Xbox 360 Dragon Age: Origins Achievement Guide


Feb 11, 2013
Dragon Age: Origins is an action adventure role-playing game developed by BioWare and Electronic Arts. Released on November 3, 2009, Dragon Age: Origins puts the player in control of a Grey Warden tasked with saving humanity and bringing a traitor to justice. The game takes place in the world of Ferelden, where you are able to travel from location to location. The game is not open world; traveling from area to area takes place by visiting the world map and selecting a location. There are random encounters in small areas while travelling between areas, so be prepared.

Dragon Age Origins contains an expansion and 7 downloadable add-ons. The following links will take you to the achievement guide for each add-on:

This page includes the guide for the 50 achievements available in the main game of Dragon Age: Origins. The 50 achievements are worth a total of 1000 gamer points. You will need to complete one full playthrough (if you use the save trick with all the story achievements) of the game and five partial playthroughs. If you decide not to use the save trick you can play through the entire game twice and then play through the multiple partial playthroughs required for mop up. The achievements are, overall, not specifically difficult, but they will require a lot of time to complete.

This guide does contain some story, character, and location spoilers, so please read with caution if you are concerned about those.

Playthrough Guide
Playthrough 1
  • You will be getting almost all of the game’s achievements in this playthrough. You can play through on any difficulty, so pick one that fits your play style. You can play as any class and with any origin story, so pick the ones that seem the most interesting to you.
  • There are multiple missable achievements that you’ll want to get this time around:
    • Traveler: you need to enter every location in the game for this achievement. I highly suggest keeping this section close as you play through, as many locations are only available for a short time.
    • Recruiter: you need to recruit all possible members of your party, some of which are not story related. Keep an eye on the list to see if any newly introduced characters are recruitable.
    • Hopelessly Romantic: you will need to do more than one playthrough for this, but you can potentially get three of the four in your first playthrough, but making subsequent playthroughs easier.
    • Silver Tongued/Menacing: this achievement requires you to intimidate people, and since these options are less prevalent than persuasion, work on the Coercion skill as quickly as possible.
    • Perfectionist: this is the achievement that the key saves in the storyline will be important for. You can either save before each decision and replay them to get both available achievements, or play two full playthroughs to get all the different options.
  • You can do any of the DLC achievements at any time after leaving the camp for the first time. You can check the DLC guides linked above for guides relating to each DLC.
  • Try to complete as many of the miscellaneous achievements as you possibly can in the first playthrough, otherwise you’ll have to get them in subsequent playthroughs.
Playthrough 2
  • Play using a class, sex, and origin story that you haven’t done yet.
  • Reach level 20 with the class.
  • Complete any romances that you haven’t gotten yet to get the Hopelessly Romantic achievement.
  • Complete Blight-Queller by killing darkspawn.
Playthrough 3
  • Play using a class and origin story that you haven’t done yet.
  • Reach level 20 with the class.
  • Work towards any achievements that you have not completed yet.
Playthroughs 4-6
  • Complete the remaining origin stories that you haven’t completed.
  • Mop up any remaining achievements during one of these playthroughs.

Dragon Age: Origins Achievement Guide
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Master of Arms (25G)
Main character achieved level 20 as a warrior.
There are a couple different ways to get a character to level 20. The most straightforward and honest way is to play the game. Since you’ll need to do at least one, possibly two, full playthroughs of the game, you should be able to get two classes to level 20 (usually towards the end of the game) simply by completing all the side quests and killing enemies.

For the third (and possibly the second if you didn’t miss any achievements the first time through) classes, you can take advantage of a couple cheap tricks to get level 20 characters. If you do not own any of the DLC, you can get to level 20 during the Tainted Blood mission in Ostragar. You will be tasked with collecting Darkspawn Blood and a Grey Warden Treaties. After collecting the blood samples but BEFORE getting the Treaties, return to Duncan. When speaking with him, select the “We have the blood, but not the scrolls,” option. You will be awarded the experience for the quest, but the quest won’t complete. Repeat the conversation over and over until you hit level 20 (which can take up to an hour). Be careful not to go past level 20 though, as the achievement won’t pop up until you’ve entered the menu and officially leveled up. If you go to level 21 you won’t get the achievement!

