25% off 1 year of Xbox Live Gold


Former Moderator
Jun 24, 2012
The D
Hey guys, just thought I'd share this Groupon link for 25% off of a 1 year XBL Gold membership. It's good for two more days or so, so hurry up and get it!
Wow, that's awesome! Going to get one so that I could give it away as a christmas present INSTEAD of actually having to pay the full price ;) Again, thanks for sharing this because this is REALLY useful!
Well well, for once I get to a deal in time!!! A rarity for me I assure you. Thanks for this jstep. I don't want it. But I know of a few people I can get this for as a little bit of a stocking stuffer.
Do you know if they post these deals more than once on Groupon? I may have to keep an eye out...
Do you know if they post these deals more than once on Groupon? I may have to keep an eye out...

Doubt it on groupon. I'd suggest cheapassgamer.com to find deals for it.
I usually see the year XBL on sale near the big holidays, although I've noticed Walmart has it on sale quite a bit.
Thanks for the discount links. I usually just buy a few free month trial cards from people on Amazon or ebay, but the shipping does add up. I have tried getting free Amazon gift cards in the past to cover the costs, but my Live is expiring in a week and I don't have that kind of time. Lame. I don't know how I would survive without my Deathmatch on GTA IV.
Whenever I see these full year cards hit the market I start to wonder what bad news we are about to hear over the next six months. They usually try to lock in users through a change that people won't like, so what might it be this time?

Apparently it's the xbox 720(or whatever they end up calling it). They've made changes that will force you to buy new games only and you will no longer be able to trade them in or buy used games. Would you still want your xbox membership if you're not wanting to pony up $79 for every game you own? Something to think about.
Apparently it's the xbox 720(or whatever they end up calling it). They've made changes that will force you to buy new games only and you will no longer be able to trade them in or buy used games. Would you still want your xbox membership if you're not wanting to pony up $79 for every game you own? Something to think about.
If the 720's rumors are true and they are gonna force people to buy new games to kill used game sales then I am out. I am out. So out. If Sony does that too then I guess maybe PC will be the only thing left...
You can usually find a decent deal on cards via Amazon, they sometimes knock a small precentage off the price for the online versions. I wouldn't worry about the next console as the market for the current one is stable for the next few years.

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