Xbox 360 Will there ever be a new Fable?


New Member
Mar 23, 2013
We absolutely hate the newest kinnect Fable "Journey". Sure wish a new Fable, we can use the controller with, would come out. Some of us like the laid back RPG. Just sayin'.
Personally, I'm doubtful with there being another one. I'm fine with it. I think they balanced those games to have so much replay value people shouldn't need to even consider a fuss about a new game. The first two were stellar and I can only assume the third was just as good. I didn't play it, but should look to pickup a used copy in my near future.

The production on these games peaked and I think it would be best to bury the series for the best.
Agreed. The fable series was immersive in a new way, but it hasn't been making revolutionary moves in story telling with time. The same way 2.5d does attract nearly as many gamers as it did a decade or two ago, we've grown past it. I still play The Lost Chapters here and there on PC though haha
If there is a new fable, we should have the ability to travel by air, sea and car to conquer other lands that we find. In the same manner as the previous ones I.E charming them or pillaging them but, the ability to charter off and find some far out land and take it over and build up another empire from nothing kinda thing.
Yeah, some games have enough ways to replay them that it isn't really necessary to buy a new game - the experience can be enjoyed over and over for the same purchase price... definitely the way to go!