Xbox 360 DmC: Lost Soul Locations


Jan 24, 2013
Tracking down the lost souls in Devil May Cry can be a frustrating and confounding experience. If you are struggling with scoring high ranks on your missions and earning some achievements, chances are that you will benefit from finding some more lost souls. Most of them are easy to find and emit a cry as you get close; they just require a careful eye and patience. Here are the locations for some of those lost souls you might have missed:


Mission 1: Lost Soul #1:

Unfortunately, the first Lost Soul cannot be acquired until you have unlocked the Eryx Gauntlets later in the game. This Lost Soul can be found right after Dante speaks with Kat through Limbo and almost shoots her. Look for a red door to the right of the area. The door is red and appears like the other doors that must be unlocked with the Eryx Gauntlets.

Mission 1: Lost Soul #2:
As you continue down the boardwalk you will reach a fork in the path. At this point, the Lost Soul is lodged in the wall just above the fork in the road.

Mission 1: Lost Soul #3:
The third Lost Soul will require the Angel Lift skill. Once you have reached the distorted Merry Go-Round, walk along the edge of the boardwalk and look out into the distance. There will be a grapple point for you. Follow this path in order to find the next Lost Soul

Mission 1: Lost Soul #4:
When the Hunter Demon first fires his hand/grappling hook towards you, the game will lead you into a building towards the right. The Lost Soul is inside the carnival styled building. As you continue down the hallway and into the larger room, the Lost Soul will be on the wall.

Mission 1: Lost Soul #5:
As soon as you obtain the fourth Lost Soul, head down the room and towards the left. You’ll know you are in the right place when you see the large doll get electrocuted in front of you. The room to the left of the doll contains the next Lost Soul.

Mission 1: Lost Soul #6:
This Lost Soul requires Arbiter and is shortly after you obtain the fifth Lost Soul. Leave the large room with the electrocuted doll. Take a right as you leave and follow the path straight as far as it stretches. You will come to a locked Arbiter door. Smash the door and the Lost Soul will be revealed.

Mission 2: Lost Soul #7:
As you reach the first large room, go through the door on the left and down the broken corridor. About halfway down the corridor you are able to grapple to the ledge to the right where you can enter a room to find the Lost Soul.

Mission 2: Lost Soul #8:
As you past the first divinity statue on the upper floor, walk down the left corridor. This Lost Soul will require that you use the Aquila in order to shred the blue door that is to the right. Once opened, you can jump into the room to find this next Lost Soul.

Mission 2: Lost Soul #9:
Once you have received Arbiter, defeat the round of enemies and continue through the doorway. The wall with the next Lost Soul will retreat away from you. To get this Lost Soul simply air dash across the pit.

Mission 2: Lost Soul #10:
This Lost Soul is found almost immediately after the ninth Lost Soul. Drop down into the opening on the floor and the Lost Soul is hiding on the wall.

Mission 2: Lost Soul #11:
Once you have arrived in the main hallway again, you will see an image of kids playing. Smash through the red door in front of you with Arbiter and the Lost Soul is on the opposite side of the door frame above you.

Mission 2: Lost Soul #12:
This Lost Soul is found shortly after the tenth Lost Soul. Continue down the hall and take the path to the right. You will need to slice through a blue door in order to reach this Lost Soul.

Mission 2: Lost Soul #13:
Once you have finished the sequence focused on demon pull, drop down the opening in the floor. Walk through the doorway and the Lost Soul will be located above the door behind you.

Mission 2: Lost Soul #14:
Once you enter the main chamber of the stage and it tears apart, follow the path up the stairs and through the red door. Once you are inside, there will be a blue door to the right of the divinity statue. Slash through the door and the Lost Soul will be located above the door frame behind you.

Mission 2: Lost Soul #15:
After you obtain the Osiris from the painting, you will need to travel back outside and cross some platforms with demon pull. When you reach the far side, smash through the red door, and slash through the following blue door. You should see a large gap with the Lost Soul at the far end. With air dash you can cross the gap to it.

Mission 3: Lost Soul #16:
The first Lost Soul in Mission 3 cannot be obtained until you have the Aquila from later in the game. There should be a blue door along the wall in the starting area. Shoot your Aquila blades to reveal a grapple point. Grapple into the room to find this Lost Soul.

