Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4 - Opinions


May 27, 2013
Let the games begin! who do you think will win the war of the next gen? PS4 has not said much yet and i'm sure Xbox One has a few more tricks up their sleeve. So who do you think takes it and why?

I don't think PS4 will come up with a better user friendly interface than Xbox One off that bat, they never have. They will most likely have inferior online gaming unless they start charging. They do not seem to be gaining any exclusives over Microsoft. These are only a few reasons why I think Microsoft has the advantage. Thoughts?
Xbox for the win! Xbox has so much more going for it. It supports 4K technology in both games and video, unlike PS4 which only supports 4K video and playback.

PS4 will have to start to charge for live acess if they want to try to compete with the already est. 30k servers using cloud technology! PS4 is using Gankia and they wont be able to touch microsofts server status!

Xbox does everthing PS4 does and has live TV. As far as gaming goes its not a very compelling argument but future advances with 4K and live tv can only strengthen everything going for Xbox.

Quote from! With subscription TV over IP coming from Intel later this year, there’s always a chance that Microsoft could partner with Intel or other over IP pay-TV service to bring a full live TV experience to the Xbox One. Why fight with cable cards when a software update could deliver the same content? Yea xbox has tricks up its sleeve!

15 new titles promised before the end of 2013 and E3 where they will showcase their games! PS4 May have more powerful hardware by specs but sony has compensated for this in their cloud technology. It will compensate the heavy load on the xbox DDR3 processor and it will be operating at super fast fram rates!

I dont see Sony being able to compete with microsofts servers and the xbox system offers a lot more technologies than PS4. Xbox was designed to embrase future technologies as they present themselves and sony well they will be stuck in 1080 land while microsoft moves into the high resolution era!
I think PS4 will win. I mean, like many people have said in the recently, Xbox seems more like a media centre and this is putting people off, plus the reveal was pretty annoying. Hopefully PS4 will be more concentrating on what gamers want - a gaming console! It's still hard to say at this moment in time though. I have always preferred PlayStation over Xbox, and I don't see that being changed any-time soon with the latest console war.
Seeing as we already have a pro Xbox post, I'll say why the PS4 is better. To be honest, I don't think eithier is better at the moment.

- 8gb of DDR5 RAM compared to Xbox using DDR3. This means that the PS4 will be able to pull out more memory at once while the Xbox won't be able to process that much data.

- PS4 has more RAM dedicated to gaming. The Xbox has said they are only putting 5GB of RAM to gaming while the PS4 boasts a strong 7GB

- PS4 GPU/CPU has a much better over clock speed than the Xbox.

- The PS4 will have higher FPS than the Xbox, simply because of better hardware.

- Game streaming will allow PS4 users to go back and play early games from the previous Playstation consoles.

- More focused on gaming

Of course, I don't think any arguments for the Xbox one or PS4 really mean anything at the moment. We'll have to wait for E3.
The xbox reveal was only part 1 of a 2 part reveal. If u watched the after reveal intervews u would know microsoft announced the second part of the reveal will be E3 where they quoted; E3 will be about games games games. Microsoft also stated there will be 15 titles before the end of 2013. They still know that core gamers run the market and they will show more at E3. Its smart stradigy. U never want to lay all your cards down at once. Microsoft knows this!
I think PS4 will win. I mean, like many people have said in the recently, Xbox seems more like a media centre and this is putting people off, plus the reveal was pretty annoying. Hopefully PS4 will be more concentrating on what gamers want - a gaming console! It's still hard to say at this moment in time though. I have always preferred PlayStation over Xbox, and I don't see that being changed any-time soon with the latest console war.

Its vice versa for me. I used to be a PlayStation guy, but as time went on everyone i knew had an xbox and if you wanted to play with your friends your getting an Xbox. I own all the systems as i'm a big believer in taking advantage of what everyone has to offer. Xbox Live is great which Sony is trying to compete against and Microsoft need a media center which is what alot of people bought a ps3 for. Jury is still out on how to utilize the specs. Its a wait and see game. Either way, its way too early to have a good guess on what will happen to we see what is in store at E3. I know the Xbox 360 didn't disappoint so i think they'll be fine.
Your right in some aspects JasonPL the PS4 is 50% more powerful than the xbox one. Dont forget that Microsoft has compensated for this power difference with xtra ram / memory dedicated to their cloud engine. This will lift a lot of weight off the less powerful DDR3 processor.

U have to look at online capibilities ae well. Not much is know at this point except sony is teamed up with gankia and xbox has 30k servers ready.

Another key factor is how are game developers going to incorperate this additional power? Its been provin when u have a muti platform game the developers program it to work at the lowest common denominator meaning they will build it to the lowest sytems opperating specs.

