Xbox 360 Do The Cheaters Get On Your Nerves?


New Member
Nov 14, 2012
I've been cursing cheaters ever since I started playing Call of Duty, and since every Call of Duty title has just as many cheaters on multiplayer as the next, you think I'd be used to them by now. I just can't help it though; they get on my nerves so bad! Why even play if you're going to cheat? I'm sorry but if you're not good enough to play without cheating, then you're just not good enough to play!
I don't like cheaters in any aspect of life. I do agree with you though that you shouldn't play if you can't play fair and square like everyone else.
Of course the cheaters get on my nerves. Who is actually going to say they like cheaters? It isn't that difficult to play. Everyone was new once so they need to take the time to learn to play like everyone else. At least you can refuse to play with them if you want.
I HATE cheaters!! My girl teases me all the time because I get so worked up over them. She asks me why I even play if it bothers me so bad, but she just doesn't get it. (Anyone else have a girlfriend like this?) I don't know that it does any good, but I report every cheater I come across, then I avoid them so I don't have to play with them again.
I don't like the cheaters, either. Who does?! I think the only people who like cheaters ARE cheaters. I wish someone behind the scenes would moderate the matches and permanently ban the cheaters by their IP addresses. That'll never happen!
a bunch of my buddies thought it was such a good idea to buy the modded controller from evil controllers with the master mod, My one friend has problems with his hand so the auto run feature for him makes sense but all the drop shots and stuff like that I hate
I don't like those modded controllers; I feel like it gives the player an unfair advantage. I also hate how the lobbies can be hacked to the cheater's advantage. None of that stuff is new though, nor is it unique to Call of Duty. I guess it's just something you have to work around. =/
I have to play my Call of Duty titles in small doses, otherwise I get ridiculously worked up over cheaters. Back before Black Ops II came out, I was playing the original Black Ops and got so fed up with cheaters that I actually took the game out of the Xbox and broke it in half. I regretted it after I calmed down, especially since I had to go out and buy another copy of it. :eek:
The cheaters get on my nerves so bad that I have to just stop playing the game sometimes. I played for a few hours last night though and had a really good time with it. Those good nights are the ones that keep you hooked and coming back for more. They offset those aggravating nights when it seems like it's you against a bunch of computers.
I play on Xbox 360, and rarely end up in a game with cheaters. I think cheaters should be automatically banned from the game. Cheating is a way of ruining every one else's fun. Treyarch, and every other company should be more severe with cheaters.
Cheaters really get on my nerves. Even fathoming the fact that I've joined a game with players that have a significant advantage over my just simply aggravates me. Another thing I hate about cheaters is that when you spot them doing well, you're motivated to follow in their footsteps so you can succeed as well.
Cheating starts small and ends big on any game that cheating is possible in. Eventually, legit players will never win.
Cheaters really get on my nerves. Even fathoming the fact that I've joined a game with players that have a significant advantage over my just simply aggravates me. Another thing I hate about cheaters is that when you spot them doing well, you're motivated to follow in their footsteps so you can succeed as well.
Cheating starts small and ends big on any game that cheating is possible in. Eventually, legit players will never win.

I disagree that watching a cheater motivates a non-cheater to cheat in order to level the playing field, and I also disagree with the notion that cheating does or will escalate to the point that legitimate players can no longer win. I've been dealing with cheaters as long as I've been playing online multiplayer games, and I've never been tempted to cheat the get a leg-up on the competition. Even playing against cheaters, my friends and I still have plenty of good matches where our team comes out on top.
I cannot stand playing with cheaters! I will never understand how it is fun for someone to win a game when they are not playing by the rules. There is no challenge when you are cheating. What is the point in playing if you know you are going to win?
It doesn't bother me at all. I understand that cheating is annoying and frustrating, but it happens in life. It's just a game. If you can beat someone who is cheating, that should make you feel even better about yourself. There are people who boost on Black Ops 2 and there are people who use modded controllers, but it doesn't bother me. At the end of the day, it's just a game, I'm not getting paid for it and they're not taking anything serious away from me by boosting or cheating.
I love cheating but I hate to be cheated. I might the one whom you played with if you are cheated. But I don’t look it that way, we are playing a war in here and winning is everything, using cheats is actually tactics and techniques. You might be left behind if you don’t join the winning side.
I don't personally use the cheats, but I realize a lot of people do. There was only one time when it really got on my nerves. I had a friend who always used cheats, but he would talk to people like he was this master gamer and knew everything. It would irritate me because I was the only one who knew what he was up to and everyone else would look at him like he was someone to be revered. Eventually, I just stopped hanging around him so I didn't have to listen to it anymore.
I love cheating but I hate to be cheated. I might the one whom you played with if you are cheated. But I don’t look it that way, we are playing a war in here and winning is everything, using cheats is actually tactics and techniques. You might be left behind if you don’t join the winning side.

Haha, good way of thinking about it. I don't use cheats for Black Ops II, which is where I know most people complain about the boosting. But I do like to use cheats when I am playing Grand Theft Auto. Honestly, it makes the game more fun for me, especially when I feel like just playing around and not being serious about completing missions.
Obviously, cheaters aren't fun to deal with. In Black Ops 2, there aren't as many cheaters as before. From time to time, you will see the occasional boosters but Black Ops 2 is definitely not the worst game in terms of cheaters. Modern Warfare 2 was a nightmare; a haven for boosters, hackers, and prestige mode glitchers. It was ridiculous and sometimes made the game unplayable. Thankfully, Treyarch is taking steps to ban and remove cheaters from Black Ops 2. So yes, they do get on my nerves because they ruin the fun for everyone else.
It's pretty terrible. Sometimes it feels as though people are cheating, but in actuality they're just using a ridiculously overpowered weapon. While there's definitely a lot more cheaters in MW2, the weapons, personally, seemed more even than on BO2.
Treyarch has been good about removing the mods that have plagued Call of Duty with their Black Ops series, so there aren't really all that many ways to cheat on Black Ops II. However, there is one thing that bothers me to no end, and that is the exploitation of lag compensation. Lag comp in general is an awful idea, and those with a poor connection should have to pay the piper or get a better service in my view. Seriously, it's so bad in Black Ops II that being the victor in a gunfight just boils down to being on the better end of lag comp, but I won't go off on that tangent here. Concerning the exploitation, people with decent connections actually hinder their bandwidth on purpose to get on the good end of lag comp. It isn't illegal, although it's something I frown upon and have frustrations with every time I play. Still, it's Treyarch's fault for implementing lag comp (honestly, did anyone even like it in MW 3?) and I will not be buying any future Call of Duty games that include it.