Anyone else here read?


Active Member
Mar 17, 2014
I read pretty heavily. My tastes usually fall between fantasy and science fiction. What about you guys? Anyone else here read? If so, what are your favorite genres, and what are you into right now?

I've gotten into William Gibson recently. Idoru is a pretty solid novel. I can't believe it's taken me this long to read some of his classic works.
I do read quite a bit. I'm a big fan of the Freakonomics podcast so recently I've read Freakonomics, Superfreakonomics and Gang Leader For A Day. All pretty interesting. I also read quite a bit of fiction and recently finished The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, my first Sherlock Holmes book ever.

Right now I'm selecting the nest book I'll read and am leaning heavily towards some cyberpunk goodness. Probably Neuromancer or Snow Crash.
I read freakanomic it was a good one. I also liked Rich dad poor dad it gave me a different perspective on economics. I enjoy self help books and also any books by Eric Jerome Dickey. Right now i read a lot of books on how to make money online and how to start a business at home. I guess my reading isn't as leisurely as it used to be.
I read like crazy. I read a lot of fiction-Right now it's David Baldacci's The Hit. BUT- Love love love Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell and Influence-The Power of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini.
Oh, Snow Crash was such a good book. Neal Stephenson is an amazing author. It can take me weeks to work through something he writes, though. His prose is just so dense.

And Neuromancer was what got me into Gibson! Someone recommended it to me and said I'd love it. They were right. Idoru is much different, but still enjoyable.
I just finished reading an old novel from John Palahnuk, its a little book called "Fight Club" and man was I blown away. That book is written pretty well, I mean for a plot twist like that, he certainly pulled it off. I also just finished watching the film adaptation with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton and it was equally great.
I LOVE to read. I use to read a lot of Dean Koontz. Lately I've been reading Since Fiction/Dystopia type books. I'm in a post apocalyptic phase right now. It is hard to find a unique story line/plot in that genre though. They all tend to be the same after a while. I am currently reading Sand Omnibus by Hugh Howey. I hope it's a little better than his one before, Wool Omnibus.

Does anyone use the website? Started using it not to long ago. Downloaded an app for the website on my Kindle Fire too. If anyone has an account feel free to add me, user name: Epic Trixie
I used to love reading but I just went off of it completely, I barely have time to read! I can't even sit still for 2 minutes and read a text message. But I would love to get back into reading, and I love the feel of books, I hate reading on e-readers.
I mainly read older sword and sorcery titles like Kane, Elric, Imaro, Kull, and Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. Not a big fan of reading high fantasy (Harry Potter, LOTR, Eragon, etc...though I like the films). Too much with elves, dwarves, their histories, cultures, and histories (I greatly admire Tolkien's world building, but damn...)

I also read about wrestling, civil rights movement of the 50s and 60s, Black Wall Street, wild west history, piracy, organized crime etc.
I don't read books as much as I'd like to.I have the time, I'm just not extremely motivated to sit and get actual reading in.
I used to read a lot more than I do now, especially when I was younger. Now I'm lucky if I get through a book every month or so, but I'm much busier now than I was when I was younger. Now I mostly read when I'm on the toilet, so I leave my kindle beside it, loaded with a ton of books. I'll slowly make my way through one, and I'll usually end up spending more time on the toilet than I really need to because I want to keep reading.
I used to wonder why people had libraries in their bathrooms. Now I know, haha. That's actually kind of a smart idea. I can't believe I didn't think of that before. Time to dress up the commode with some literature.
I mainly read older sword and sorcery titles like Kane, Elric, Imaro, Kull, and Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. Not a big fan of reading high fantasy (Harry Potter, LOTR, Eragon, etc...though I like the films). Too much with elves, dwarves, their histories, cultures, and histories (I greatly admire Tolkien's world building, but damn...)

I have a problem getting through all the history and lore that goes into high fantasy. I started reading Kane and Imaro from your list...loving both. I'm jumping between them like episodes :D Very action packed!
I spend most of my time reading simply because I like to learn and reading is the best way to learn. Honestly one thing that I have noticed about reading is that it enables you to see life from a totally different perspective and gets you to see things clearer according to what you are reading. Reading as I like to think about it is being able to learn from someone else experience and when you read you get better at speaking and honestly what I am saying here is just a few of the benefits of reading.

Me personally I read a lot. I love to read!
I am not that much into reading, but I have read quite a few fantasy and Gothic novels when I was younger. Now that I am in my middle twenties, I am more into TV dramas.
Typically read books on gaming lore. Especially old WoW lore with WoD coming out soon!
I use to read a lot. If i am reading its usually a book on tech things or philosophy. Im big on finding out how things work.