Xbox One Did E3 make a difference?


Apr 24, 2013
Ever since E3, they have been making great decisions towards their hardware, and in general. This includes current-gen headset compatibility with an adapter, self-publishing for indie devs, overclock on the GPU, Xbox Community Level, Matchmaking, Rep system, and a lot more. Every single bit of news has been great for Microsoft while some news for Sony has been discouraging such as the fact that the Vita will only be compatible as a controller for certain programmed games. Are they simply trying to redeem themselves, or have they changed as a company and working to improve and listen to their users? Has E3 changed them as a whole?
The E3 certainly stirred up a load of publicity for Microsoft. It might have been bad publicity at first, but it did attract the attention of the gaming community. People were curious as to what will happen next, what direction will they go in. And as you've mentioned, they are slowly putting out bits of info that the fans crave to get, and rather than revealing the whole thing at once, they are building it piece by piece. Part of me thinks that the whole E3 was just a marketing ploy.
First off, the news about Sony isn't discouraging. They never said you could use the Vita for a mandatory controller for all games. They DID say however that remote play would be doable for all games. Big difference.

And no, E3 didn't make a difference. The pre order numbers made the different and forced MS to change. If E3 made the difference, they wouldn't have stuck by their Draconian policies for a good month after the E3 event.
First off, the news about Sony isn't discouraging. They never said you could use the Vita for a mandatory controller for all games. They DID say however that remote play would be doable for all games. Big difference.

And no, E3 didn't make a difference. The pre order numbers made the different and forced MS to change. If E3 made the difference, they wouldn't have stuck by their Draconian policies for a good month after the E3 event.

I don't know, I think you can say it was a bit of both. I don't know that the Xbox preorder numbers would have been so low if so many potential buyers didn't learn about the problems with the platform at E3. A lot of people are brand loyal and would have put down money on a preorder without really researching it; but the negative publicity after E3, especially about Microsoft's DRM platform, caused a lot of people to re-think their position.

Microsoft's challenge now is going to be getting the message out about its changes. I know a lot of people who haven't heard any new developments since E3 and are making decisions based on that now-outdated information.
E3 definitely made a difference and I don't see how anyone could say that it didn't. Like you said, ever since E3, Microsoft has pretty much been making all sorts of 180's on all of there policies when it comes to the Xbox One. It's well known that Sony won E3, so now Microsoft has been doing there best to try to regain some public favor before the system's are released. So far it has helped out immensely.
Maybe it was some kind of bait to test the loyalty of their customers. Some agreed with their new policies, but most didn't, so they built the console around that kind of feedback. If that is a good thing, i don't know, but i hope that other companies don't follow their example.
My honest opinion? I feel like Microsoft realized "Oh crap! We messed up!" They're trying to redeem themselves and please the current fans that may be on the fence about purchasing an Xbox or a Playstation. Honestly after E3 I was about 90% leaning towards getting a Playstation. I was pretty upset. With everything they seem to be doing though, I'm leaning more towards Microsoft again. I'm very torn, but I've been a loyal costumer for years.
Of course E3 affected them. They got utterly destroyed by Sony so they had to fix their crap before it broke further.
Claptrap is right about that E3 really showed them they did a lot wrong, I mean people booed as the were discussing the features that is bad. Thankfully they have actually fixed quite a bit that was wrong with it so it looks like it has recovered quite well.
it made a diffrence but not in how e3 went or the games.. it was what microsoft did after e3. if it was gamescon,gamestop expo,pax or any consumer/gamer event it was bound to happen.. all we were waiting for was confirmation on how things were going to work and a clear view of the policy's in place. if microsoft was crystal clear and had shown off how all the drm,check in system,and other things that were speculation in full view it may have been different.

the thing that hasn't changed is the story of the next gen. xbox has a much better story and marketing.. their has been little to no chatter about ps4.. but xbox one is all over the place. the chatter even on tv. no news may be good news but it dosnt get headlines and dosnt keep you in the media. think of all this as microsofts sex tape... ps4 is still a prude in this story. xbox is layed out showing all.. plus all u heard at e3 abut ps4 was their trading game policy... all the gmes were chatted up about xbox,the cloud,titanfall,the division,smartglass ect ect... bf4 on xbox one,cod xbox one.. nothing has been in the media about ps4 unless u go looking for it.