Xbox 360 Dragon Age II Achievement Guide


Feb 11, 2013
Dragon Age II is the sequel to Dragon Age: Origins. Developed by Bioware and released on March 8, 2011, Dragon Age II follows Hawke, a refugee, as he rises to power after the destruction of his homeland. The game takes place in the same universe as Dragon Age: Origins and spans 10 years. Much like the first game, Dragon Age II forces the player to make moral choices, recruit allies, and shape the history of the world.

Dragon Age II contains 50 achievements totaling the usual 1000 gamer points. The achievements are not overly hard, but will require a full playthrough and a couple of partial playthroughs. There are a number of missable achievements, so check the playthrough guide before starting.

Dragon Age II also has three optional DLC packages. The guides for those can be found by following these links:

This guide does include some minor spoilers, so read with caution.

Playthrough Guide
There are two different paths that this can take, and it’s all dependant on if you have a Dragon Age: Origins save or not.

Playthrough 1: A full playthrough using any class that you choose. As you play, pick either the Mages or the Templars and side with them five times.
Playthrough 2: A partial playthrough. Choose either of the two classes that you haven’t played yet, and play the game through until you’ve sided with the Mages or Templars five times (whichever you didn’t side with the first time through).
Playthrough 3: A partial playthrough. Choose the only class you haven’t played as yet and play through the game until the end of Act 1.

You will have to do everything from the guide above for playing with a Dragon Age: Origins save, but you will have to complete the entire game during Playthrough 2 rather than only needing to get through Act 1.

Since there are quite a few missable achievements in Dragon Age II, here is a breakdown of each playthrough and exactly what you need to get when. You can refer to the guides for each references achievement for more information.

Playthrough 1
  • Nefarious and Mercenary: occurs upon arriving in Gallows of Kirkwall. You must pick a side, but you can save before to get both in one playthrough (or just pick up the alternate one during partial playthroughs 2 or 3).
Act I
  • Chantry Historian: when you get to Kirkwall, make the Chantry your first stop so that you get Chapter 1 of the “History of the Chantry.”
  • Birthright: you can pick this quest up after completing “A New Home.” Speak with your mother and sibling to start the quest. Complete it right away.
  • Archaeologist: collect messages for the Band of Three.
  • Mage Hunter and Arcane Defender: there are three quests in Act I that allow you to chose sides: “The Wayward Son,” “Act of Mercy,” and “Enemies Among Us.” For two of the quests side with one faction, and for the third side with the other.
  • Master Craftsman and Supplier: read through the achievement guide to find out when and where to pick up the recipes and supplies for these achievements during each chapter. There are certain items that can only be obtained during specific acts.
  • Financier: if you get the side quest “Friends in Low Places,” DO NOT take the money from Dougal, doing so instantly fails this achievement.
Act I ends when you fund the Deep Road Expedition, so ensure that you have all missable achievement progress completed before funding the expedition.
Act II
  • Chantry History: when you get to Kirkwall again, make the Chantry your first stop so that you can pick up Chapter 2 of the “History of the Chantry.” NOTE: Chapter 3 can only be obtained during the final quest of this act: “Following the Qun.” When you get to the Chantry during that quest, make sure to pick Chapter 3 up from the podium as soon as the cut scene ends. If you miss it due to the battle, reload your last save and retry.
  • Exorcist: do the quest “Forbidden Knowledge.” It can be picked up by finding one of the evil tomes in the Chantry or Viscount Keep, or in your estate if you saved Idunna during “Enemies Among Us.”
  • Archaeologist: collect messages for the Band of Three.
  • Master Craftsman and Supplier: read through the achievement guide to find out when and where to pick up the recipes and supplies for these achievements during each chapter. There are certain items that can only be obtained during specific acts.
  • That Thing Has Legs: after completing “Blackpowder Courtesy,” speak with Merrill in her home to start her companion quest “Mirror Image.”
  • Mage Hunter and Arcane Defender: there is one quest in Act II that allows you to choose sides: “Night Terrors.” Choose to side with whichever group you only sided with once in Act I. IMPORTANT: save as soon as you complete the quest so that you can return to this point after unlocking the achievement for one side.
The last chance that you have to do Act II side quests is before starting the quest “Demands of the Qun.” Make sure that you have all the missable achievements completed before then.
  • A Worthy Rival: speak highly of Arishok every chance that you get so that you earn his respect.
  • King of the Hill: kill Arishok or beat him in a duel, just DO NOT chose the civil outcome option.
  • Chantry History: as soon as Act III starts, head to the Chantry and pick up the final chapter of “History of the Chantry.”
  • Demon Slayer: after completing Chantry Historian, head to the Wounded Coast and collect the scroll. Next, head to Sundermount and collect two more scrolls. Complete the quests that go along with each scroll. Once you’ve completed those three quests you’ll get a new quest in your log.
  • Dragon Slayer: after Demon Slayer you’ll need to kill the High Dragon. You’ll need to complete the quests “The Bone Pit,” “Inside Job,” and “Mine Massacre” before being able to face the High Dragon.
  • Archaeologist: collect messages for the Band of Three.
  • Master Craftsman and Supplier: read through the achievement guide to find out when and where to pick up the recipes and supplies for these achievements during each chapter. There are certain items that can only be obtained during specific acts.
  • Mage Hunter and Arcane Defender: there are three quests in Act III that allow you to choose sides: “Showdown,” “On the Loose,” “Best Served Cold.” Choose to side with one group through all three quests. When you complete Mage Hunter or Arcane Defender, reload the save from Act II and redo the quests for the other side.
  • Crowning Glory: during “The Last Straw” you must side with the Templars. This quest does not count towards Mage Hunter or Arcane Defender, but note that “The Last Straw” is the game’s point of no return, so make sure you do everything else first.

