Well, I know that some of you had been wondering what consoles Child of Light would be coming out on. Ubisoft announced today that it will be coming out on...basically everything. They've also released the first trailer of the game. Enjoy!
It looks like it's shaping up to be a pretty solid title. Not my typical game, but if someone handed me the disc, I'd definitely try it out! Anyone else looking forward to this?
The game will release for PC, PS3, PS4, Wii U, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in 2014, and is a side-scrolling affair with turn-based battles and puzzles. Players take charge of Aurora, the aforesaid princess, though a second player can also appear as Igniculus, her fairy accomplice. Elemental oppositions are crucial during fights, as is good timing - you can delay enemy attacks by hitting them before their action bars fill up.
It looks like it's shaping up to be a pretty solid title. Not my typical game, but if someone handed me the disc, I'd definitely try it out! Anyone else looking forward to this?