What about years down the line when higher resolution TV are more avalible and affordible. Sony dosent support 4k gaming only 4k video and playback. Xbox will be ready for higher resolutions and sony will be stuck in 1080. Yes u can arguee the amount of memory it will take to download it to the xbox one and it has a 500GB internal hard drive but I wont be suprised to see xbox use1 TB usb devices for additional memory.

as far as backwards compadibility get ready to pay to stream those games. It wont be as easy as putting your old games in and downloading then to PS4s cloud. Im sure Xbox will stream backward compatible games as well.

As of now the grass may look greener on the PS4 side but time will tell and my doller goes to microsoft on this one. Of course these are all opinions and speculations at this point. Only time will tell and E3 will shine some new light on what tricks these companys are keeping from us.
I don't care about power or any of that crap. Sony has better exclusives and Playstation Plus' Instant Game Collection, which makes me prefer the PS4 for now.
Quite frankly, I'm going to have to wait for E3 so that I will have a better opinion but as it stands now I'm leaning more towards the Playstation 4 than I am the One. Microsoft is going to have to put up one hell of a show to be able to win me over. I'm talking about:

1. Tons of amazing exclusives
2. Free online capabilities or at least some very damned good reasons for Xbox Gold.
3. Announcement that the Xbox One will be able to sexually service its master.
I am also waiting for E3 to make any concrete desisions, but right now I think I'm leaning towards the PS4, but like I said I can't be sure just yet. The Xbox One is great and so is the PS4, ugh, tough decision all around really.... Can I just get both? :)
"Your right in some aspects JasonPL the PS4 is 50% more powerful than the xbox one."
Then why is the PS4 having trouble with displaying 1080p/60fps, while the Xbox One is running Forza Motorsport 5 at 1080p/60fps?
I don't care about power or any of that crap. Sony has better exclusives and Playstation Plus' Instant Game Collection, which makes me prefer the PS4 for now.

Basically this. What good exclusives will Xbox One get that they already didn't from previous consoles? Halo, Gears of War, Forza, i ain't saying that they are bad, it's just that... there aren't any more, at least with good quality.
Basically this. What good exclusives will Xbox One get that they already didn't from previous consoles? Halo, Gears of War, Forza, i ain't saying that they are bad, it's just that... there aren't any more, at least with good quality.
Why not wait until they announce the games before making judgment. My guess right now is that they will be more my type of games than the already announced PS4 ones. I know I can't wait for the new Forza Motorsport 5.
As much hate that the Xbox One is getting so far, I still they have a chance at competing with the PS4. They're making good decisions at the moment such as partnering with companies like TRITON, and indie game developers which I really like. They're compensating us for the features that some people may not like.
Basically this. What good exclusives will Xbox One get that they already didn't from previous consoles? Halo, Gears of War, Forza, i ain't saying that they are bad, it's just that... there aren't any more, at least with good quality.

BlackSolaris, don't forget Dead or Alive and the hot bouncy babes. That's also a great exclusive. And they also have the super cute game Kinectimals under their belt. I absolutely love those. There's also the possibility of old games getting revived like Perfect Dark. I know that Microsoft would try to do better in the games department.
Seeing how Microsoft has never allowed hackers to access my information, I'll be going with the Xbox One. I may get the PS4 as well, but you won't catch me putting any information on it that I don't want hackers to access xD
Seeing how Microsoft has never allowed hackers to access my information, I'll be going with the Xbox One. I may get the PS4 as well, but you won't catch me putting any information on it that I don't want hackers to access xD

Ouch, low blow.

While I think most Playstation fans agree that the network going down was a huge problem, I'm sure even the most one-eyed Xbox supporters know that afterwards Sony was very protective with it's network. I'm nearly certain that the Playstation network for the new generation will be just as hard (or easy) to hack as Xbox live or they will at least have a back-up plan to alert users and get rid of any important information.
Ouch, low blow.

While I think most Playstation fans agree that the network going down was a huge problem, I'm sure even the most one-eyed Xbox supporters know that afterwards the amount of money spent on security was ridiculous. I'm nearly certain that the Playstation network for the new generation will be just as hard (or easy) to hack as Xbox live or they will at least have a back-up plan to alert users and get rid of any important information.
I have to agree with Viper here. MS is always ahead of the game with new software tech, Sony seems to be playing catch up all the time.
MS will have the lead when it comes to online architecture. I have no qualms about admitting that Sony was behind when it comes to the online game. But I also expect them to learn from their mistakes and offer a great online experience this generation and if they remain free, they will have an edge over Microsoft.
MS is always ahead of the game with new software tech, Sony seems to be playing catch up all the time.

Wasn't the PS3 famously faster than the Xbox 360? Though I suppose that's hardware, what software are you referring to?

It comes down to games for me, exclusive titles make the difference. When I had my original Xbox, I was jealous the PS2 had GTA and I didn't, but those days are long past. Now with Halo and Gears of War on the Xbox, I don't know of anything Sony has that I'm dying for. Diablo 3? I already have it on PC, so that wouldn't sway me.

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