Xbox One Would you go for a Meditation App?


New Member
Nov 23, 2013
I've been using an app called Calm on my iPhone for a while now and it relaxes my mind for 6-10 minutes a day, just to let me strip out all the stress I get from work. So that makes me wonder: would any of you X1 owners go for a meditation app? I'd go for it, so I can relax in front of the TV.
I've been using an app called Calm on my iPhone for a while now and it relaxes my mind for 6-10 minutes a day, just to let me strip out all the stress I get from work. So that makes me wonder: would any of you X1 owners go for a meditation app? I'd go for it, so I can relax in front of the TV.

I'd probably go for it. It would be useful maybe a couple of hours playing and you can't get through a certain level or maybe you died a lot on a game, this would be a good stress reliever.
I've been using an app called Calm on my iPhone for a while now and it relaxes my mind for 6-10 minutes a day, just to let me strip out all the stress I get from work. So that makes me wonder: would any of you X1 owners go for a meditation app? I'd go for it, so I can relax in front of the TV.

Yes, I'd totally go for it. We all need to have some calm in our lives so why not? I use the app as well so yes, a nice app like this on a console would help us gamers relax. You get pissed at some douchebag gamer, so why not have the app to relieve you right? I'll totally go for this.
Why not? With all the craziness going on in the gaming world, it's nice to have an app like this relax. Like what thedoodseven said, I'm sure there'll be some gamers there who'll make you go mentally crazy so it's nice to take 5 minutes out of your time and just relax.
Why not? With all the craziness going on in the gaming world, it's nice to have an app like this relax. Like what thedoodseven said, I'm sure there'll be some gamers there who'll make you go mentally crazy so it's nice to take 5 minutes out of your time and just relax.

I guess that would be quite a good thing for us. Well especially me because I play my Xbox One everyday even after work so I need something to keep my mind relaxed.
Why not? With all the craziness going on in the gaming world, it's nice to have an app like this relax. Like what thedoodseven said, I'm sure there'll be some gamers there who'll make you go mentally crazy so it's nice to take 5 minutes out of your time and just relax.

A relax app? Hmm. Not bad. I didn't know it was available on Iphone. I might as well download this later.
A relax app? Hmm. Not bad. I didn't know it was available on Iphone. I might as well download this later.

It's called Calm. I have the app too and believe me, it relaxes you. You can stay with the default Calm segments or buy other segments such as Forgiveness, Focus and other sessions that can have you get into the titled emotion. But the Calm sessions can do you good already. Oh and my thoughts on the idea of a relax app for XB1? Awesome. Gamers need that.
It's called Calm. I have the app too and believe me, it relaxes you. You can stay with the default Calm segments or buy other segments such as Forgiveness, Focus and other sessions that can have you get into the titled emotion. But the Calm sessions can do you good already. Oh and my thoughts on the idea of a relax app for XB1? Awesome. Gamers need that.

I have that too on my phone. I use it especially at times when I have a very difficult patient that I need to operate on.
I have that too on my phone. I use it especially at times when I have a very difficult patient that I need to operate on.

I got the app too. Helps me relax when doing work. And wow, that's nice to hear. Seeing all those medical movies where operations are displayed, I really see the tension there, and it's really awesome to hear an app like Calm helps with you on operations. Sweet.
Sure, who wouldn't? I got the app too and it's phenomenal. It really helps you relax a lot. Even the 2 minutes sessions can keep you calm after a day's work. So yes, a meditation app for the XB1 will rock.
It would be different... I wouldn't be opposed to it.

A Calm-like app would be cool for Xbox One or consoles in general. For something that is generally recreational you do get plenty of times when you get frustrated or annoyed.
Absolutely. Could you imagine how cool it would be to pop in a meditation DVD or stream it live and put it over the external sound system for the whole house to benefit from? Our whole family would be zen then. I have a few meditation apps on my iPhone that I listen to alot when I am waiting in a lobby or for something to start since I am an impatient person and find myself getting worked up when I have to wait longer than a few minutes. Maybe playing meditation stuff on the Xbox would help soothe the savage beast when the kids come in totally out of control!
I hadn't even thought about streaming it throughout the whole house. Good idea, novasparker. I could see the whole house being chill by then.
Oh god, Dark Souls would really warrant a meditation app. That game can be frustrating at times.