Playthrough 2
After playthrough two you should have all but one or two of the game’s achievements. All that should be left is Mass Exodus and Epic (if you don’t have a Dragon Age: Origins save). Complete the Prologue and Act I (until you reach Kirkwall for the first time) and you’ll be two thirds of the way through Mass Exodus. If you have a Dragon Age: Origins save you are done with this playthrough. If not, go all the way through the game to get Epic.

Playthrough 3
Play through the Prologue and Act I with the final class that you haven’t played yet. Upon reaching Kirkwall you will unlock Mass Exodus. Congratulations!

Dragon Age II Achievement Guide

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Master Craftsman (25G)
Crafted all of the items from a single crafting tree.
You will need to find all of the recipes and craft all of the items in one of the four crafting trees. There are 6 recipes in the Potion tree, 9 in the Poison tree, 9 in the Bomb tree, and 20 in the Run tree. Obviously the Potion tree is the easiest to do for this. Note that this achievement is missable in that you must pick up the recipes in the noted chapter, otherwise you will not be able to get them. Here are the locations:
  • Elfroot Potion: received as a gift from Lady Elegant upon arriving in Lowtown the first time.
  • Restoration Potion: complete the “Formari Herbalist Gift Shop” quest in Act I, then buy this from the shop.

  • Life Ward Potion: complete the second “Formari Herbalist Gift Shop” quest in Act II, then buy this from the shop.
  • Mighty Offense Potion: found in Sundermount. From the entrance head past the Dalish camp. Take the path to the right at the fork and ehad up the mountain. Travel through the cave and take the Mountain Graveyard exit. When you are back outside head to the right to find the recipe in a bone pile.
  • Rock Armor Potion: found in Lowtown during the night. Go to Gamlen's House and find it in a rubble pile to the left.
  • Elixir of Heroism: during the “Demanding the Qun” quest, as you are fighting your way through Hightown, you will come to an area with a lady in a green dress standing over a body dressed in purplish clothing. If you look to your right, you will see a loot-able corpse. The recipe can be found on this body. Note: This recipe requires Ambrosia which can only be obtained during Isabela's Act III companion quest if you don't turn her over to the Arishok.

Find all 6 recipes and create the potions and the achievement is yours.

Mogul (25G)
Had 100 or more sovereigns in your purse.
If you do all of the available side quests and explore as much as possible, you will have the 100 sovereigns before funding the Deep Run Expedition. If you don’t have it by then, you will get this easily before completing the game. Once you have 100 sovereigns the achievement is yours.

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Crowning Glory (25G)
Became the viscount of Kirkwall.
Do any side quests and final achievement progress that you need to do before starting the quest “The Last Straw” as there is no turning back once you start it. I suggest creating a separate save file before starting so that you can return if you missed anything. During the quest you will have a chance to choose between siding with Lowtown or the Templars. You must choose to side with the Templars for this, and once you complete the quest after doing so the achievement is yours.

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A Friend in Need (5G)
Upgraded the armor of one of your party members.
The easiest party members to do this with are Carver and Bethany. After the quest “A New Home” you need to speak with your mother and with your sibling in Gamlen’s Home to start the quest “Birthright.” When you reach your ancestral mansion you will find the Fereldan Girded Painting for Carver and the Heirloom Amell Protective Sigil for Bethany. Once you pick the items up the achievement is yours.