Mission 3: Lost Soul #17:
After you have defeated the Ravager in the beginning of the mission, go through the doorway that opens and a cutscene will play where the ground breaks apart. As soon as the scene is over, turn around and the Lost Soul will be located in towards the top left.

Mission 3: Lost Soul #18:
Once you learn the air dash skill, you can reach the upper-most ledge in the starting area. Dash to the ledge from the elevated platforms in order to obtain this Lost Soul.

Mission 4: Lost Soul #19:
This Lost Soul is located when you first enter the mission on a wall to the far left.

Mission 4: Lost Soul #20:
Following the first battle, you can pull a ledge out from the wall. Hop over just one ledge to bring this Lost Soul into view. Jump up to the corner of the building and slash the Lost Soul to obtain it. You may have to jump multiple times before you hit the soul enough.

Mission 4: Lost Soul #21:
After you destroy the first camera and speak with Kat, you can go up the stairs where the Vital Star is located. There is a Lost Soul behind you above the stair way.

Mission 4: Lost Soul #22:
Once you have reached the large open area with a divinity statue and a dirt filled fountain, hop on top of the fount. You should see a Lost Soul towards the left that you can air dash to.

Mission 4: Lost Soul #23:
In the same area as the previous Lost Soul, hop on top of the fountain and then jump and air dash towards where you entered the area. There will be a grapple point you can reach mid-dash on top of the building across from you. Once on the ledge, hop over to the Lost Soul behind you.

Mission 4: Lost Soul #24:
Once you have defeated your first Frost Knight, you can hop onto a ledge towards your right using the grapple. Turn around and you will see a Lost Soul on the wall. Use air dash in order to reach the Lost Soul

Mission 4: Lost Soul #25:
Following the scene where Kat sprays the wall and you pull out the stairs, hope across the second ledge towards a red door. Once you have reached the ledge, look towards the right and there will be a Lost Soul on the side of the building.

Mission 4: Lost Soul #26:
Almost immediately after you have obtained the previous Lost Soul, continue across the ledge and smash the red door. The Lost Soul is inside the room.

Mission 5: Lost Soul #27:
After you play through the opening segment and enter limbo, hop across the crates on the left side of the stage. After your first encounter with enemies, look up towards the crate behind you and there should be a Lost Soul visible. You will need to grapple to a container then jump to the ledge with the Lost Soul.

Mission 5: Lost Soul #28:
Once you have crossed the first set of platforms and pass through a red container, you will fight a series of enemies and a Tyrant. Afterwards, look towards the left of the stage to find some grapple points in the far-distance. Grapple to them and to the platform towards the right in order to find your Lost Soul.

Mission 5: Lost Soul #29:
After passing the divinity statue, you have to hop up a tower of boxes down the right corridor. You will have to fight a few Bathos and pull yourself to a platform. Once you reach the other side you can enter the walkway towards the right to find a Lost Soul on the wall.

Mission 5: Lost Soul #30:
Once you get to the far side of the large floating container room, you can find a Lost Soul in the corner to the far right.

Mission 5: Lost Soul #31:
When you pass through the container room and defeat the Frost and Hell Knights, you can go up a ramp on the left side to reach an upper level. The Lost Soul should be on a wall towards your left side.

Mission 5: Lost Soul #32:
In the container room, travel towards the far side of the stage. Hop up the broken stairs and turn around. You should see a blue door towards the upper right that requires Aquila to open. Slash open the door and then you can grapple to the container. Grapple a few more times to the right and you will be able to reach the Lost Soul on the side of the container.

Mission 6: Lost Soul #33:
Once you begin this mission, there will be a spot that you need to use demon pull in order to move forward. After you use demon pull, look to the back side of the panel on your left to find a Lost Soul on the wall there.

Mission 6: Lost Soul #34:
Once you have progressed through the opening at the end of the first tunnel, walk through the second tunnel. When you exit there will be a Lost Soul on the pillar to your left.

Mission 7: Lost Soul #35:
This Lost Soul can be found once you reach the Penitentiary. Grapple your way to the left and when you land at the red jewel you are meant to smash, wait. Look towards the left you and you will see the Lost Soul.

Mission 7: Lost Soul #36:
After you have used the boost rings for the first time, go to the left area of the stage where a large T.V. screen blocks the path. Across from you, you should be able to pull out a container and jump onto it. Then jump to the right of the fenced area in order to find an opening you can squeeze through to reach the Lost Soul.

