Xbox 360 Does anybody travel with their Xbox 360?


New Member
Oct 24, 2013
I travel a lot to for work so I bring my Xbox 360 everywhere! I can usually set my Xbox up in a hotel or even a relatives house in the area. Sometimes I'm just in the mood to game, you know? If you have more than one Xbox 360 console or you want to play games at a friend's house, you can store your saved games in the cloud. Because your saved game is stored in the cloud, you can continue playing a game on a different console, right from where you left off. To play a game saved in the cloud on any console, your console must be connected to Xbox LIVE. Games saved in the cloud cannot be played without a connection to the Internet. Does anybody else travel with their Xbox?
Yes, must summers I go to my vacation house in the north side of my country, for about a month, where I don't have internet so most of the times I hold on to some SP games for this time of the year so I have something to do in the "dead times".
Nah, most of the time if I'm traveling, its to somewhere i really want to enjoy. I try to make my trip enjoyable enough to where i don't have the time or desire to play video games. I've always thought the Xbox 360 was a nice size for travel though.
I do, if I am going somewhere where I think I'll be spending lots of quality time in a hotel room or other location where I would otherwise be staring at the TV. I figure if I have time to kill might as well do it doing something I like rather than just staring at the tube or killing my cellphone battery.
I don't. I just bring my 3DS with me if I'm going somewhere. If I was going away for a month or more, then yes, I would consider taking it, but for shorter trips I have my 3DS, books, my phone and iPad with access to Amazon on Demand and Netflix, etc. so I have enough other things that won't take up a lot of room when travelling.
I bring my 360 out of town with me sometimes if I think I will use it. I used to bring it out of town way more then I do now, but I also used to go out of town for business quite a bit and I'd get bored so I'd bring it with me to have something to do while I wasn't in meetings and what not. I'm not a huge fan of bringing it places anyway, I prefer it to just sit in one spot like it's good at!
I gave my 360 to my brother, but I used to take my 360 places all the time when I had one. I would bring it to my friends or to my mother's when I visited. I actually got a really nice bag with a handle that was designed for the 360. It worked out perfectly.
Made me remember how the Gamecube has this thing attached to it's back so you can easily carry it with you, and i never noticed it before. But yeah, nowadays, even with portable systems, i don't like to take them out of the house because i am usually over protective of my stuff, specially gadgets and gaming peripherals.
I have brought my Xbox 360 to my friend's house numerous times by carrying it in a backpack along with the controllers and other games in different pockets. I have to say that it was heavy and definitely not fun to carry around. It's not meant for being portable, that's for sure, and I probably won't ever do that again. With the Xbox One, I suspect that it's going to be even heavier, so I am not going to even begin to imagine myself carrying it in a backpack to go to my friends house. Also, bringing it to my friend's house is as far as I got with "travelling with my Xbox 360". Never have I actually tried bringing it outside on vacation or something similar.
Everyone I know who travels with the 360 has regretted doing so. I try not to. I found if I need to take a newish system with me (and not a portable one) the Wii is the easiest to transport. If we don't care how new? I love traveling with an NES. Regardless of the age of the television in your hotel room you can bet the NES will have no problem hooking up to it. Oh, reliable NESSY.
I hate bringing my console anywhere, such a hassle. Maybe if they were designed to be more portable.
I only ever brought my Xbox with me when travelling once. I was making a youtube lets play series at the time, and I was going on a business trip for the weekend and didn't want to have a gap in my uploads so I packed it up inside a case and left. This had it's downsides I guess. I couldn't bring as much stuff with me because the console and cables took up much of my luggage and it was also super heavy to lug around. I was even charged extra at the airport for my luggage being over weight! Still, I managed to set it up in the hotel and record my games and even after I was done recording I still kept playing because I have this theory that everything is better when you're doing in a hotel. A couple days later my coworkers questioned me about where I had been the whole time as they had only ever seen me at the presentations we were giving. Obviously I had been playing my Xbox in my hotel room the whole time. They continued to tell me about all the exciting adventures they's been having while I was playing Xbox- they'd been driving sand buggies and para-sailing and all sorts of stuff- all on the company's dime. It was at this point when I realized- when you go travelling, it is best to just have a great time while you're there. you can play Xbox anytime. But while you're away, take the time to do things that you would rarely be able to do at home.
I travel a lot to for work so I bring my Xbox 360 everywhere! I can usually set my Xbox up in a hotel or even a relatives house in the area. Sometimes I'm just in the mood to game, you know? If you have more than one Xbox 360 console or you want to play games at a friend's house, you can store your saved games in the cloud. Because your saved game is stored in the cloud, you can continue playing a game on a different console, right from where you left off. To play a game saved in the cloud on any console, your console must be connected to Xbox LIVE. Games saved in the cloud cannot be played without a connection to the Internet. Does anybody else travel with their Xbox?

I have a love/hate relationship with moving my Xbox 360 around. Since I bought my 360 at launch it is old and bulky and I'm afraid that any jarring movement will really mess with the inside of the system. I hate the idea of ruining my favorite console just because I wanted to play it at a friends house. That being said... Yeah, I travel with my 360. It's a great social system and whenever I visit friends without a gaming console I can throw it in my backpack with a few games, a couple controllers, and be ready to go. I just hold my breath every time that I turn it on.
I bring it over to a friend every once in a while, but no, otherwise I don't. There are a couple "xbox travel cases" on the market though, which basically turn it into a laptop you can use when you're out of town or something, and you need some entertainment on the go.

I can see the appeal, but I'd just bring my phone or a DS myself.
The only time I traveled with my Xbox 360 was when I was taking my console over my brother's house. This was when his Playstation had broke so I just brought my Xbox 360 over and we played that.
Nope, never done it. I've had family bring theirs over to my house during school breaks when I was in HS, but I've never taken mine with me anywhere. The most traveling I've done with it was when I moved to a different state. It'd be a nice thing to have on a trip if there was ever downtime between activities, but I've never thought to do it. Thanks for the idea.
My friend used to bring his to high school all the time. At lunch we had access to a TV, so we got to play a lot of games like Rock Band/Guitar Hero and games like Halo and what not. It was pretty fantastic. Never brought mine any where though. It's been standing pat in its place for quite a few years now.