Xbox One Xbox One a game-changer for advertising?


New Member
Sep 6, 2013
(The video can't be embedded due to it being a Fox Proprietary Video)

The video talks about how Microsoft plans to use the kinect for advertising. What are your thoughts? Like or Dislike?

Personally I kind of like the idea because most commercials I could care less about :) But there are some that I like to watch such as movie trailers, NFL game schedules and new TV Series announcements. I dislike those fast food commercials around dinner time ;)

Via FoxBusiness
I don't understand what is positive about this. I hate the idea of advertising invading my gaming experience, and no amount of "interactive ads" are going to change my mind.
I don't understand what is positive about this. I hate the idea of advertising invading my gaming experience, and no amount of "interactive ads" are going to change my mind.

This sums it up. Looks like I've found another comrade who detests advertising. I don't want kinect to interrupt my gaming experience or any of my experiences on xbox one in order to attempt to sell me some dumb product. Down with advertising! We pay to play the games, not to have advertising imposed on our gaming experience.
This sums it up. Looks like I've found another comrade who detests advertising. I don't want kinect to interrupt my gaming experience or any of my experiences on xbox one in order to attempt to sell me some dumb product. Down with advertising! We pay to play the games, not to have advertising imposed on our gaming experience.

The way I understand it is that this only affects when your watching tv through your Xbox one. This is not while your playing your games. So there for it's not going to interrupt your gaming experiences.
Oh and the playstation 4 will be doing the exact same thing as well in the future according to the report.
I think this only matters if you're using the console to watch television or the like. Otherwise you'll (hopefully) never see it. No, the big (negative) news will be the day they announce "non-intrusive" advertising during gameplay.
The way I understand it is that this only affects when your watching tv through your Xbox one. This is not while your playing your games. So there for it's not going to interrupt your gaming experiences.

Oh and the playstation 4 will be doing the exact same thing as well in the future according to the report.

It's amazing how when the actual facts come out, the jeers and boos come to a standstill.