Awakening was the first and only major expansion released for Dragon Age: Origins. Released on March 16, 2010, Awakening contains about 25 hours of new game play. The expansion includes everything from a new setting, new characters, abilities, skills, spells, and talents. Awakening also includes 8 new achievements worth 250 gamer points.
This guide does contain some story, character, and location spoilers, so please read with caution if you are concerned about those.
Awakening Achievement Guide

The Enduring Vigil (30G)
Acquired all upgrades for Vigil’s Keep.
You’ll want to begin this as early as possible as you’ll need to run a bunch of errands for people. Speak with Voldrik and give him 80 gold pieces to get the work started. Do the first story quest, and when you finish you’ll be sent to obtain some granite. Travel to the Wending Wood to find the granite in the Silverite Mine.
The second upgrade is for the original party. They will send you to find ore deposits so that they can build weapons and armors for the soldiers at Vigil’s Keep. Two of the deposits are during the main story, and the third is in a side quest that starts in Vigil’s Keep: “It Came From Beneath.” The iron ore is in Kal’Hirol, the silverite is in the Silverite Mine in the Wending Wood, and the veridium ore is in the basement of Vigil Keep.

Awakening (50G)
Completed Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening.
You will have to choose to save either the Amaranthine or the Keep, and after you choose you will be told where to find Mother’s Lair. If you decided to save the Amaranthine you will be sent to “Dragonbone Wastes,” and if you chose to save the Keep you will be sent to “Lair of the Mother.” Note: Save your game before making a decision so that you can repeat the segment and get both the Amaranthine’s Last Hope and Keeper of the Vigil achievements. Travel to whichever location you are given and fight through the darkspawn. There will be a High Dragon here, so be cautious. After defeating the dragon you will enter Drake’s Fall. Chose to help the Architect or refuse, either way you will continue through Drake’s Fall. Activate the three towers by finding all 12 crystals. You’ll find the crystals from enemy drops, in chests, or in the flesh pods. After activating the towers make your way into The Nest area and make your way below. The fight against the Mother is similar to the fight against the Broodmother in Dragon Age: Origins, so fight her the same way. Once you’ve defeated the Mother the achievement is yours.

Commander of the Grey (30G)
Reached level 30.
The easiest way to do this is to use a character that was level 25 in Origins. Do all of the sidequests and work your way through the story missions. Kill everything you come across and you should hit 30 without too much trouble. Once you’ve reached level 30 the achievement is yours.

Savior of Kal’Hirol (30G)
Destroyed the broodmothers in Kal’Hirol.
Story related and not missable. Just make your way through the Awakening questline and the achievement is yours.

Blind Vengeance (30G)
Escaped the silverite mines.
Story related and not missable. Just make your way through the Awakening questline and the achievement is yours.

Pride Before the Fall (30G)
Defeated the baroness.
Story related and not missable. Just make your way through the Awakening questline and the achievement is yours.

Amaranthine’s Last Hope (25G)
Saved the city of Amaranthine.
See Awakening for more information. Save the city of Amaranthine and the achievement is yours.

Keeper of the Vigil (25G)
Saved Vigil’s Keep.
See Awakening for more information. Save Vigil’s Keep and the achievement is yours.
This guide does contain some story, character, and location spoilers, so please read with caution if you are concerned about those.
Awakening Achievement Guide

The Enduring Vigil (30G)
Acquired all upgrades for Vigil’s Keep.
You’ll want to begin this as early as possible as you’ll need to run a bunch of errands for people. Speak with Voldrik and give him 80 gold pieces to get the work started. Do the first story quest, and when you finish you’ll be sent to obtain some granite. Travel to the Wending Wood to find the granite in the Silverite Mine.
The second upgrade is for the original party. They will send you to find ore deposits so that they can build weapons and armors for the soldiers at Vigil’s Keep. Two of the deposits are during the main story, and the third is in a side quest that starts in Vigil’s Keep: “It Came From Beneath.” The iron ore is in Kal’Hirol, the silverite is in the Silverite Mine in the Wending Wood, and the veridium ore is in the basement of Vigil Keep.

Awakening (50G)
Completed Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening.
You will have to choose to save either the Amaranthine or the Keep, and after you choose you will be told where to find Mother’s Lair. If you decided to save the Amaranthine you will be sent to “Dragonbone Wastes,” and if you chose to save the Keep you will be sent to “Lair of the Mother.” Note: Save your game before making a decision so that you can repeat the segment and get both the Amaranthine’s Last Hope and Keeper of the Vigil achievements. Travel to whichever location you are given and fight through the darkspawn. There will be a High Dragon here, so be cautious. After defeating the dragon you will enter Drake’s Fall. Chose to help the Architect or refuse, either way you will continue through Drake’s Fall. Activate the three towers by finding all 12 crystals. You’ll find the crystals from enemy drops, in chests, or in the flesh pods. After activating the towers make your way into The Nest area and make your way below. The fight against the Mother is similar to the fight against the Broodmother in Dragon Age: Origins, so fight her the same way. Once you’ve defeated the Mother the achievement is yours.

Commander of the Grey (30G)
Reached level 30.
The easiest way to do this is to use a character that was level 25 in Origins. Do all of the sidequests and work your way through the story missions. Kill everything you come across and you should hit 30 without too much trouble. Once you’ve reached level 30 the achievement is yours.

Savior of Kal’Hirol (30G)
Destroyed the broodmothers in Kal’Hirol.
Story related and not missable. Just make your way through the Awakening questline and the achievement is yours.

Blind Vengeance (30G)
Escaped the silverite mines.
Story related and not missable. Just make your way through the Awakening questline and the achievement is yours.

Pride Before the Fall (30G)
Defeated the baroness.
Story related and not missable. Just make your way through the Awakening questline and the achievement is yours.

Amaranthine’s Last Hope (25G)
Saved the city of Amaranthine.
See Awakening for more information. Save the city of Amaranthine and the achievement is yours.

Keeper of the Vigil (25G)
Saved Vigil’s Keep.
See Awakening for more information. Save Vigil’s Keep and the achievement is yours.