Xbox One Did your kids love Zoo Tycoon?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
Well just want to get an idea on this game. My wife has been bugging me to buy the game for our son. Well it does look education but is it worth buying for a 5 year old kid? What are your thoughts on the game?
For a five year old, I would hold off. I just played the demo and 5 seems a little young honestly. Although if you plan on playing it too, then go for it. I think little ones will have fun adding animals and such, but unless you can read and know what animals go into what habitats and have a concept of money, etc. I wouldn't recommend it. Especially not for the $60 USD that it is going for right now.

Now as I said, I just finished the demo and honestly think I may buy it. Debating the $60 price tag. Will probably wait until it goes to $40, possibly $20, only because I have so much other stuff to play and although I enjoy the occasional sim game, $60 is just a little much for me to pay for one. So, if some older people will play it, go for it. If you're JUST getting it for your 5 year old, I recommend waiting until he gets a little older or the price goes down. Hope that helped!
Check out this thread. I didn't even think about the free play modes. In that case, your son would probably really enjoy it. Let us know if you get it and if so, what he thinks!
I got it for my 8 and 5 year old. My 5 year old loves it, but she is no stranger to video games. She plays minecraft on the PC and also Disney Infinity. She also played skylanders a little and has a 3ds so she knows how to play games. She doesn't read, but once she learns what buttons does what, she does fine. She loves feeding the animals. Besides, they have a sandbox mode that allows you to build your own zoo where everything is unlocked and you don't have to manage money because they give you millions to start with... so you can just create whatever you want without having to "play" the tycoon part of it. So far, she just messes with that....
I got this for my 6 y/o. She doesn't "play" it but loves to watch me build it and then drive around and walk in it. She loves the animal interactions (feeding animals, washing, and glass wall)

If anyone has this, I'd also love to add you as a friend so I can try to make a multiplayer zoo. I have found out that I like the game as well ^.^.

Anyways, I've been looking for fellow xbox one players.
Wow. If that's the case this game would be perfect for my 4 year old girl. She loves animals and always competes with her older sister in naming animals. I haven't tried the demo yet but judging from what the rest have said in this post I guess it will be a good buy for me.
I guess a 5 year old kid would definitely love this game. 5 year old kids are still at an age where they are open to learning new stuff. Kids above 10 are rather there just to play. Haha. This will be a good game nonetheless for all ages.
My son loves this game. I can't get him out of the room when he starts playing the game, well, after the game I ask him about the animals and he answers them correctly. This game does work for kids. I wish there was a game out there to help him with math. Haha.
My 6 y/o asks me to put more exhibits and animals in. The best part for a child in my opinion (assuming they don't fully grasp budget and understanding repairing exhibits, ticket prices, etc) is the following;

1.) She absolutely loves the glass window that the kinnect uses. So she can make faces at monkeys, tigers, and lions, and they all react. For example, when she puts her hands in the air, monkeys put theirs up, or lions put their paws up on the glass. When she makes a angry face, the monkey copies it and the lions will roar. Again, its done by kinects camera AND the controller, what ever you choose.
2.) She loves washing the animals with the spray water gun. She laughs so hard when she sprays the bears and they fall over or the elephants who lift their legs to wash their belly. Again, its done by kinects camera AND the controller, what ever you choose.
3.) Feeding animals by hand, controller or kinect, is a fun time.
4.) Driving around the park I create for her in 4 different themed go carts. She always grabs the tiger. When ever she says "beep beep, the go-cart goes "roar". ^.^ Even the elephant makes a, well, the sound an elephant makes (not sure how to type that sound, lol) Its very cute!
5.) She will stand by the gift shops and loves to see the little kids get toys. She'll sometimes play "chase" with them as they run around the park.

Its a great way for kids to learn different types of animals, and its fun to play as an adult too. Once you create a "stable" zoo, you dont have to worry about failing the challenges. I made her a self sustaining income zoo, so she can have a blast and never worry about loosing money. Just enough janitors and exhibit cleaners.

Also, you really want to put a smile on their face, each exhibit you can hire baby animals. She.... loves... this so much. The babies are more playful and very active.

Its a win win game. It got bad reps, but I think that's because its more of a "family" game, imo. I feel its a solid game and I have no regrets paying $60 bucks for it. Again, its done by kinects camera AND the controller, what ever you choose.
Our family hasn't gotten an XBox One yet, but Zoo Tycoon got my wife's attention a couple months ago before release. After reading a couple reviews, I backed off a little. That being said, most of the user reviews I've read (like the one above) are a lot different and much more positive. We have a 6-year old and 2-year old, and I bet they would both love Zoo Tycoon. It's definitely back on the radar when we get an XBox One soon.
Hi, My kids love kids love Zoo Tycoon. Also they love to watch zoo videos for kids on
Let's me honest here. Who doesn't love the Tycoon series of games?
Yeah, it is a worthy game. I used to enjoy it on my PC during my childhood. And, yeah, it is educational and could teach your child time management, resource management, and compassion for animals. I used to spend hours behind the computer playing that game and I enjoyed it a lot. Just wait for a sale to get it if you are concerned about the price, but, whatever the price, the game is surely worth it.

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