Enchanter (5G)
Enchanted an item.
You will need to create a rune for this. There are 20 different rune recipes, and you’ll find one during your travels without much trouble. When you have a recipe, gather the materials and create the rune. The next step is to find an enchanter. During Act I you can find the enchanter in Hightown. During the Deep Roads Expedition you can find the enchanter in the Deep Roads. From Act II onwards the enchanter can be found in your estate. Enchant an item with a rune and the achievement is yours.

Immigrant (5G)
Became a resident of Kirkwall.
Story related and cannot be missed. Complete the prologue and the achievement is yours.

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Delver of the Deep (10G)
Explored the Deep Roads.
Story related and cannot be missed. Finish exploring your way through the Deep Roads and defeat the dragon and the achievement is yours.

Birthright (15G)
Kicked the slavers out of your ancestral mansion.
This is a missable achievement, you MUST do it before leaving for the Deep Roads or you’ll have to wait for another playthrough. After completing the main story quest “A New Home,” travel to Gamlen’s House and speak with your mother, then with your brother or sister to begin the quest “Birthright.” You need to travel to your family’s old estate in Darktown and fight your way through the house to the Vault. Inside the vault you will find your grandfather’s will inside one of the chests. Once you find the will the achievement is yours.

NOTE: You can also complete the achievements Gift Giver and A Friend in Need during this quest, so see those achievements for more information before you begin.

Specialized (25G)
Learned two class specializations.
At level 7 and 14 you will get a point to put into a class specialization. Each class has three possible specializations, so just pick any two. When you reach level 14 and select your second specialization the achievement is yours.

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I Got Your Back (25G)
Completely upgraded the armor of one of your party members.
You will need to obtain all of the armor upgrades for a single companion for this achievement. Bethany and Carver do not count as they only have one armor upgrade each. The location for all of the party members upgrades are:

Bethany and Carver
  • Both of their armor upgrades can be found in the final room in the "Birthright" quest in Act I. They only have one upgrade and do not count for this achievement.

  • None
  • Lyrium Weave: Mage Goods shop in The Gallows
  • Armor Struts: Lirene's Fereldan Imports shop in Lowtown
  • Spirit Essence: Obtained during "Dissent" quest, in a dungeon in The Gallows.
  • Sigil of the Mage Underground: Obtained during "Best Served Cold" quest.

  • Underpadding - Guardsman Pattern: Armor Merchant shop in Lowtown.
  • Flex-Chain: "Raiders on the Cliff" quest, on the Fell Orden.
  • Impact Plating: Armor Merchant shop in Lowtown.
  • Deflecting Joints: "Favor and Fault" quest, on Jeven.

  • None
  • Lyrium Scales: Shady Merchandise shop on The Docks.
  • Tevinter Spirit Symbol: Robes by Jean Luc shop in Hightown.
  • Reinforced Straps: "A Bitter Pill" quest, in the Abandoned Slaver Den.
  • Enchanted Resin: "Mine Massacre" quest, on Dragon.

  • None
  • Lambswool Insoles: "To Catch a Thief" quest, in the Lost-End Foundry.
  • Rigid Boning: Apparel shop in Lowtown.
  • Supportive Corselet: Robes by Jean Luc shop in Hightown.
  • Boiled Leather Plates: "A Murder of Crows" quest.

  • None
  • Silver-threaded Dalish Embroidery: Sundermount, near the top of the path.
  • Carved Ironwood Buttons: Ilen's Crafts shop in Sundermount
  • Samite Lining: Robes by Jean Luc shop in Hightown.
  • Halla Horn Buckles: "A New Path" quest, on the Pride Demon.

  • Inscribed Leather Harness: Apparel Shop in Lowtown.
  • Silverite-Reinforced Buckles: "Family Matter" quest, in Bartrand's Estate.
  • Coat Lining with Concealed Pockets: Shady Merchandise shop on The Docks.
  • Drakeskin Leg Straps: "Finding Nathaniel" quest.

Once you’ve obtained all four upgrades for any one character the achievement is yours.

Dedicated (15G)
Reached Level 10.
See Legendary for more information. Reach level 10 and the achievement is yours.

Legendary (50G)
Reached Level 20.
The best way to get this is to do every side quest and take time to explore the areas in the world. If you do everything the game has to offer you should be around level 22 or 23 by the end of the game. Once you hit level 20 the achievement is yours.

Financier (10G)
Became a partner in a Deep Roads expedition.
This is a missable achievement. During Act I you will need to complete a bunch of side quests and do some extra exploring to raise 50 sovereigns. If you come across the quest “Fiends in Low Places,” DO NOT accept Dougal’s loan as it will cause you to miss this achievement. Give Bartrand the 50 sovereigns that you collected yourself and the achievement is yours.

