Xbox 360 Dragon Age: Origins, DLC: The Darkspawn Chronicles Achievement Guide


Feb 11, 2013
The Darkspawn Chronicles was the fourth DLC released for Dragon Age: Origins. Released on May 18, 2010, The Darkspawn Chronicles is a standalone adventure that follows the Grey Wardens had the main character died during the Joining ceremony. You control gunlocks, hurlocks, shrieks, and ogres during the DLC. Completion of the DLC rewards the player with the Bloodblight weapon that is usable in the Dragon Age: Origins and Awakening games. The Darkspawn Chronicles includes an additional three achievements worth 75 gamer points.

This guide does contain some story, character, and location spoilers, so please read with caution if you are concerned about those.

The Darkspawn Chronicles Achievement Guide
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Bane of Thedas (25G)
Handed victory to the archdemon by killing Ferelden’s last Grey Warden.
Simply complete the DLC. Once you’ve killed the last Grey Warden the achievement is yours.

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Ogre’s Keeper (25G)
Keep the initial ogre alive as your thrall throughout the entire module.
Near the beginning of The Darkspawn Chrinicles you will tasked with freeing an Ogre. As soon as you see it, enthrall the Ogre. When you reach the Palace District the Ogre will be trapped behind a gate. Open the gate by flipping the two levers and enthrall the Ogre right away. There will be two Ogres, make sure to grab the first one. Keep it alive through the rest of the DLC and the achievement is yours.

Enthralling (25G)
Earned maximum approval from all thrall types.
This is similar to the romance system in Origins. You’ll find gifts on the corpses of the enemies you kill that you can use to increase your enthralled monster’s approval. You will need to max out the approval rating of a Genlock, Hurlock, Hurlock Emissary, Shriek, Blight Wolf, and an Ogre. You can have three enthralled monsters at any given time. If you’re trying to get all three achievements in one playthrough, keep the Ogre alive the entire time. As you max out the approval rating of the other monsters you can kill them off and switch them out. After freeing the Ogre in the Palace District you will come to a spot at the top of the stairs where infinite dwarves spawn. Keep killing the dwarves and looting gifts from them to grind your thrall’s approval ratings. Once you’ve had one of each type with max approval the achievement is yours.