Favorite Playstation-only games

Morris Code

Apr 25, 2012
Being that this is an Xbox forum, I'm assuming most of you out there prefer Xbox over Playstation. That's definitely the case for me. Still, there are a few franchise games out there, only available for Playstation, that I really like. My favorite Playstation-Only franchise is God of War, which is already advertising a fourth installment.

What's your favorite Playstation-only title?
There are several Playstation-only titles that I like playing, and your favorite "God of War" series is definitely one of them. I also like the Forza Motorsports and Gran Turismo racing games, along with the SOCOM US Navy SEALS games. If I'm not mistaken, none of those titles are available for Xbox 360.
I remember playing a Gran Turismo on PS2 several years ago; I think it was the first racing game I ever played. To this day, I haven't played a racing game that I like better! Of course, I haven't played many racing games. I'll bet the PS3 racing games are awesome, what with the new technology and HDTVs and all!
Camel Tan - I think you're right. I've never seen a Gran Turismo, Forza, or SOCOM for Xbox 360. Those are all great titles. Which do you like better between Gran Turismo and Forza? Personally, I think I like Forza the best.
Does Uncharted count? Or is it a multi-platform game? If it counts then I would definitely go with that. It's like playing in a movie. Otherwise, I would have to say God of War.
God of War by far. It's one of the main reasons I even got a PS3. Well, that and the fact that I got a great deal on it.
Kratos is probably my favorite game character as well, I always liked barbarians.
I would have picked Metal Gear but it no longer is a Playstation exclusive. I would then go with the Uncharted series because it features high-octane action with an epic story alongside some very funny moments. This is absolutely one of gaming's best and it's only flute the Playstation.
I like the God of War franchise, the Final Fantasy games and all those PS2 Japanese RPG's like Star Ocean :Till The End of Time. As an anime fan, I always appreciated that the PS2 had a lot of anime games and Japanese RPG's and strange games like Mr Mosquito, Stretch Panic and Katamari Damacy that could only come out of Japan.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time/ Two Thrones. It's not an exclusive title, but I've only ever played it on PS2. The middle one of the trilogy isn't great, but man, the first and third are AMAZING--well written, entertaining, gorgeous, and a lot of fun.
God of War is a PlayStation exclusive game that has really impressed me most of all. Heavy Rain is also an exclusive game for the PlayStation, that has the best graphics of any game released on a game console. Ironically, Sony doesn't seem to take an interest in making another Legend of Dragoon for the PlayStation 3. Legend of Dragoon is equivalent if not greater than any Final Fantasy game I have played.
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See, I enjoyed the God of War games, but I didn't find them as challenging as I had hoped. I really like Uncharted because it's just fun and has great graphics. I love the Rachet & Clank series as well, even though they aren't crazy difficult. I just think that all of the various guns are fun and, well, the game has a sense of humor. I love the old old Final Fantasy games.
God of War is the only title that comes to mind. There used to be a few titles that were PS3 only and Sony squandered their lead but God of War is awesome. Great game play and storytelling. I almost forgot, what about Gran Turismo? Is that still Sony only. It's a great racer but new versions take forever to be released.
I really liked spyro the dragon final fantasy and a few others. I really miss the original play station wish I still had mine because I had tons and tons of games. But I do like the new game systems but I am a classics lover and love the old play station and sea games. Those are still some of the best ever made.
Easily the SOCOM series. It could still convert me back! Haha
I'd have to say the entirety of the dotHack series. They came out on the PS2 a while ago (so I'm not sure if the original xbox was even out then) it was a great series of games that I'd willingly go through the hours upon hours it would take to get through all four of them. The story was innovative for the time, and the premise of playing it like an online game (with fake other player interactions) gave it a certain feeling I haven't really felt in other games (even in MMO's). Other than that, Crash Bandicoot because f**k you that's why. Well in all seriousness, I enjoyed going through the games and Crash was just a funny character to watch.
There are several Playstation-only titles that I like playing, and your favorite "God of War" series is definitely one of them. I also like the Forza Motorsports and Gran Turismo racing games, along with the SOCOM US Navy SEALS games. If I'm not mistaken, none of those titles are available for Xbox 360.

Forza series is an Xbox exclusive
Playstation is the home of the JRPG right from PS1 up until now. JPRGs is the only reason why I own a PS3. I'm a big fan of the final fantasy series so I would say my favourite is the old Final fantasy games in PS1 and 2. But FF cant be consider these days as PS exclusive because, luckily for us, Square Enix is also making games for Xbox.
So right now my favorites are :
Valkyria Chronicles.
Atelier Series
Ni No Kuni
Uncharted. Shame they don't make it for Xbox.
It's an amazing series, great characters, story lines and beautiful scenery.
My favorite PlayStation only games... Hmmm... Probably MAG (back in the day), and SOCOM