Talented (5G)
Upgraded a spell or talent.
You should get this through playing the game normally. When you level up and allocate you talent points you will see spells and talents that have small diamonds next to the larger one. Any of the spells or talents with these small diamonds are able to be upgraded, so just throw a point into one of them and the achievement is yours.

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Tag Team (5G)
Used teamwork to perform a cross-class combo.
You will likely get this naturally by playing through the game. It’s easiest at higher levels, as your party will have more abilities at its disposal. Once you’ve performed a combo with a party member the achievement is yours.

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That Thing Has Legs (25G)
Found and killed a varterral.
This is a missable achievement. The first step is to complete the quest “Blackpowder Courtesy” that is started by picking up an item from the writing desk in your estate at the start of Act II. Once you’ve completed “Blackpowder Courtesy” you need to travel to Merrill’s house and speak with her to begin her companion quest “Mirror Image.” Merrill will need to be in your active party and on friendly terms with you for her to offer this quest. Once you’ve completed “Blackpowder Courtesy” and accepted “Mirror Image,” travel to Sundermount and speak with Keeper Marrethari to begin “Honoring the Fallen.” Follow the path to the far left of the Keeprer to reach the Varterral Hunting Grounds. Explore the area and you’ll eventually encounter a varterral (it looks similar to the creature in the achievement picture). Once you’ve killed the varterral the achievement is yours.

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Weapon Master (25G)
Mastered a weapon style.
There are four talent trees that work for this achievement: Weapon & Shield, Two-Handed Weapon, Dual-Weapon, and Archery. To master a weapon style you must purchase ALL of the talents and upgrades in the tree. If you’re playing as a mage you can upgrade the talent tree of one of your companions instead. Once you’ve purchased all of the upgrades the achievement is yours.

Unstoppable (50G)
Completed a full year in Kirkwall without any party member being knocked unconscious.
You will need to complete Act I or Act II without any of your party members getting knocked unconscious (losing their entire HP bar). If any of your party goes unconscious you can reload a previous save and continue playing without disabling this achievement. It may be possible to do this during Act III, but since there have been glitches and it’s the most challenging chapter I suggest doing it during Act I or Act II. Once you’ve completed an Act without losing a party member the achievement is yours.

Craftsman (5G)
Acquired your first crafting recipe.
Story related and cannot be missed. You will receive a recipe for the Elfroot Potion from Lady Elegant the first that you enter Lowtown. Get the recipe and the achievement is yours.

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Dragon Slayer (25G)
Found and killed a high dragon.
There is a quest available on Act III (Year 7) after becoming the Champion of Kirkwall, your business partner (Hubert) in Hightown Market informs you of trouble at the Bone Pit mines. Fast travel to the Bone Pit and go down the path to the very bottom (the area that was previously blocked off in prior years) to encounter the High Dragon. Defeat the High Dragon and the achievement is yours.

Exorcist (25G)
Found and killed the undying Xebenkeck.
This is a missable achievement. You’ll want to do this immediately after returning from the Deep Roads Expedition at the start of Act II. If you spared Idunna’s life during the quest "Enemies Among Us," you will find a letter at the Writing Desk in your estate that will begin the quest. If Idunna died, you must interact with the evil tome at the Chantry or Viscount Keep to start the quest. In either case, you will have to find a total of 5 evil tomes. When you interact with each tome, make sure that you choose the option to destroy it. The following list contains the location of each tome:

  • The Chantry: upon entering the Chantry, head up the left stairs and the book will be on a table to the left.
  • Viscount’s Keep: in the back of the Keep that was previously locked during Act I. You can find the book on a bench to the left of the large square room.
  • Bone Pits: on the far east side of the Bone Pits you will find an entrance to a cave. Inside the cave you will find the book.
  • Wounded Coast: the entrance to the Dank Cave can be found by taking the right (western) path upon entering Wounded Coast. You want to take the third Southern path (first two are dead ends) and you will see the entrance.
  • Sundermount: the final tome can be found in the Abandoned Thaig, which can be accessed by travelling to Sundermount. Once there, head past the Dalish camp and take the left path and you will see the "Recently Opened Passage." Head inside and follow to quest marker.

After destroying all five evil tomes travel to Darktown. Enter the Evil Pit located to the left immediately upon entering Darktown. Bring a rogue along with you to unlock a door. You need to progress through the lair until you reach the Fell Grimoire. Prepare your party for the battle and then interact with the Fell Grimoire. You can read the book to gain two attribute points. You will now fight Xebenkeck and his minions. Defeat Xebenkeck and the achievement is yours.

