Xbox One Destiny is finally here

as a level 27 warlock on the verge of 28 i dont think the game is that good.. its a 6-7 out of 10.. its nothing fresh and again it hadthe hype around it to sell.. i personally/honestly dont think this game is greatto date.. allot of small enough issues that are really medium and big when added together..

1: pvp/crutible is basically halo... the hole game is basically halo4.5
2: ememy ui is so set with spawn/activity its hillarious... when they dont act right they glitch random movment,dissapearing,on place 1 sec and another without moving
3: short storyline.. why they left a good bit on the table i dont think expansion packs will really do whats needed to built a legit story or carry it..
4: lack of weapons so little variations or ability to change or modify anything so so very small.. and with 4 factions its hilarious how much they could have done..
5:storage space is so small it makes no sense if the game is to build a character and you plan to add guns/content why have such a small inventory..(cant even hold all the shaders/name colors in vault/player storage) andthats not even in game content..
6:equip limits.. the idea is to have the top ofthe line stuff... not inthis game.. you cna only equip 1 exotic armor at a time and 1 gun at a time... so you cant work for it all but cant equip but 1 at a time..???? i want to rock my armor vest and gauntlets at the same time... and have 3 exotic weapons

7: crutible... nerf the shorgun and fusion rifles.. to op
8: their is a glitch where hits do not register... this is in pve as well.. go farm the moon and you will get it allot and it is frustrating.. if it happens while farmingyou know it happens in pvp and other senarious and is not caught...

i could go on... but the game has substantial issues that effects playability... the b error is one of them.. machmaking another..

i have allot of time invested in my character i am about maxed out at this point.. 2(exotics) 1 equipped the rest are all legendary(armor) same with guns.. 1 exotic rest are legendary i find it very hard to play the game now as i have no real reward or even progression at this point. i may get to level 28 or touch 29 but all i really need are things that i cant buy or even unlock..i basically have to grind level 26-28 raids and hope for a lucky drop. and in all even getting to that point it dosnt help me in pve or pvp.

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