Xbox 360 Best Exercise Games for Kinect


Dec 24, 2011
We are considering buying a Kinect to go along with our Xbox because there are so many cool exercise games out there to use with it. What's your favorite exercise game to use with the Kinect?
My favorite game so far has been Dance Central. I like all the songs and the graphics, too. It's very good exercise and time flies by when you're playing it because you're having fun and jamming along with good music. :)
We are considering buying a Kinect to go along with our Xbox because there are so many cool exercise games out there to use with it. What's your favorite exercise game to use with the Kinect?

I like the Dance Central games, and Michael Jackson: The Experience. All of the dancing games are also great exercise games. I haven't tried any of the sports games for Kinect, but I've heard they're fun and good exercise, too.
So far my favorite is The Biggest Loser - Kinect. I love the show so I bought the game. It's awesome... I'm going to be buying Zumba Kinect this coming weekend. I have both of these games for the Wii and I love them both. You should try them both out.
Yeah, like France9 said, Zumba for Wii is a great game, and I've actually heard from several sources that the Kinect version is even better, because it's more sensitive to your movements than the Wii is.
I think the exercise games are better then the dance games (for exercise) with any console. I'm thinking of picking up the EA Active games this weekend. I have heard they are wonderful exercise games.
My favorite game so far has been Dance Central. I like all the songs and the graphics, too. It's very good exercise and time flies by when you're playing it because you're having fun and jamming along with good music. :)

I played this at a friend's house, because I don't own a Kinect, and it was a blast. You're really getting an exercise out of it! The only downside for me is the rather expensive Kinect system but if you bought it in a bundle with the console then Dance Central is a definite must try game for exercise and fun.