Xbox One You looking forward to the new Call of duty?


New Member
Jun 25, 2014
With all the news coming out about the new game.
You looking forward to the game?
I'm just gonna pretend that CoD doesnt exist and go on with my gaming life
Honestly I think that COD is a dying franchise. It seems like the more games that come out the worst they get. I just think that they are riding on the coat tail of the success that they have had with the game in the earlier days but now it seems as if they have ran out of gas and that it is just not worth getting the new games. I remember when I used to like call of duty now I just think that I do my best to just stay away from the game because really I don't think that it is worth my time.
The FPS genre in general is starting to struggle, but I have no doubt that Call of Duty will figure out a way to refresh itself. The new game looks solid and a huge step above Ghosts. Black Ops 2 had a pretty dark storyline that was interesting enough. I'm just glad they made some major changes to gameplay, whether they took those ideas from other sci-fi properties or not. If a breakthrough doesn't come in the next title or two, then maybe we can all the franchise a dying one. It's alive and kicking right now, though, far outgrossing other franchises, which is what matters most to companies.
Not to be mean or anything but I can't remember the last time that I was actually looking forward to a Call of Duty game. I have lost interest in the Call of Duty series almost entirely and I will probably not even look up any type of information on it.
Sounds like a good plan sidd230, I feel the same way at times. It can be frustrating to wait for the games to come out.
For me, Black Ops 2 featured an amazing story and so-so multiplayer. Then Ghosts came out and featured a so-so campaign with so-so multiplayer. Advanced Warfare needs to come out and hit both of these categories out of the park or it will be seen as just another CoD game. I think Sledgehammer Games can pull it off, but I'll remain skeptical until the game actually releases to consoles.
Nope, never been a fan of the series. I think it's the most overated series ever. However, I'm not going to diss a game until I've seen how it looks.