Xbox One Collection of Great Reddit Comments On Xbox One


New Member
Jun 16, 2013
Portsmouth, VA
I have to say since I started lurking the Xbox One reddit sub-forums I've read some fantastic posts in support of Xbox One and I think we should collect them and post them in this thread.

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Fantastik Mr Faux

Robert Kennedy once said, "Progress is a nice word...but change is its motivator. And change has its enemies."

Digest that little nugget for a minute and I will break down your argument according to my opinion (because that is what you sought). My job is not to convince you...simply show you why I believe in the X1.

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Before I present why I'm getting the Xbox One, I think the memory bandwidth for the PS4 is 176 GB/s, not 102 GB/s, at least according to Anandtech.

First, let me address some of the points you brought up. I don't care about the size that much for a console. If anything, I'm scared that the PS4 won't be well-ventilated, so if any of the consoles were to overheat, I think it would be the PS4. So having a smaller physical size isn't necessarily a good thing. Additionally, the Xbox has a huge fan, so my bet is that it will be super quiet, especially compared to the last generation. We'll see if there are any heating issues on either of the consoles at launch.

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Better Games so far!
Controller is better
Play all your games without disc and SHARE only games ONLINE with up to 10 friends
KINECT (damn looks awesome!)
OS is great, much better on PS4. I like the instant switch and I'm a heavy twitch user!
and I have a PS3! The PSN-Store is the worst peace of ****, I've ever seen! And online gaming just CRAP! compared to XBOX ONE, where EVERY GAME has now dedicated servers! how awesome is that?

The #1 thing people here cite as the reason they're excited for the X-box One is the 10 person family sharing. Theoretically it allows you to link up with a few of your friends and share a your gaming libraries together. However, Microsoft has not said anything about how you link up those 10 people, so keep that in mind if you're using that to decide which console you're going to preorder.

Note: to everyone saying why they don't mind the restrictions - OP isn't asking why the X-box One isn't as bad as the press it's getting would lead you to believe, he's asking why it's better than the PS4.
That PileMaster one is wrong it's been confirmed multiple times be different executives that you choose anyone from your friends list to share games with.
I know that im taking a risk and will probably be down voted into oblivion, but I don't care to voice my opinion on things i support.
I like the direction that Microsoft is going with the Xbox1, everything that they have talked about really excites me or just doesn't effect me in any negative way.
The fact that i don't have to sit in a GameStop parking lot for a few hours in line with other people at midnight, then drive home just to play a game is awesome. I can just stay home and download it once it comes out!
I don't care that i cant loan games to friends because all my friends play the same game as i do. But now i don't have to get up and switch games when i want to play something else or when my wife forgot to take a movie out that she was watching. I've had to rebuy at least 3 games the past few years because they were either lost or misplaced. No more of that now!!
Also i don't have to have all these different remotes on my night stand just so i can switch between the TV and my Xbox!
Lets give it up for Microsoft people, they are making life easier for people and i for one support them with what they are doing. They have given me everything i want!!

After their recent change on all their policies, I feel that this quote explains a lot.

One thing that hasn't gotten much attention is the concept of Apps and how they're going to play a role in the coming generation.

First, let's get one thing clear - Apps are a big deal. They've gone from essentially zero to a dominant force in the technology industry and have resulted in the creation of multiple tens of billions of dollars of value to the economy.

Currently there's no "go to" device that the mainstream public uses to connect to their TV and use apps that are designed and developed with the TV in mind. It's not a stretch to consider that Microsoft is going to be positioning the Xbox One as this device - but I make the bolder claim that they're in a better position than Sony to actually succeed at making it happen.

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The gaming and blog sites spoon-fed them negativity. Check technology blogs, forums and sites. NON-GAMING ones. We are pretty much all about the cloud on there. We have been for quite a few years. Many of us, me included, only started watching the Xbox one because of the cloud, Hyper-V, home integration, transfers of the most brilliant OS minds in the technology industry and other technological nuances. The Xbox one is seen there as a way to introduce this technology to the masses.

Just for example, when is the last time you saw a gaming blog talk about Orleans, the large step towards cloud programming effecting PCs and the Xbox one.

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i hate to toot my own horn but... ok i do, heres something i posted that did well. :D

general "why are you buying xb1 thread"

Simply here is why.
I am going to pick up my console at midnight. Go home (disregard the instructions) and plug in everything. Next i'm going to set up my kinect, crack open a beer, connect it to my wireless internet and shove in a copy of Forza 4. Later that night i will probably want to check up on the sports i missed for that day so ill snap ESPN to the side while i play some Forza setting some records for my friends to try and beat. During that time, as my friends return home with theirs 5 hours later because of time zones i'm going to get skype calls from people i haven't seen in about 5 years. Last but not least ill probably pass out drunk on my couch.
What sounds like a glorious foreveralone.jpg night of the century has some elements to it i could not do on a PS4.
Let's Clear Up The Issues: Used Games, Kinect Privacy, and Other (What Most People Seem to Have Missed, An Explanation) : xboxone

Goes hugely in-depth with all of the issues people are still worried about, or misinformed in some way.

... and I couldn't be happier about it. I honestly don't get why, if those supporting PS4 are so confident in their choice, they feel they need to attack anyone else who has made the decision to spend their hard-earned money on a game system they happen to prefer.
To those browsing this sub-reddit to down vote every comment suggesting why the Xbox One and its features is a preferred choice for that person, remember that those people are spending their own money - not yours - on a system they honestly want to use. Although I've already made my choice, I also compliment those choosing to go the PS4 or PC routes for the next generation, because it means competition; and that forces Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, and PC game services like Steam to stay competitive, be innovative, and create new and compelling experiences.
Just had to get that out there.

I've been called an idiot, a dumbass, and a "god damn retard" for pre-ordering an Xbox One ... : xboxone