Borrowed a PS3...


Aug 21, 2014
I borrowed a PS3 from a friend to see if I'd want to buy it from him. (He's trying to get rid of it to recoup some of the money he spent on a PS4 and a One.) So far I have just downloaded some of the older games from the Playstation Network -- games that were PS1 or PS2 originally. What are some PS3 titles I could/should look into to see what this baby can really do?
I borrowed a PS3 from a friend to see if I'd want to buy it from him. (He's trying to get rid of it to recoup some of the money he spent on a PS4 and a One.) So far I have just downloaded some of the older games from the Playstation Network -- games that were PS1 or PS2 originally. What are some PS3 titles I could/should look into to see what this baby can really do?

Honestly? I would go for the many JRPG's that are exclusive or something like that. Mostly if I were you, I would look in the many awesome sony exclusives.
Check out the big name exclusives: Metal Gear Solid 4 (only if you played at least 1-3), Uncharted, Killzone, The Last of Us, inFamous, Ratched & Clank, etc. There's a lot of good stuff there.

It's even better if you like niche Japanese games like the Disgaea series, Persona (5 was announced for it), etc..
here are some must-have PS3 games to test the console :

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - Cinematic adventure, excellent graphics.
The Last of Us – An emotional and intense experience.
Red Dead Redemption – Open western world with a captivating story.
