Xbox One Alien: Isolation Trailer and details coming out via XBL Marketplace


Former Moderator
Jun 24, 2012
The D

So, not much has been revealed in the past about Alien: Invasion, but it looks like it is on the verge of being announced if this Xbox Marketplace posting wasn't supposed to go live yet. It looks like it could be a pretty cool game. Kind of reminds me of Mass Effect a bit. What do you guys think? Anyone been looking forward to this?

Discover the true meaning of fear in Alien: Isolation, a survival horror set in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger. Fifteen years after the events of Alien™, Ellen Ripley’s daughter, Amanda enters a desperate battle for survival, on a mission to unravel the truth behind her mother's disappearance. As Amanda, you will navigate through an increasingly volatile world as you find yourself confronted on all sides by a panicked, desperate population and an unpredictable, ruthless Alien. Underpowered and underprepared, you must scavenge resources, improvise solutions and use your wits, not just to succeed in your mission, but to simply stay alive.

Definitely gave me a Dead Space vibe, which is great, because I loved that game.
What, digital only? What the heck Sega! Anyway, the gameplay reminds me of Daylight that is coming out on the PS4. Dark surrounding with only the flashlight as the source of light. After Colonial Marines, I'm going to wait until more details or at least more gameplay is shown.
Hmmmm... so the rumors were true, that they're doing this game. I hope this doesn't end up like Colonial Marines. But this one looks interesting. We'll see.
O_O Whoa... this is... whoa. This is going to be good. And it's scary. Yes, looks like Daylight to me but with a sci-fi setting. All right, give me a demo and I'll see what I think of it.
Well, this one surprises me. I was already looking at Daylight but this game just had my attention. all right, Sega, you'd better do well on this 'cuz if it ends up like Colonial Marines... just stop with the Aliens!
I don't want to be hyped for this. Colonial Marines had me going but when I saw the final product, I was disappointed. I'll reserve my judgement until I see the game and play it myself. It's so easy to make you feel hyped and then suddenly all that hype is blown to pieces when you play a game that doesn't live up the hype.
Ehhh... yeah, it looks good and sounds good. But remember what happened with Colonial Marines? Anyway, we'll see if this game can live up to its potential. I would hate it if it suddenly ends up like Colonial Marines. We'll see, we'll see.
Yeah it's pretty much confirmed that this is going to be a thing but I have a hard time with being supportive of it. Mainly because Aliens: Colonial Marines is still pretty fresh in my memory and I haven't forgotten how bad that game was. Because it was pretty awful. Hopefully this is better and the game Aliens fans have been waiting for though I do need to see some of it.
Definitely gave me a Dead Space vibe, which is great, because I loved that game.

Yeah, it does give me the Dead Space feel. Looks like Sega revived another cool game. Well from what I know it was made out of the movie.
I'm willing to reserve judgment on this and believe that it isn't going to be a giant disappointment like Colonial Marines which still makes me angry to this day. So far everything looks good but weren't we fools by CM too. Remember the fact that Gearbox was behind it, how much they claimed to love the series. I will not be fooled again, my pessimist hat is on.
Borderlands 2 is always going to rock and roll my way but seriously man, maybe they just didn't have it in them to make a great Alien game. They probably should just stick with making Borderlands games and other games instead of movie-based games. I'll be willing to give this another shot but phew, glad this one is not Gearbox-developed.
Great, Now that's a great release. Well they have scheduled great releases this year and next year, but I didn't expect something like this to come out. this is truly a game to watch out for. Well same as Dying light. I can't wait to play these games.
But remember: Colonial Marines. That game had potential but it ended up being trash. But this is after all being developed by a different developer so I think a demo can give us a good idea how it plays. Well, E3 is there to show us some more clips./
Yeah, I guess you're right. But I haven't seen any trailers online yet. Just pictures. Well, I'll just wait for some news about this game.
There's actually a trailer. Right here in this topic thread. But if you're talking about more gameplay, yeah, no new ones yet at the moment. But we'll see if this game can eradicate the bad memories of CM.