I was always under the impression that GTA Online was full of jerks and noobs. Today however, my opinion has been greatly altered. Today I was assaulted on GTA Online by a level 14 guy that attacked me for no apparent reason. Naturally, I defended times. This only served to piss him off cause hey, how dare I deflect his attacks repeatedly. Then he called in a friend that's a level 101. Uh oh. I'm a level 67. Now I'm outgunned.
So after chasing me up and down the freeway in their Buzzard Attack chopper, they made the mistake of coming into the tunnel after me. I threw caution to the wind, gunned my stolen car engine and rammed them head on while firing my Uzi. I won. Then the level 14 put a bounty of 9000 dollars on me. I ran back to my high rise apartment and hid. Now another bounty comes gunning for me. Except he's got a tank! And he keeps firing at my front door which after several tense seconds, I realized wasn't going to collapse and I relaxed. I even sent him a few annoying texts.
Then the unexpected happened. As I was sitting in my loft, I get a notification. I just got 77 MILLION DOLLARS!!!!
I quickly tracked the guy down. I didn't recognize his name AND he's a level 34. I thanked him for his generosity and asked him why he gave it to me. I never got an answer. So, wherever you are my deep pocketed friend, thank you.
Has anyone else been a victim of unknown cruelty or kindness?
So after chasing me up and down the freeway in their Buzzard Attack chopper, they made the mistake of coming into the tunnel after me. I threw caution to the wind, gunned my stolen car engine and rammed them head on while firing my Uzi. I won. Then the level 14 put a bounty of 9000 dollars on me. I ran back to my high rise apartment and hid. Now another bounty comes gunning for me. Except he's got a tank! And he keeps firing at my front door which after several tense seconds, I realized wasn't going to collapse and I relaxed. I even sent him a few annoying texts.
Then the unexpected happened. As I was sitting in my loft, I get a notification. I just got 77 MILLION DOLLARS!!!!
I quickly tracked the guy down. I didn't recognize his name AND he's a level 34. I thanked him for his generosity and asked him why he gave it to me. I never got an answer. So, wherever you are my deep pocketed friend, thank you.
Has anyone else been a victim of unknown cruelty or kindness?