Xbox 360 Battlefield 2: Modern Combat Cheats


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
Below you will find Battlefield 2: Modern Combat cheats. Cheats typically create an advantage beyond normal gameplay, usually to make the game easier.

Battlefield 2: Modern Combat Unlockables/Cheats

All weapons
During the game, hold LB + RB and quickly press Right(2), Down, Up, Left(2) to unlock all weapons.

Avoiding missiles
When flying a helicopter in Multiplayer mode, if you start to get laser targeted (not GTAM), fly as fast and as near the ground as possible. This will make the missile hit the ground and miss you most of the time.

EA formation
Unlock the Frag Grenade weapon challenge, then successfully finish all rounds and kill all enemies through round ten. Once you kill all enemies, you will go into round eleven. In this round, the soldiers move and create the shape of first an "E", then an "A" as a reference to EA Games.

Hotswap Challenge
When doing the Hotswap Challenge, move towards the marker to make more "Hotswaps" available. This will ensure you do not lose 1,000 points.

RPG Rocket Challenge
When doing the RPG Rocket Challenge, you get more points when you blow a vehicle up from a longer distance. To get points easily, take a vehicle's shield down at close range, hotswap to a further away RPG man, then finish the vehicle off.
Get two helicopters easily in Air Traffic Control level
At the beginning of the Air Traffic Control level, you will start out as a sniper. Directly behind you will be a chopper. Once the level begins, turn around and shoot the pilot so that the chopper falls a short distance directly in front of you. Make sure you hit the pilot, and not the chopper or it will explode. Next, get into the chopper and use it to shoot out the turrets. When the jeeps come by, hotswap to one and go directly past the turrets and into the helicopter inside the heliport. You will now have acquired two helicopters, making this level very easy.

Multiplayer ranks

Get the indicated number of medals, points per hour (PPH), and points to achieve the corresponding rank:

Brigadier General - 12 medals, 19,390 points, 85 PPH

Captain - 8 medals, 8,430 points, 65 PPH

Chief Warrant Officer - 5 medals, 3,700 points, 50 PPH

Colonel - 11 medals, 16,070 points, 80 PPH

Commanding Sergeant Major - 3 medals, 1,820 points, 40 PPH

Corporal - 0 medals, 70 points, 15 PPH

First Lieutenant - 7 medals, 6,560 points, 60 PPH

Five Star General - 15 medals, 32,000 points, 100 PH

Lieutenant Colonel - 10 medals, 13,150 points, 75 PPH

Lieutenant General - 14 medals, 27,330 points, 95 PPH

Major - 9 medals, 10,620 points, 70 PPH

Major General - 13 medals, 23,150 points, 90 PPH

Master Sergeant - 1 Medal(s), 720 points, 30 PPH

Private - 0 medals, 0 points, 0 PPH

Private First Class - 0 medals, 20 points, 10 PPH

Second Lieutenant - 6 medals, 4,900 points, 55 PPH

Sergeant - 0 medals, 190 points, 20 PPH

Sergeant First Class - 0 medals, 390 points, 25 PPH

Sergeant Major - 2 medals, 1,180 points, 35 PPH

Warrant Officer - 4 medals, 2,650 points, 45 PPH