Xbox 360 College Hoops 2K8


Active Member
Feb 22, 2012
As the NCAA tournament is approaching, I think I'm going to dust off College Hoops 2K8, that's one of my favorite old sports games. Speaking of college basketball games, are any new ones coming out? I haven't heard anything about them recently if they are.
I love basketball games too. I have never heard of College Hoops 2K8 - when did it come out? I have a few NBA games. I'm sure there will be a NBA 2012 coming out soon. I really don't watch much college basketball (except Syracuse).
I think College Hoops 2K8 came out near the end of 2007, but I didn't get it until 2008. If you're not a big college basketball fan you're probably better off sticking with the NBA games. I like both, NBA 2K12 looks really good too.
Thanks for the advice - I don't think I'll buy it then. I love the sport games, but I love them because I play as the team that I like. I use the players that I cheer for. I always play as the Lakers (Kobe fan) and any football games I play as the Steelers.

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