Xbox One Any Xbox One features you're still hoping for?


Active Member
May 22, 2013
Let's ignore all of the recent bad press about Internet connectivity, etc. Let's instead focus on features that may or may not be on the final system

Are there any features you're still holding out hope for? What's a feature that you haven't heard anything about that you'd like to see them implement, either for the One or further down the road?

For me, I'd like to see the Illumi Room concept taken to the next level and for it to become an optional feature for all upcoming games and One features. If you're unfamiliar, here's what it looks like. It's kind of like an advanced projector.


I'd love to see this idea fully fleshed out. Right now it has potential, but if game designers focused on this they could really take it places. If you have the room for it, it'd be awesome to have menus or game maps displayed on the wall. Of course, I'd like to see plenty of customization such as the ability to decide where the game map shows up on the projected display.

What features would you like to see fleshed out further or in the new console?
I saw the Illumi Room presentation awhile back, I love the concept; and they were able to do that with the old Kinect technology. I wish they would implement a one button screen cap to share on the Cloud. Why do PC gamers get all the fun with screen capping? I also wish they would implement a quick disable function of the controller when watching media. I cannot tell you how many times I've been watching Netflix and myself or my wife or my dog or my kids bumps the controller and all hell breaks loose on Netflix!
I saw the Illumi Room presentation awhile back, I love the concept; and they were able to do that with the old Kinect technology. I wish they would implement a one button screen cap to share on the Cloud. Why do PC gamers get all the fun with screen capping? I also wish they would implement a quick disable function of the controller when watching media. I cannot tell you how many times I've been watching Netflix and myself or my wife or my dog or my kids bumps the controller and all hell breaks loose on Netflix!

That's not a bad idea. I've had similar problems with my systems, especially the Wii. If you move the Wii controller even a little and the sensor picks up on it they'll display the menu for a good 15-20 seconds. Kills the Netflix experience. It probably wouldn't be too hard for when you're using the One to watch media to make one of the buttons a "disable" or something like that.
That's not a bad idea. I've had similar problems with my systems, especially the Wii. If you move the Wii controller even a little and the sensor picks up on it they'll display the menu for a good 15-20 seconds. Kills the Netflix experience. It probably wouldn't be too hard for when you're using the One to watch media to make one of the buttons a "disable" or something like that.
Heck, with the awesome voice integration upgrade they could program in: "Xbox, disable controller." That would be very, very useful imo. I'm glad you shared that Illumi Room video too, I felt like that was super cool, and it seemed to just slip under the radar.
Wow, that looks awesome! I've never seen an actual footage of the Illumi room, but after seeing this, I'm interested. It looks a bit too hard to focus though.

One thing I'm probably hoping for is the Oculus Rift. A completely immersive headset will be amazingly compatible with the Xbox One features. You can probably play games, and watch TV with it. It's one thing that I'm hoping they implement since it will boost their sales by quotes bit.
I'm not sure if I like the idea of Illumi Room or not, haha. It's seems so cluttered, perhaps actually playing it would change my opinion though. Now Oculus Rift is something I am very, very excited for and a part of me really hope it is amazing and really does revolutionize the way we play games. It honestly seems like it has the potential to make the change in gaming actually substantive rather than simply changing the controller or upgrading the graphics. If Oculus Rift becomes a thing and is awesome, I will be sooo happy.
A better Kinect implementation for the games.
I ain't saying Kinect only games, but seeing how this will be pushed down our throats with every console bundle, they could at least implement it with some games in creative ways.
I like the IDEA of the illumiroom in general, but the way they show it in the video is not idealised really.
I like the IDEA of the illumiroom in general, but the way they show it in the video is not idealised really.

Very true. It shows the concept, but it doesn't really show the idea fully thought out. Instead of answering questions, that video left me asking more. I'd love to see more on what the device can really do, what it requires and perhaps most importantly what it won't be able to do. It's a feature I'd like to see fleshed out quite a bit further and I'm a bit surprised we're not seeing or hearing more about it in regards to the One.

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