For those that have DLC, you can create a level one character in Origins, then import the character into one of the DLC options that creates a level 20 character for you (Awakening, Witch Hunt, etc.). Start the game, and if the achievement does not pop up when you start playing, save the game and import the character back into an Origins campaign.

Whichever method you decide to use, reach level 20 and the achievement is yours.

Shadow (25G)
Main character achieved level 20 as a rogue.
See Master of Arms for details on this achievement.

Archmange (25G)
Main character achieved level 20 as a mage.
See Master of Arms for details on this achievement.

Pilgrim (10G)
Completed a Chanter’s Board quest.
The first available Chanter’s Board is in Lothering. You’ll see a church directly ahead of you when you enter the front gate. In front of the church is a bulletin board that you can interact with to take on quests. Accept the quest from the board, do it, and return to the priest standing to the left of the board to complete it. Once you’ve completed the first Chanter’s Board quest the achievement is yours.

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Grey Warden (20G)
Killed 100 darkspawn.
See Blight-Queller for details on this achievement.

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Master Warden (25G)
Killed 500 darkspawn.
See Blight-Queller for details on this achievement.

Blight-Queller (25G)
Killed 1000 darkspawn.
This achievement, along with Grey Warden and Master Warden, are all cumulative, meaning that all of the darkspawn killed across all of your playthroughs count towards the required 1000 kills. If you’ve gotten through the rest of the achievements and haven’t gotten it, create a save file just before the Final Battle quest. If you set the game to the lowest difficulty setting you can get through the quest very quickly, and each time you can get anywhere from 30-100 darkspawn kills. Keep reloading the save until you get the required 100 kills (or 100 kills for Grey Warden and 500 kills for Master Warden) and the achievement is yours.

Tinkerer (10G)
Crafted an item.
You can use any character in your party to craft an item. The earliest and easiest way to do this is with Morrigan. Select her and enter her herbalism menu to open the interface. If you’ve gotten through the first couple quests you should have enough materials to craft a potion. Once you’ve crafted a potion (or any other item) the achievement is yours.

Persuasive (10G)
Succeeded at five difficult Persuasion attempts.
See Silver Tongued for details on this achievement.

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Silver Tongued (20G)
Succeeded at 25 difficult Persuasion attempts.
There is a simple trick for getting this achievement. Once you’ve completed Ostagar and you’re on your way to Lothering, travel to Denerim instead. Once you arrive, head to The Pearl and speak with the owner, Sanga. Ask to see the men or the women, and when Sanag starts to explain the rules she will also tell you a price. You will get a persuade option to lower the price from 40 to 20. If you successfully persuade her, DO NOT accept to pay the offer. Quit out of the dialogue and repeat the whole thing to get the persuasion chance again. Complete it 25 times and the achievement is yours.

Bully (10G)
Succeeded at five difficult Intimidate attempts.
See Menacing for details on this achievement.

Menacing (20G)
Succeeded at 10 difficult Intimidate attempts.
Invest points in Coercion and Strength as early as possible to boost your chance of succeeding in an Intimidate attempt. Every time that you get the option to Intimidate someone, use it. If you can, save before you try it so that you can retry if you fail. Complete all 10 Intimidate attempts (5 for Bully) in a single game and the achievement is yours.

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First Knight (10G)
Experienced the thrill of romance with Alistair.
See Hopelessly Romantic for more general details on the romance achievements.