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Demon Slayer (25G)
Found and killed the ancient demon, Hybris.
You’ll need to collect three scrolls during Act III and complete a quest for each one. The location of each scroll is:
  • Wounded Coast: the scroll is found at the end of the dead end south of the entrance. Once you pick it up, return to the main path and continue along it, taking the second right after it turns. As you head down the path you will be attacked by multiple groups of corpses and eventually by Medan. Once you’ve killed Medan the quest is completed.
  • Sundermount 1: follow the path from the entrance towards the Dalish camp. Once you pick up the scroll, continue past the Dalish camp and take the right fork near the Keeper Marethari. As you go up the hill you will find a campfire and be attacked by an Arcane Horror and a group of shades. Defeat the group and the quest is complete.
  • Sundermount 2: After completing the first scroll’s quest in Sundermount you will see a wall by the campfire. Behind the wall is the final scroll. Continue making your way up the mountain and enter the cavern. Go through the cavern and take the Mountain Graveyard exit to continue up the mountain. Pass the altar and the graves and you will be attacked by three demons: Gifre, Bysmor, and Beacon. Defeat them to complete the quest.

After completing the quests for each scroll you will gain a new journal entry entitled “Awiergan Scrolls: Pride Unbound.” You will need to travel to the Hidden Lair in Darktown (found in the northeast part of town, south of Ander’s clinic). Enter the hidden lair and continue through it to fight the demon Hybris. Defeat Hybris and the achievement is yours.

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Chantry Historian (25G)
Found all four chapters of "The History of the Chantry," by Brother Genitivi.
This achievement is missable. You will find Chapters 1, 2, and 4 by visiting the Chantry during Act I, II, and III respectively. The best way is to visit the Chantry at the beginning of each Act to ensure that you don’t miss them. You can only obtain Chapter 3 during the quest “Following the Qun” in Act II. When you travel to the Chantry at night you will view a cut scene in which you learn of Seamus’ fate. As soon as the cut scene ends you can grab the book from the podium that overlooks the main elvel of the Chantry. You can use the targeting wheel to pause combat and grab it, or you can grab it during a lull in the combat. Once you’ve obtained all 4 chapters the achievement is yours.

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A Worthy Rival (25G)
Earned the Arishok's respect.
This is a missable achievement. You need to gain the maximum amount of respect from the Arishok before the end of the “Demands of the Qun” quest. To do so, always tell him and truth and pick the top right option (indicated by a green leaf). There are also some key points in the game that allow you gain large amounts of respect from the Arishok:
  • After the quest “Blackpowder Courtesy” you will find yourself talking to Viscount Dumar and then to Seneschal Bran. Bran will give you the quest “Offered and Lost.” Before doing the quest head to the Qunari Compound on the Docks and speak with the Arishok, choosing the dialogue “Your delegate is missing.”
  • When you reach point in the quest “Offered and Lost” at Ser Varnel’s Refuge, after killing Varnel, you will speak with Viscount Dumar. During the conversation select the dialogue “Do not hide it. He’ll know.”
  • After you’ve compelted “Offered and Lost” return to the Arishok and speak to him. Choose all of the honest and respectful answers. You should get the achievement here, but if not there is one last opportunity to gain respect.
  • After completing “To Catch a Thief” you will see the Arishok at the docks. During the cut scene select the dialogue options “Isabela has it” and “Yes it is.”

Once you have gained the Arishok’s respect the achievement is yours.

Friend (25G)
Earned the friendship of one of your party members.
See Great Minds Think Alike for more information. Make one party member a friend and the achievement is yours.

Rival (25G)
Earned the rivalry of one of your party members.
See Great Minds Think Alike for more information. Make one party member a rival and the achievement is yours.

Great Minds Think Alike (50G)
Earned the friendship or rivalry of four party members.
To get Rival, Friend, and Great Minds Think Alike, make one party member a rival or friend and make four others the opposite. You cannot mix and match for Great Minds Think Alike, you will need to have four members of the party with either friend or rival status. Also, you will need them to be at 100% friend or rival rating, simply unlocking their special ability is not enough. Some general tips for doing this:
  • When speaking with a member of the party, take their personality into account when choosing your responses.
  • Active party members’ feelings towards you will be effected by the choices you make while on missions, so be careful.
  • Do all of the companion quests as they will be the largest influence on your party members’ feelings.

Once you’ve gotten four of your party members to be a friend or rival the achievement is yours.

Flirtatious (5G)
Flirted with one of your party members to begin a romance.
See Romantic for more information. Flirt with a party member and the achievement is yours.

