Does it ever seem like people want Nintendo to fail?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2013
The minute anything like bad news comes up you can expect several very excited thread predicting the fall of Nintendo. The WiiU had barely been mentioned and people hated the name, the design, the rumoured specs, and predicted it would fail. Apparently no one like the Wii despite it having been the decisive winner of the last console race (even though it came out last and was underpowered). I don't know... I just don't want to see Nintendo slammed or wished against because it's the last old man standing. Sega is just a developer now, and Atari is dead for all intents and purposes. Besides which Nintendo seems to be the only one that really cares about gaming - Microsoft showed their colors and in the past PS has shown theirs. I mean... why are people so ready to call FAIL on Nintendo? Especially since Pokémon is alive and well and still bringing an ungodly amount of money for them?
I don't think people want Nintendo to fail, they want them to improve and start making more games for the Wii U, Wii, and the lesser known consoles. Why do you think there is hate on Microsoft most of the time? Because fans want them to start making right decisions, listen to the users, and in the end, Microsoft did. I feel Nintendo is in the same hole as Microsoft is in, but generating less anger and hate towards them. A lot of people are disappointed since they thought WiiU would actually be a blast, and a unique product on the market, when in reality, they only released a few games worth playing.
I don't think you look at the big picture. Nintendo is huge in Asia, and Europe. Gotta see that Americas are dominated by multiplayer gaming, which doesn't exist in as much of the world as you may think!
I agree with @Funky Jammer, Nintendo is almost a god in asia.....I mean they still have very very active Pokémon centers in Japan where people go and play pokémon games, I remember seeing a snippet in a magazine once (can't remember which one it was....and no it wasn't nintendo power haha) that Mario is more recognized around the world then a vast majority of real world celebs. North America is really kinda separated from the world when it comes to playing styles. While call of duty is the most massive thing here, across the pond Starcraft is dominating.
A little bit of clarification - when I say "people" I tend to mean western gamers (North America and Western Europe), and I did make the point about Pokémon. I mean Pokémon is relevant enough that my spell check automatically corrects it with the little accent point. So yeah. I just wish people weren't so quick to dismiss Nintendo as childish or lacking or soon to die. That's all I'm saying.
I'm sure there are folks of many stripes who want a particular platform to fail, or in some cases of extreme fanboyism, every platform that they're not a zealous fan of. I have personally been critical of the Wii U, but I haven't been a doomsayer for it, nor do I want to see Nintendo fall. There are people who will seize any opportunity to take a potshot at a console, and at the moment, Nintendo is a bit of an easy target. I concede that a lot of people are down on the original Wii despite it being at the top, but it's probably a similar situation to the band Nickelback; everybody seems to hate them, but they still sell out huge venues. This leads me to believe that a considerable amount of people are compartmentalized in that they own a Wii for a few games they really enjoy, but still dislike the console. I have to admit, Nintendo's first party games are the only thing they've kept my interest in since the Wii, but even if I had zero interest in them personally, (which would be a sad day for me; Nintendo would suffice as a one-word summary for my childhood) I would have to say that it would be off-base to say that Nintendo is past the point of no return.
I think you may be right in that many of the people who hate it... none the less have bought one. I'm not really sure why you'd buy something you hate, but people can be quite illogical in their behavior. That said you've made me cry inside by comparing Nintendo to Nickelback. I listened to them in the 90s, but honestly I don't think that's fair to Nintendo. That said think you for shedding some light on this issue.
Nintendo is in a pretty weird situation right now. When the NES first came out the console really was revolutionary, it created a huge boom of interest in video games and Nintendo has been monetizing on this boom ever since, but I think that the well is very quickly running dry and people are no longer entertained by the hundreds of Mario games and they want something new. The Wii U sales reflect this, and I don't think the case is that everyone else wants Nintendo to fail, its more like everyone except from Nintendo is realising that they are already failing and they desperately need to pull themselves up.
I have noticed that with a few people I've seen online but at the same time, it's not like people want Nintendo to actually fail, it's more like people want Nintendo to step it up when it comes to their games. The Wii U has been pretty mediocre so far, as not many games have been released, not to mention the system really isn't all that powerful compared to its upcoming competition. So, I don't think people want nintendo to fail, more like they want Nintendo to step their game up so to speak.
I've heard people say they want Nintendo to step up or that they want more then Mario, but the problem for me is I don't know how many people actually bother looking at the extended catalog of a system. For instance, people mention Mario Galaxy or Skyward Sword or Wii Fit, but what about No More Heroes or Mad World or Shattered Memories or The Pass or so forth and so on? Of course, this is dealing with mostly American or UK gamers rather than say Japanese or whatever gamers. Sometimes I feel as though there is a kind of disconnect because Nintendo is doing fantastic in their really important market whereas Microsoft and Sony are focusing on said American/UK players. So you have Microsoft pushing features that don't make too much sense outside of a certain sector of America or Sony trying to be Apple, whereas Nintendo focuses on things that are cute or social orientated and don't really push graphics and better ways to shoot something in the face. I should probably do some research into this now that I think about it.

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