You will need to be playing a female character to have a romance with Alistair (a human noble is the easiest). Every time that you enter the camp, spend time going through every speech option with Alistair. Flirt with him, talk about love with him, even boss him around a bit, just do not mock him at all. Ask him about his past and present him with any of the following gifts to increase his affinity:
  • Alistair’s Mother’s Amulet (Castle Redcliffe)
  • Black Runestone (Aeducan Thaig, Deep Roads)
  • Duncan’s Shield (Market Warehouse, Denerim)
  • Onyx Demon Statuette (East Brecilian Forest)
  • Small Carved Statuette (Lothering)
  • Stone Dragon Statuette (Castle Redcliffe)
  • Stone Warrior Statuette (Haven Caverns)
  • White Runestone (Circle Tower)
Once Alistair’s affinity is high enough you will get the option to complete a quest for him. Complete the quest to enter into romance with him. Complete the romance and the achievement is yours.

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Witch Gone Wild (10G)
Experienced the thrill of romance with Morrigan.
See Hopelessly Romantic for more general details on the romance achievements.

You will need to be playing a male character to have a romance with Morrigan (race does not matter). Every time that you enter the camp, spend time going through every speech option with Morrigan. Flirt with her, talk about love with her, just do not mock her or offend her at all. Ask her about her past and present her with any of the following gifts to increase her affinity:
  • Black Grimoire (Circle Tower)
  • Flemeth's Grimoire (Flemeth's Hut)
  • Gold Amulet (Orzammar Commons)
  • Golden Demon Pendant (Room with the Urn of Sacred Ashes)
  • Golden Mirror (Orzammar Commongs) **Boosts her affinity very high**
  • Golden Rope Necklace (Lothering)
  • Locket (Haven)
  • Silver Brooch (Dalish Camp)
  • Silver Chain (Circle Tower)
  • Silver Medallion (Eleven Ruins)
  • Tribal Necklace (Tower of Ishal)
Once Morrigan’s affinity is high enough you will get the option to complete a quest for her. Complete the quest to enter into romance with her. Complete the romance and the achievement is yours.

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Easy Lover (10G)
Experienced the thrill of romance with Zevran.
See Hopelessly Romantic for more general details on the romance achievements.

You can be playing a male or female character to have a romance with Zevran (race does not matter). He’s by far the easiest person to get into a romance with, so just spend time going through speech options with him. Flirt with him, respond to his sexual innuendo, and give him sympathy when you can. Ask him about his past and present him with any of the following gifts to increase his affinity:
  • Antivan Leather Boots (Haven)
  • Dalish Gloves (West Brecilian Forest)
  • Medium Gold Bar (Arl of Denerim's Estate)
  • Medium Silver Bar (Anvil of the Void)
  • Small Gold Bar (Circle Tower)
  • Small Silver Bar (Haven)
Once Zevran’s affinity is high enough you will get the option to complete a quest for him. Complete the quest to enter into romance with him. Complete the romance and the achievement is yours.

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Wine, Woman, and Song (10G)
Experienced the thrill of romance with Leliana.
See Hopelessly Romantic for more general details on the romance achievements.

You can be playing a male or female character to have a romance with Leliana (race does not matter). Spend time in the camp to speaking with her whenever possible. Flirt with her, ask her about her past, and be as nice as possible to her. Present her with any of the following gifts to increase her affinity:
  • Andraste's Grace (Redcliffe Village, West Brecilian Forest, or Denerim)
  • Bronze Symbol of Andraste (Lothering)
  • Chantry Amulet (Circle Tower)
  • Etched Silver Symbol (Ortan Thaig)
  • Golden Symbol of Andraste (Orzammar Commons)
  • Nug (Orzammar Dust Town)
  • Silver Sword of Mercy (Old Tegrin)
  • Steel Symbol of Andraste (Denerim Market)
Once Leliana’s affinity is high enough you will get the option to complete a quest for her. Complete the quest to enter into romance with her. Complete the romance and the achievement is yours.

