Ahhh my first PC game was "Lemon-aid Stand" for the Apple II. It was an educational game designed to teach you to hate lemons and commerce in general. I still don't like lemons, and I've yet to become rich, so clearly it had a huge impact on me.
The most memorable early PC game would have to be Bard's Tale. We'd stay after school and play it until the teachers were done grading papers/prepping for tomorrow, and then we'd all go home. At one point I was given the 'OK' to leave when the janitor locked up, which meant staying for hours after school. When my progress started to rival the best player in the school he demanded to know how I was getting so far in the game, and I started sneaking him into the school after the teachers went home. Together we played his group to the end of the game. He was a brilliant kid (Russian), and near the end of the game he discovered a 'rock golem' spell for his wizard. Upon realizing that these golems were far superior to the rest of the characters in his party, most stats were maxed out at 999, he replaced everyone in his party with golems to get around the 'one golem' limit. Then he skipped the rest of the story (you're supposed to need the gear the story gives you in order to beat the final boss) and after like 1hr of combat he managed to beat the game with just one character (and it's summons).
I still have my first 'console' .. The 'Leisure Vision' (one of Intel's very first commercial electronics endeavors!?), which was like a Colecovision, but cheaper, so my Grandma decided it was better.
I used to play 'Red Clash' till my hands got sore, and then I'd keep playing through the pain.. Last year I started to unpack it and got about half-way done when I jumped onto the net and sure enough, people have ported most of the old games over via the MAME system.
Of course when I looked at the videos of the ROM being played I kinda went, "Wow that sucked!", and didn't bother trying to see what it'd be like to play it now. Who knows I could love it?