Romantic (25G)
Completed a romance with one of your party members.
You will need to choose who you want to have as your romantic interest. You will need to get them to 50% friendship or rivalry by At II so that you can do their second companion quest. Every time that you speak with the individual be sure to flirt as much as possible. If done correctly you will confess your love just before the final battle when you speak with all your teammates. For more information on specific characters you can check out this guide. Successfully have a romance with one of the party members and the achievement is yours.

Epic (50G)
Completed Dragon Age II twice, or completed it once with a save imported from Dragon Age Origins.
If you have a save from Dragon Age: Origins this will be much easier. The save can either be a completed game or a partial playthrough of Dragon Age: Origins, it doesn’t matter. If you have a Dragon Age: Origins save you just need to play through Dragon Age II once to get the achievement. If you do not have the save file from Dragon Age: Origins you will need to complete Dragon Age II twice. In either case, complete the required number of playthroughs and the achievement it yours.

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Champion of Kirkwall (20G)
Completed Dragon Age II.
Story related and cannot be missed. Complete the entire game and the achievement is yours.

Mercenary (10G)
Allied yourself with the mercenaries upon arriving in Kirkwall.
See Nefarious for more information. Ally with the mercenaries and the achievement is yours.

Nefarious (10G)
Allied yourself with the smugglers upon arriving in Kirkwall.
This achievement is missable. When you reach Kirkwall you will meet your uncle, Gamlen. After speaking with him, SAVE YOUR GAME (this will be the spot to return to in order to get both Mercenary and Nefarious in one playthrough). Speak with Anthenril in the north of the city to ally with the smugglers, or speak with Meeran in the southeast of the city to ally with the mercenaries. After completing the task that they send you on the achievement is yours. Reload your save and complete the task for the other faction to get the second achievement.

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Mass Exodus (25G)
Reached Kirkwall with each character class across multiple playthroughs.
This will require three partial playthroughs. You will need to reach Kirkwall, specifically to your arrival at the gates of the Gallows with the rest of the refugees, with all of the available classes. It doesn’t take very long to reach this stage, so doing it three times shouldn’t take much time. I suggest keeping a save of each character so that if you find that you didn’t travel far enough you can easily return and go further. Once you’ve gotten all three classes to the Gallows the achievement is yours.

Knowledgeable (25G)
Unlocked 100 codex entries.
You unlock codex entries every time that you loot a body, search the environment (bookshelves, crates, and items lying around), and speak with other characters. If you are being thorough while playing you should get this during Act I, if not you should get it easily throughout the course of the game. Once you’ve reached 100 codex entries the achievement is yours.

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Treasure Hunter (25G)
Opened 50 chests.
Chests, containers, and rubble piles all count towards this achievement, so make sure that you inspect them all. You should get this easily by mid-game if you are being thorough. Once you’ve opened 50 chests the achievement is yours.

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Darkness Falls (5G)
Toggled the map from day to night.
While on the world map you can toggle day and night by pressing the right trigger. Do this once and the achievement is yours.

Explorer (5G)
Left Kirkwall to explore the outlying regions.
Story related and cannot be missed. Leave Kirkwall for the first time and the achievement is yours.

Spelunker (25G)
Visited 10 caves in Kirkwall and the surrounding area.
You will get this during Act II if you are being thorough in exploring all available areas and doing all of the companion quests. Once you’ve explored 10 caves the achievement is yours.

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Full House (10G)
Recruited four party members.
This cannot be missed, so simply recruit four people into your party and the achievement is yours.

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Friends in High Places (15G)
Met Grand Cleric Elthina, Viscount Dumar, Knight-Commander Meredith, and First Enchanter Orsino.
Story related and cannot be missed. As you are fighting your way through Hightown during the quest “Demanding the Qun” you will meet the final individual and the achievement is yours.

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Gift Giver (5G)
Gave a gift to one of your party members.
If you are going for 100% completion you will get this while working on the I Got Your Back achievement. The easiest way is to get the gifts for Bethany and Carver during the quest “Birthright.” Give any one member of your party a gift and the achievement is yours.

