Xbox 360 DmC: Devil May Cry - Guide to Unlocking Dante's White Hair


Former Moderator
Jun 24, 2012
The D
Have you noticed the BIG difference in Dante's overall look? Is Ninja Theory absolutely crazy for changing the looks of an established character in a long standing game franchise? Is the fact that Dante's hair is brown and not white driving you absolutely nutty up a wall? If you answered yes and really want a way to return Dante to his former (hair) glory, read on. There is a solution for you if you just follow these steps:

  • Complete DmC: Devil May Cry on any difficulty level
  • Check your costumes. A new costume will unlock when you complete the game. This will be the costume that will give Dante his classic 'white hair' look.
  • Head over the the main menu, select the skins/perks option under the Mission Start screen.
  • Select 'White Hair' as the costume

Dante will now have white hair throughout all of the gameplay, and most of the cut scenes as well. Don't you feel a little more comfortable playing as Dante now? It's all about the hair...