Mission 7: Lost Soul #37:
Almost immediately after the previous Lost Soul, you need to grapple over to a platform with the large yellow light above it. Turn around and look above you to see another grapple point. Grapple all the way up and air dash at the end in order to reach the platform with the Lost Soul.

Mission 7: Lost Soul #38:
Once you have battled with the two Rages, hop through the opening in the wall. There will be a Lost Soul on the wall to the left of you.

Mission 7: Lost Soul #39:
Briefly after the previous Lost Soul, you will exit out the corridor. Curve around to the right of the elevator shaft to find this Lost Soul

Mission 7: Lost Soul #40:
Once you have reached the top of the elevator shaft, there should be an some upside down boxes that block your path to on the left. The Lost Soul is on the other side of the boxes. Curve around the right and jump and air dash in order to reach the other side.

Mission 7: Lost Soul #41:
Once you have smashed the first red jewel to lower the elevator, proceed towards the next jewel. Before you smash the jewel, look towards the right to find a Lost Soul.

Mission 7: Lost Soul #42:
After all of the elevator sequences, you should reach a divinity statue. When you get to the statue, look to the right of the statue to find this Lost Soul on the wall.

Mission 8: Lost Soul #43:
As the mission begins, hop down the extended tunnel. In the upper right you should find a blue door that will require the Aquila to open. Hop up to the left edge and use the Aquila, you should be able to hop across through the opened doorway.

Mission 8: Lost Soul #44:
Soon after the previous Lost Soul, you find yourself in a subway tunnel where a train zooms past you. When you enter the tunnel, look to the left to find this Lost Soul on the wall.

Mission 8: Lost Soul #45:
Right after you find the first divinity statue, progress down the tunnel and there will be on opening towards your right. Jump into the opening to find this Lost Soul.

Mission 8: Lost Soul #46:
Once you reach the nest the Harpies are leading you towards, look around the edges of the arena for a yellow sign labeled “Platform 1”. Grapple to the platform to find this Lost Soul.

Mission 8: Lost Soul #47:
Similar to the previous Lost Soul, search the arena for a yellow sign labeled “Platform 2”. Grapple up to the platform in order to find this Lost Soul.

Mission 9: Lost Soul #48:
Once you reach a fenced in area, you should be able to see a Lost Soul on the other side. In order to get to the Lost Soul, use an Angel Weapon on the door to the right of the Lost Soul.

Mission 9: Lost Soul #49:
After you have obtained your Devil Trigger ability, you are faced with Fallen Harpy’s. There is a Lost Soul you should be able to see through a window. Walk to the edge of the wall and jump around the wall to the ledge on the other side in order to reach the Lost Soul.

Mission 11: Lost Soul #50:
After you have passed the divinity statue in the beginning of the stage, drop down the hole in the floor. There should be a Lost Soul in the doorway across from the red jewel that you are supposed to punch.

Mission 11: Lost Soul #51:
After you have defeated the bladed tyrant and the witch, you need to follow the cops as they break through the two doors. Right after the second door, look to the left side in the room and there should be another Lost Soul.

Mission 11: Lost Soul #52:
After you have exit the first server room, make a right at the end of the hall. You’ll need to make a second right and there should be your Lost Soul on the wall.

Mission 11: Lost Soul #53:
Right after the previous Lost Soul, continue into the main hallway and proceed to the far end. Turn left once the door closes and smash down the red door. There should be a Lost Soul to the right.

Mission 11: Lost Soul #54:
Soon after you smash through the red door, you’ll have to smash through a red jewel across the hallway. Once inside, look towards the left of the next room to find this Lost Soul.

Mission 11: Lost Soul #55:
In the corridor where you first entered this area, take the central passage forward. Approximately halfway down, there should be an opening to the right with a Lost Soul on the wall.

Mission 11: Lost Soul #56:
When you begin battle with the Dreamrunner, there is a Lost Soul above the door that you entered. In order to reach this Lost Soul, use a charged uppercut to launch the Dreamrunner into the air next to the Lost Soul. Grapple to the enemy with Angel Lift in order to reach this Lost Soul.

Mission 13: Lost Soul #57:
After you defeat the first onslaught of enemies, the club transforms and allows you to move forward. Jump on the ledge behind you in order to find a Lost Soul above the door.