Supplier (25G)
Found every variety of crafting resources.
You need to collect every single ingredient in the game for this. There are 12 different types of ingredients and a total of 66 available. You will need to gather all 66. If you miss any of the ingredients you can check the Black Emporium during the following Act to see if you can purchase the missing items. One important aspect of this is that before “Demands of the Qun” you must ensure that Isabella is at least at 50% friendship or rivalry and that you have done her Act I and Act II companionship quests. You must have also completed her 50% companion quest “Questioning Beliefs.” Also, DO NOT hand her over to Arishok. If you lose Isabella you will not be able to collect the ambrosia ingredient during Act III, causing you to miss the entire achievement. The location and count of each ingredient is:
  • 3 Deathroot
  • 5 Deep Mushroom
  • 6 Elfroot
  • 1 Embrium
  • 1 Glitterdust
  • 5 Lyrium
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 4 Silverite
  • 3 Spindleweed
  • 2 Deathroot
  • 3 Deep Mushroom
  • 2 Elfroot
  • 4 Embrium
  • 4 Glitterdust
  • 3 Lyrium
  • 4 Orichalcum
  • 2 Silverite
  • 2 Spindleweed
  • 1 Ambrosia
  • 1 Deathroot
  • 1 Deep Mushroom
  • 1 Dragon's Blood
  • 1 Elfroot
  • 1 Embrium
  • 1 Felandaris
  • 1 Glitterdust
  • 1 Lyrium
  • 1 Orichalcum
  • 1 Spindleweed

Collect all 66 ingredients and the achievement is yousr.

Archeologist (50G)
During each year in Kirkwall, discovered 3 secret messages from the Band of Three.
There are four available messages in each Act. You only need to collect three from each Act, so select three from the following lists and make sure that you get them before completing each Act. I’ve included the location, a description, and the beginning text from each one. If you are unsure if you got one already, open up your codex and inspect the messages to find the corresponding one.

  • Location: The Bone Pit
    • As you approach the southeastern corner of the Bone Pit you’ll see a some boulders blocking a path on your left. The letter should be near the middle one.
    • “It is as we thought. The quarries of Kirkwall...”
  • Location: The Gallows
    • Go to the northernmost room in the Gallows and the secret letter will be in a pile of rubble in an alley to your right (to the west).
    • “Ancient Tevinter lore is hard to come by, but there's history...”
  • Location: Lowtown (Night)
    • As you enter the Elven Alienage in Lowtown at night head straight ahead. There will be a secret letter near the sewer entrance.
    • "In the back alleys of Lowtown you can find extraordinary things..."
  • Location: Viscount’s Keep
    • In the northwest section of Viscount's Keep there's a room with a desk and chairs, Stand behind the desk and face the pair of dressers that are next to the paintings. Hit A. If that doesn't bring anything up then move around a bit while mashing the A button. This one's a little hard to find but it's right in that area. If you only have three of the four secret letters this is probably the one you're missing.
    • “The viscount is suspicious, but the bribe was sufficient...”
  • Location: Chantry
    • Head upstairs in the Chantry and you’ll find it on the end of a long table in front of a fireplace in the northeast corner.
    • “Ironically, the Chantry has the best records on the Imperium…”
  • Location: Darktown
    • In a small pile of rubble directly to your right as you enter Darktown. There should be a pair of people talking in front of it. (westernmost room)
    • “After pursuing another dead end, we were attacked by maleficarum…”
  • Location: The Docks
    • Go to the Qunari Compound in the northeast corner of The Docks. You’ll find it in a pile of rubble upstairs to the north.
    • “A master mason made a comment that set my mind afire…”
  • Location: Gallows Dungeon (“Dissent”)
    • After you complete the Qun main quest at the beginning of the act you’ll get a companion quest for Anders called “Dissent.” Speak with Anders in northern Darktown, then travel to the Gallows Dungeon in southern Darktown. Play through the dungeon normally until you reach your objective. When you get to the end of the dungeon turn right (west) before you leave and you’ll find the item at the end of the passage.
    • “A maze of caves, sewers, and hidden passages! We found three Tevinter…”
  • Location: Sewers ("Justice")
    • The companion quest “Justice” will become available at the beginning of Act 3. Speak with Anders in his Darktown clinic, then go to the Sewers in southern Darktown. Go down the stairs to the south and you’ll find the Band of Three message in an alcove to the southwest.
    • “It is well known that the Veil is thin in Kirkwall, small wonder…”
  • Location: Smetty’s Fish Guttery (“Gamlen’s Greatest Treasure”)
    • Once you have the secondary quest “Gamlen’s Greatest Treasure” go to Gamlen’s home in Lowtown. Read the note on his table, then speak to him. This will lead to a series of tiny quests where you travel around Kirkwall, get in a small fight in central Darktown, visit the elven alienage, and then finally end up at Smetty’s Fish Guttery. Once you’re inside you’ll find the secret message on the dock to the west.
    • “A recent trove was uncovered. This one was big, perhaps the archon’s…”
  • Location: Templar Hall (“On The Loose”)
    • During the main story of Act III you’ll get the quest “On the Loose,” which asks you to speak to Knight-Commander Meredith at the Templar Hall in the Gallows. Go to the Gallows on the Kirkwall Map, then the Templar Hall. Go up the stairs to your left (west), but walk past the room the quest tells you to enter. Enter the next room after that and you’ll find the secret message next to the door inside.
    • “Access has not been easy, and I fear my disguise will not bear great…”
  • Location: The Docks (“Last Straw”)
    • This becomes available after the point of no return in the main story. You’ll visit the Gallows to see the First Enchanter arguing with Knight-Commander Meredith, a bunch of dramatic things happen, you make big decisions, etc. Once you end up at the Docks you’ll fight a random blood mage that summons a bunch of shades and a pride demon. After the fight turn right (east) and you’ll find the final secret message in plain sight.
    • “We went to the center of it all. F. is dead and I am alone…”