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Hopelessly Romantic (25G)
Across all playthroughs, experienced all possible romances.
You will need to complete the romance stories with Morrigna, Leliana, Zevran, and Alistair. For Morrigan you will need to playing a male character, for Alistair you will need to playing a female character, and for Leliana and Zevran you can be playing either a male or female character.

Below each character’s record you will find a bar that shows their affinity. You can raise the affinity by giving them the gifts you’ve collected (shown in the inventory under “other”). Each character requires a different level of affinity to start a relationship with, and each character also requires different gifts to raise their affinity. See each individual achievement (First Knight; Witch Gone Wild; Easy Lover; and Wine, Woman, and Song) for more details on each character’s romance. You’ll need to do at least a second partial playthrough to complete all four romances. Once you’ve completed all four the achievement is yours.

Veteran (25G)
Main character learned a specialization.
See Elite for details on this achievement.

Elite (30G)
Main character learned two specializations.
At levels 7 and 14 you will get a specialization point. There are four specialization options for each class. The possible specializations and how to learn them are:

  • Arcane Warrior: learned from The Presence during “Nature of the Beast.”
  • Blood Mage: learned from Desire Demon during “The Arl of Redcliffe.”
  • Shapeshifter: learned from Morrigan or purchased from Varathorn (Dalish Camp).
  • Spirit Healer: learned from Wynne or from Wonders of Thedas during “Landsmeet.”

  • Assassin: learned from Zevran or purchased from Alarith’s Store during “Lansmeet.”
  • Bard: learned from Leliana or purchased from Alimar (Orzammar).
  • Duelist: learned from Isabella in The Pearl (Denerim).
  • Ranger: purchased from Bodahns Wares (Party Camp).

  • Champion: learned from Arl Eamon after “The Urn of Sacred Ashes.”
  • Templar: learned from Alistair or purchased from Bodhain’s Ware (Party Camp).
  • Berserker: learned from Oghren or purchased from Gorim (Denerim Market).
  • Reaver: learned from Kolgrim (Wyrmling Lair).

Taking one of specialization at level 7 will get you the Veteran achievement, and taking a second specialization at level 14 will get you the Elite achievement.

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Heavy Hitter (10G)
Main character inflicted 250 damage with a single hit.
There are a number of ways to get this achievement, but the simplest way is to cast Death Hex on an enemy, then follow that up with a Death Cloud for 250 damage. You can also use a high level warrior and a low level enemy to get the 250 damage. However you go about it, deal 250 damage and the achievement is yours.

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The Ultimate Sacrifice (50G)
The ultimate sacrifice was made in defense of Ferelden.
After you complete “The Landsmeet” quest, travel to Redcliffe. If you want to get both endings, save before entering Redcliffe! After a bit of dialogue Morrigan will come to you and offer an option for the coming battle: a dark ritual. DECLINE the offer! This will cause Morrigan to leave the party for good. Begin “The Final Battle” quest and survive the waves of darkspawn. After defeating the archdemon you will be required to sacrifice a Grey Warden: yourself, Alistair, or Loghain. Choose one and the achievement is yours.

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A Dark Promise (50G)
Defeated the Archdemon and, through a dark ritual with Morrigan, spared your own life.
After you complete “The Landsmeet” quest, travel to Redcliffe. If you want to get both endings, save before entering Redcliffe! After a bit of dialogue Morrigan will come to you and offer an option for the coming battle: a dark ritual. Accept the offer and watch the cinematic, then begin “The Final Battle” quest. Survive the waves of darkspawn and complete the game and the achievement is yours.

Perfectionsist (50G)
Across all playthroughs, discovered all possible endings.
You will need to see the four possible endings to Dragons Age: Origins for this. Technically you would need to do four playthroughs, one for each ending, but with two specific saves you can get all four and only need to replay a short amount of the game for each. The first key save is right at the beginning of the quest “The Landsmeet.” Saving here will give you the ability to get all four endings.