Mission 13: Lost Soul #58:
Right after the previous Lost Soul, continue one and you should pass a divinity statue. Look under the ramp to see this Lost Soul on the wall.

Mission 13: Lost Soul #59:
Once you begin the first competition that consists of Demon and Angel Squares, take the right path and grapple to the floating platform to the right. There will be a column with a Lost Soul on the platform.

Mission 13: Lost Soul #60:
After you have won the third round, turn around to find a Lost Soul on the wall to the right of the door way.

Mission 13: Lost Soul #61:
Follow the light path after round three to round four. Choose the left path and as you reach the right side, grapple to the platform. You’ll need to grapple again to hit a smash a floor switch to create a second path. This path leads to another Lost Soul.

Mission 13: Lost Soul #62:
After you have defeated the Dreamrunner in round 5, continue up the stairs until you find a divinity statue on the left. Go to the right of the platform and you will see another floating platform. Angel Lift to the platform and along the next two in order to find this Lost Soul on the wall. There will also be a Devil Trigger Star.

Mission 13: Lost Soul #63:
Proceed past the Divinity statute at the top of the stairs and you will reach another floor switch to smash. Beforehand, look to the right and there should be a Lost Soul on the wall

Mission 16: Lost Soul #64:
Right after the first divinity statue, there should be a red door towards your right. Smash through the door and continue to the bottom of the stairs to find this Lost Soul.

Mission 16: Lost Soul #65:
After you take the elevator to the 105th floor, continue to the right around the corner and there should be a small hallway. After you hop over the gap with the floating boxes, there should be a Lost Soul.

Mission 16: Lost Soul #66:
Right next to the previous Lost Soul, there should be a second Lost Soul across the hallway.

Mission 16: Lost Soul #67:
Once you have reached the 106th floor, go to the right and you will find two hallways. The first should have a white and red opening on the floor. Jump to the center and enter the opening to the right. Continue up the stairs to find this Lost Soul.

Mission 16: Lost Soul #68:
Again on the 106th floor, you’ll have to cross a large gap in which you fall back the 105th floor. Defeat the enemies and check inside the room on the left to find a Lost Soul.

Mission 16: Lost Soul #69:
Before you grapple back up to the 106th floor a second time, walk to the elevator door that should be closed. The door will open for you and reveal a Lost Soul.

Mission 16: Lost Soul #70:
This Lost Soul is found right next to the previous Lost Soul inside the elevator.

Mission 16: Lost Soul #71:
After you progress through the bridge with the lasers, turn to the left you there should be a Lost Soul on the wall.

Mission 16: Lost Soul #72:
As soon as you obtain the Kablooey from Vergil, you’ll be faced with some enemies. Instead of following Kat’s direction and going right, continue straight and there will be a Lost Soul on the wall.

Mission 17: Lost Soul #73:
When the stage begins, choose the left path and you will reach a large wall on your left side. Curve around behind the wall to find a Lost Soul.

Mission 17: Lost Soul #74:
The second Lost Soul in this stage requires you to take the right path from the start. Follow the ledges across and defeat the Frost and Hell knight that appear. Afterwards, Angle
Lift to the platform on the left side in order to find this Lost Soul.

Mission 17: Lost Soul #75:
After you land on the large circular structure, you’ll have to fight a few Witches among other enemies. Defeat them and there should be a Lost Soul in the far corner on the wall.

Mission 17: Lost Soul# 76:
After you have passed the divinity statue, jump to the next platform and continue up to the right and there should be a Lost Soul on the right.

Mission 17: Lost Soul #77:
Once you near the end of this mission, you’ll fight a combination of Dreamrunners, Witches, and Tyrants. Defeat them and you’ll have to Angel Lift across some points. Once you reach a landing platform, look to the right and there should be a Lost Soul on the rock.

Mission 18: Lost Soul #78:
Enter the first tunnel on the left and you should come to a large cavern with some ledge. Look up to the right and you should find a Lost Soul on the wall.

Mission 18: Lost Soul #79:
Down the middle tunnel and towards the right of the area, you should find another Lost Soul at the generator. You can reach it at the end of the tunnel, look towards the left to see it.

Mission 18: Lost Soul #80:
When you reach the large center doors, enter the tunnel immediately left. Look down and to the right for a Lost Soul on a faraway platform.

Congratulations! If you have followed this guide, you should have all 80 Lost Souls and a few unlocked trophies to add to your collection. :cool: