series (4, 5, Zero).

I want the thrill of seeing a next-gen AC7 on both of the new consoles in a couple years.

What say you?