The first time through, refuse to let Loghain join the party. Continue playing through the game. After completing “The Landsmeet” but BEFORE entering Redcliffe, save the game in a new file. Continue playing through the game.
  • Ending 1: Allow Morrigan to perform the dark ritual and then complete the game (also awards the achievement: A Dark Promise).
  • Ending 2: Reload the save just before entering Radcliffe. Refuse Morrigan’s offer of the dark ritual and continue in the game. When given the option while fighting the archdemon, chose to sacrifice yourself.
  • Ending 3: Reload the save just before entering Radcliffe. Refuse Morrigan’s offer of the dark ritual and continue in the game. When given the option while fighting the archdemon, chose to sacrifice Alistair.
  • Ending 4: Reload the save you made at the beginning of “The Landsmeet.” Choose to turn Loghain into a Grey Warden and continue through the game. When given the option while fighting the archdemon, chose to sacrifice Loghain.

Once you’ve seen all four endings the achievement is yours.

Dragonslayer (30G)
Defeated the dragon guarding the Urn of Sacred Ashes.
The dragon is summoned by hitting the gong near the Urn. While the fight is difficult, it can be easy if you take a few precautions. The ideal party is two warriors set to a balanced defense/offense tactic, a healer, and either a second healer or a ranged attacker that you will control. Use fire resistant salves on everyone, then hit the gong. As the ranged character you can continue to run around and fire off ranged shots when you get the chance for extra damage. The dragon only moves between two locations, so pay attention to the pattern and avoid its landing spot. Once the dragon is defeated the achievement is yours.

Defender (20G)
Preserved the lives of half the troops at Denerim’s Gates in “The Final Battle.”
During “The Final Battle” you will have the opportunity to summon armies in to fight with you. For this achievement you need to complete the quest while keeping at least half of these armies alive. The best way to do this is simple: don’t summon the armies! If you switch to an easier difficulty you should have no problem getting through the quest. It’s unclear whether you can lose armies during the final boss fight, but on an easy difficulty you shouldn’t have a problem anyway. Just complete the final quest with at least 50% of the armies surviving and the achievement is yours.

Harrowed (10G)
Completed the Magi origin story.
The origin stories are all very simple as they are the tutorial for the game. For the Magi origin story you will need to play as an Elf or a Human. Play through the origin story, once you agree to join the Grey Wardens the achievement is yours.

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Last of Your Line (10G)
Completed the Human Noble origin story.
The origin stories are all very simple as they are the tutorial for the game. For the Human Noble origin story you will need to play as a Human. Play through the origin story, once you agree to join the Grey Wardens the achievement is yours.

Corrupted (10G)
Completed the Dalish Elf origin story.
The origin stories are all very simple as they are the tutorial for the game. For the Dalish Elf origin story you will need to play as an Elf. Play through the origin story, once you agree to join the Grey Wardens the achievement is yours.

Conscripted (10G)
Completed the City Elf origin story.
The origin stories are all very simple as they are the tutorial for the game. For the City Elf origin story you will need to play as an Elf. Play through the origin story, once you agree to join the Grey Wardens the achievement is yours.

Casteless (10G)
Completed the Dwarf Commoner origin story.
The origin stories are all very simple as they are the tutorial for the game. For the Dwarf Commoner origin story you will need to play as a Dwarf. Play through the origin story, once you agree to join the Grey Wardens the achievement is yours.

Kinslayer (10G)
Completed the Dwarf Noble origin story.
The origin stories are all very simple as they are the tutorial for the game. For the Dwarf Noble origin story you will need to play as a Dwarf. Play through the origin story, once you agree to join the Grey Wardens the achievement is yours.

Bloodied (10G)
Completed an origin story without the main character ever falling in battle.
During one of the six origin stories, play through on casual difficulty and make your health the number 1 priority. Assuming that you don’t fall in battle, once you agree to join the Grey Wardens the achievement is yours.

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Last of the Wardens (20G)
Completed Ostagar.
Story related and not missable. This is the first quest after completing the origin story and joining the Grey Wardens. Complete the quest and the achievement is yours.

Standard-Bearer (20G)
Used the Grey Warden treaties to recruit all possible allies.
You’ll need to complete “Broken Circle,” “Nature of the Beast,” “Paragon of Her Kind,” “The Arl of Redcliffe,” and “The Urn of Sacred Ashes.” When looking at the guides for those quest’s achievements, you’ll see a specific save point that will allow you to get both achievements for the quest. Make sure that, in your continuous playthrough, you pick to side with the humans in Redcliffe, the Dalish Elves, the Dwarves, and the Mages/Templars. Basically, you’re siding with all the “good” sides. Once you’ve completed those quests head back to Castle Redcliffe and speak with the Arl to begin “The Landsmeet.” Once the cut scene is done the achievement is yours.

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Hero of Redcliffe (20G)
Completed “The Arl of Redcliffe.”
“The Arl of Redcliffe” is a very long quest, but it does not require any choices, other than one in “The Urn of Sacred Ashes” (see Sacrilegious and Ceremonialist for more information). Just continue going through the game and once you’ve complete “The Urn of Ashes” and returned to Recliffe Castle the quest will complete and the achievement is yours.

Rabble-Rouser (20G)
Completed “The Landsmeet.”
After going through “Broken Circle,” “Nature of the Beast,” “Paragon of Her Kind,” “The Arl of Redcliffe,” and “The Urn of Sacred Ashes,” head back to the Arl of Redcliffe and speak with him about traveling to Denerim. NOTE: If you are attempting to get all four endings in one playthrough, make sure to save before speaking with the Arl (see Perfectionist for details).

Follow the quest’s direction, going through multiple investigations, and eventually you will start the Landsmeet itself. Choose who you want to be the leader of Ferelden. Once you’ve completed the quest the achievement is yours.

Mercenary (20G)
Completed 15 job-board quests.
Every major town (Lothering, Redcliffe, Demerin) have job boards that sit in front of the chantries. Quests from the Mage’s Collective and The Blackstone Irregulars. Complete any 15 job board quests or side quests and the achievement is yours.

Recruiter (25G)
Across all playthroughs, experienced all possible romances.
There are nine characters that you can recruit to your party, but only eight will be present simultaneously. This can be done in a single playthrough. Here is the list of the characters that you can recruit:
  • Alistair, in Ostagar.
  • Morrigan, in the Kocari Wilds.
  • Leliana, in Lothering.
  • Sten, in Lothering.
  • Dog, in the Human Noble origin story and in Ostagar.
  • Zevran, encountered randomly after Redcliffe.
  • Oghren, in Ozrammar.
  • Wynne, in the Mage’s Circle Tower.
  • Loghain, after “The Landsmeet.” Recruiting Loghain will cause Alistair to leave the party, but since he is the last character you need to recruit you can get the achievement and then reload a previous save.

Recruit all nine characters and the achievement is yours.

Educated (15G)
Used a tome to improve the main character’s attributes, talents, spells, or skills.
You will find tomes randomly throughout the game that can be used to improve your character. Go into your Usable Items list and scroll down to the tomes at the bottom of the list. Use one of the tomes to improve your character and the achievement is yours.

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Magic Sympathizer (20G)
Sided with the mages in “Broken Circle.”
This quest begins by traveling to the Lake Calenhad Docks and taking the ferry to Circle Tower. Once you reach Circle Tower you won’t be able to leave again until you’ve completed “Broken Circle.” On the first level of the Circle Tower you’ll meet Wynne. Go through conversation with her and get to join your party. You’ll be sent into the Fade. Work your way through the Fade, killing the demons and speaking with the sleeping Templars and Mages to get shapeshifting abilities. You’ll need to rescue the members of your party, then fight the Sloth Demon. When you escape the Fade, save your game. This will be your return point to get the alternate achievement for this quest: Annulment Invoker.

To get Magic Sympathizer, work your way up the tower and refuse the Templar’s request that you kill all of the mages in the tower. While fighting the blood mage at the top of the Tower, be sure to use the Litany of Andraste to protect the captured mages. Once you’ve completed the fight you’ll need to rescue the mages, return to the first floor, and report that all the Mages are safe. The Mages will join the army as a result of completing Magic Sympathizer. After the conversation the achievement is yours.

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Annulment Invoker (20G)
Sided with the templars in “Broken Circle.”
This quest begins by traveling to the Lake Calenhad Docks and taking the ferry to Circle Tower. Once you reach Circle Tower you won’t be able to leave again until you’ve completed “Broken Circle.” On the first level of the Circle Tower you’ll meet Wynne. Go through conversation with her and get to join your party. You’ll be sent into the Fade. Work your way through the Fade, killing the demons and speaking with the sleeping Templars and Mages to get shapeshifting abilities. You’ll need to rescue the members of your party, then fight the Sloth Demon. When you escape the Fade, save your game. This will be your return point to get the alternate achievement for this quest: Magic Sympathizer.

To get Annulment Invoker, work your way up the tower and accept the Templar’s request to kill all of the mages. After defeating the blood mage, kill all of the mages. Return to the first floor of the Tower and report that all of the Mages are dead. The Templars will join the army as a result of completing Annulment Invoker. After the conversation the achievement is yours.

Slayer (20G)
Sided with the werewolves in “Nature of the Beast.”
This quest begins upon entering the Brecilian Outskirts and speaking with the Dalish Elves. Travel into Brecilian Forest and fight off the enemies that attack you. Make your way to the Grand Oak and speak with it to be directed to find its acorn. Find the mad hermit within the woods and play his game to get the acorn. Return the acorn to the Grand Oak and it’ll give you a way to reach Whitefang. Save your game, this will be your return point to get the alternate achievement for this quest: Poacher.

To get Slayer, enter the Werewolve’s Lair and make your way to the end. When you reach the werewolf leader, convince him during the conversation to attack the Dalish Elves camp. You will need to have your Cunning to level 14 (to get the skill Expert Coercion). Once you convince them you will be taken to the Elve’s camp. Wipe out the elves and the achievement is yours.

Poacher (20G)
Sided with the elves in “Nature of the Beast.”
This quest begins upon entering the Brecilian Outskirts and speaking with the Dalish Elves. Travel into Brecilian Forest and fight off the enemies that attack you. Make your way to the Grand Oak and speak with it to be directed to find its acorn. Find the mad hermit within the woods and play his game to get the acorn. Return the acorn to the Grand Oak and it’ll give you a way to reach Whitefang. Save your game, this will be your return point to get the alternate achievement for this quest: Slayer.

To get Poacher, enter the Werewolve’s Lair and make your way to the end. When you reach the end of the ruins, side with Zathrian during the conversation and wipe out the werewolves. When the werewolves are all dead the achievement is yours.

Sacrilegious (20G)
Sided with the Cult of Andraste in “The Urn of Sacred Ashes.”
“The Urn of Sacred Ashes” will begin automatically during the main storyline, so you can’t miss it. Towards the end of the quest you come across the Cult of Andraste. Save before you speak with them, this will be your return point to get the alternate achievement for this quest: Ceremonialist.

After fighting through the Cult members you will reach one that will talk to you. He’ll offer a chance to help the Cult of Andraste. Accept to help and you’ll still be able to ge the ashes to heal the Arl. Accept the offer and complete the quest. DO NOT hit the gong, you won’t be strong enough until later to defeat the dragon. See Dragonslayer for more information on the fight that occurs after hitting the gong. Complete the quest and the achievement is yours.

Ceremonialist (20G)
Defied the Cult of Andraste in “The Urn of Sacred Ashes.”
“The Urn of Sacred Ashes” will begin automatically during the main storyline, so you can’t miss it. Towards the end of the quest you come across the Cult of Andraste. Save before you speak with them, this will be your return point to get the alternate achievement for this quest: Sacrilegious.

After fighting through the Cult members you will reach one that will talk to you. He’ll offer a chance to help the Cult of Andraste. Refuse to help you’ll still be able to ge the ashes to heal the Arl. Accept the offer and complete the quest. DO NOT hit the gong, you won’t be strong enough until later to defeat the dragon. See Dragonslayer for more information on the fight that occurs after hitting the gong. Complete the quest and the achievement is yours.

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Bhelen’s Ally (20G)
Sided with Bhelen in “A Paragon of Her Kind.”
This quest begins by heading to the Frostback Mountains and entering Orzammar. When offered a choice during the quest, choose to side with either Bhelen or Harrowmont. Continue through the quest. “Bhelen’s Ally” will become intertwined with “The Anvil of the Void,” so check out Liberator and Pragmatist for more details. After completing “The Anvil of the Void,” return to Orzammar and save the game upon entering Orzammar, this will be your return point to get the alternate achievement for this quest: Harrowmont’s Ally.

You will be given a last chance to choose who to side with at this point. Chose to side with Bhelen and the achievement is yours.

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Harrowmont’s Ally (20G)
Sided with Harrowmont in “A Paragon of Her Kind.”
This quest begins by heading to the Frostback Mountains and entering Orzammar. When offered a choice during the quest, choose to side with either Bhelen or Harrowmont. Continue through the quest. “Bhelen’s Ally” will become intertwined with “The Anvil of the Void,” so check out Liberator and Pragmatist for more details. After completing “The Anvil of the Void,” return to Orzammar and save the game upon entering Orzammar, this will be your return point to get the alternate achievement for this quest: Harrowmont’s Ally.

You will be given a last chance to choose who to side with at this point. Chose to side with Harrowmont and the achievement is yours.

Liberator (20G)
Destroyed the Anvil of the Void.
During “A Paragon of Her Kind” you will be sent into the Deep Roads under Orzammar. Fight through the hordes of darkspawn and other enemies until you reach Branka. Ask her to support your choice for king. She’ll require you to complete a few trapped rooms to get to the Anvil of the Void. Save your game upon reaching the Anvil, this will be your return point to get the alternate achievement for this quest: Pragmatist.

Speak with Cairidin and agree to destroy the Anvil and the achievement is yours.

Pragmatist (20G)
Preserved the Anvil of the Void.
During “A Paragon of Her Kind” you will be sent into the Deep Roads under Orzammar. Fight through the hordes of darkspawn and other enemies until you reach Branka. Ask her to support your choice for king. She’ll require you to complete a few trapped rooms to get to the Anvil of the Void. Save your game upon reaching the Anvil, this will be your return point to get the alternate achievement for this quest: Pragmatist.

Speak with Cairidin and refuse to destroy the Anvil and the achievement is yours.

Traveler (35G)
Set foot in every area in the game.
There are 23 locations that you must set foot in for this, and some of them are missable. You have to do this in one playthrough, so be sure to do all of the side quests and explore everything. Create a save before beginning “The Landsmeet” quest (the game’s point of no return). Here are the locations you need to visit:
1. Dane's Refuge
2. Blacksmith
3. Dwyn's Home
4. Kaitlyn's Home
5. Kaitlyn's Home (Upstairs)
6. Tavern
7. General Store
8. Proving Grounds
9. Shaperate
11. The Pearl
12. Gnawed Noble Tavern
13. Wonders Of Thedas
14. Warehouse
15. Wade's Emporium
16. Dirty Back Alley
17. Dark Alley
18. Rundown Back Street
19. Orphanage
20. Villager House
21. Village Shop
Final Battle
22. Fort Drakon Rooftop
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