Once you have collected three messages from each chapter the achievement is yours.

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Tale Within a Tale (5G)
Listened to Varric begin his tale of the Champion of Kirkwall.
Story related and cannot be missed. Listen to Varric’s tale and the achievement is yours.

Secret Achievements
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Stone Cold (5G)
Defeated the rock wraith on your expedition into the Deep Roads.
Story related and cannot be missed. Defeat the Rock Wraith during the expedition in the Deep Roads and the achievement is yours.

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King of the Hill (10G)
Defeated the Arishok.
This is a missable achievement. At the end of Act II, during the quest “Demands of the Qun,” you will have two different options depending on whether you’ve completed Isabella’s 50% companion quest. The two scenarios are:

If you HAVE finished the companion quest Isabella will show up and you will be faced with an option to turn her over or to defend her. You must chose to defend her. If you hand her over you will miss this achievement.

If you HAVE NOT finished the companion quest Isabella will not be present. Instead, the Arishok will give you the option of how you want to settle the conflict. You will have three options: “On the battlefield” will force you into a one on one duel; “By returning the book” followed by “When you put it that way” will cause you to fight the Arishok with your party; and “We can work this out” will resolve the conflict civilly. DO NOT select the final option. Select option 1 or 2 and defeat the Arishok and the achievement is yours.

Conqueror (15G)
Defeated Meredith, knight-commander of Kirkwall's templars.
Story related and cannot be missed. Defeat Meredith and the achievement is yours.

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Arcane Defender (25G)
Sided with the mages five times.
See Mage Hunter for more information. Side with the mages five times and the achievement is yours.

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Mage Hunter (25G)
Sided with the templars five times.
There are a total of seven quests in the game that allow you to choose which group you want to side with. Obviously there are not enough to get this achievement in one playthrough, but by saving the game before the Act III quests and replaying part of the game you can get them all without having to replay the entire thing. Alternately, if you need to do two full playthroughs for Elite you can simply do the templars in one playthrough and mages in another. In either case, here are the details:

ACT I: Side with either the mages or the templars twice and the other faction once
  • Wayward Son:
    • Mage - Send Feynriel to the Dalish.
    • Templar - Send Feynriel to the Circle.
  • Act of Mercy:
    • Mage - When speaking with Grace, agree to kill Thrask.
    • Templar - Refuse to help Grace.
  • Enemies Among Us:
    • Mage - Let Keran stay in the Templars.
    • Templar - Get Keran expelled from the Templars.
ACT II: Side with the faction that you only sided with once in the Act I quests so that you have sided with each faction twice. You can do the "Night Terrors" quest right before you do the "Demands of the Qun."
  • Night Terrors:
    • Mage - Encourage Feynriel to control his abilities.
    • Templar - Turn Feynriel Tranquil.
IMPORTANT: If you are trying to get both achievements in one playthrough you need to save your game BEFORE starting “Demands of the Qun.” One of the siding options is right at the beginning of Act III. This will be your return spot after completing one group’s achievement.
ACT III: Side with the same faction for all three quests.
  • Showdown: Not exactly a quest, but during the opening cutscenese of Act III, after finishing defeating the Arishok for Demands of the Qun, select the following dialog options:
    • Mage - "Orsino is right."
    • Templar - "Meredith is right."
  • On the Loose: When speaking to Emile in the Hanged Man Inn:
    • Mage - "I could let you go."
    • Templar - "Turn yourself in."
  • Best Served Cold:
    • Mage - Select "Kill them all" when speaking with Cullen.
    • Templar - Select "Give Samson another chance."

Once you've received one of the achievements, reload the save from just after “Night Terrors” and replay the Act III quests, this time siding with the other group. Once you’ve gone through, both the Arcane Defender and Mage Hunter achievements are yours.