Xbox 360 female gamers


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
I recently that, according to the Consumer Electronics Association, almost two-thirds of women between the ages of 25 to 34 play video games. Do you think the market offers games to reflect that? And how much do you think it's a matter of "women's games?"
Women play the same sorts of games that men do, so I don't really see the point of marketing directly to women with "women's games." I'd be much happier if they actually put effort into creating more female characters that weren't just big boobs and no brains, though.
I don't think the market is reading these polls because there are a lot of blood, guts and gore games out there. I'm not saying that from time to time I don't mind playing them - but not all the time.
That's how I see it, Micci. And each person is different. I don't think you can generalize that all women like or don't like a particular type of game or genre. For that matter, the same is true for men.
Is that study only for console games or are they also including games on the internet like Facebook games and other ones too? I know some female gamers, but not enough on Xbox to justify that high of a figure for console gaming. I'm sure it includes the internet gaming sector as well.
I didn't know that there were so many female gamers. I only know two or three girls who have consoles in my group of friends... I can't imagine what exactly "women games" should be like. I assume a gamer is a gamer, no matter what gender (s)he may be. Other than introducing a wider variety of female characters, I don't quite see what they should change to games to make them more female-friendly.
I don't know why people would ever assume that women don't like video games. I don't think there are games for men or women, just games.

I'd be much happier if they actually put effort into creating more female characters that weren't just big boobs and no brains, though.

I'm totally with you there. There are too many games that cater to the male gaze.
I'm a female gamer, and I play the same games my husband and brothers play. Call of Duty, God of War, Castlevania, Assassin's Creed, etc., etc., etc. It's so odd to me that men find it shocking that women like to play video games. Why is it so weird that women like to have fun? And who said that blood, guts, and gore were masculine? All the female friends I have own at least one console, if not more, so where is this "girls don't play games" stereotype coming from?!
I think the two-thirds estimate is too high, honestly (unless they're counting the silly stuff on Facebook, which aren't real video games, in my opinion). Twenty-five to thirty-four is prime time for women to focus on their families, which doesn't leave much time for video games. Also, a lot of women just aren't into this form of entertainment, from what I gather.

As for female gamers only playing "women's games", I know this isn't true. Plenty of chicks can hold their own in the serious, male-dominated games. Although for me personally, I have to admit that most of the games I play would not be a top choice for my husband.
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I recently that, according to the Consumer Electronics Association, almost two-thirds of women between the ages of 25 to 34 play video games. Do you think the market offers games to reflect that? And how much do you think it's a matter of "women's games?"

As I said in the other female gamers thread. I'm a woman and I don't want more "women's games". I play the same kind of games that men play. I just want to be accepted into the community and not sexually harassed on Xbox Live.

Female gamers enjoy exactly the same games as men, Mass Effect, Halo, Bioshock, etc.
The women who play Bejeweled and Zumba are not really part of the female gamers group, they are casual gamers, not true fans.
Because of the casual gamers, and the bimbos that button mash, men have the false impression that all women are like that. We're not.

Don't make more games for women. I won't buy them. I don't want Tampax the game, or Gossip Girl the game.
Just keep making normal games, but accept female gamers into the community and don't go on Xbox Live and tell me to go in the kitchen and make you a sandwich.
As I said in the other female gamers thread. I'm a woman and I don't want more "women's games". I play the same kind of games that men play. I just want to be accepted into the community and not sexually harassed on Xbox Live.

Female gamers enjoy exactly the same games as men, Mass Effect, Halo, Bioshock, etc.
The women who play Bejeweled and Zumba are not really part of the female gamers group, they are casual gamers, not true fans.
Because of the casual gamers, and the bimbos that button mash, men have the false impression that all women are like that. We're not.

Don't make more games for women. I won't buy them. I don't want Tampax the game, or Gossip Girl the game.
Just keep making normal games, but accept female gamers into the community and don't go on Xbox Live and tell me to go in the kitchen and make you a sandwich.

I would go to the kitchen and make ME a sandwich and eat it in front of them. Then beat the crap of them on the game. That is just me.
The biggest issue with gamer women nowadays is that stupid non-gamers that pretend they're gamers to gain the attention of a male gamer. Like the ones that take pictures naked but cover something up with a controller or something? Yeah, I doubt these kinda women have ever played a game and it just gives a bad image to the REAL female gamers...
I personally tend to play and prefer the same kinds of games as my I don't really think they need to get gimmicky with marketing 'to women' so much as just make it a little less obnoxiously sexual with no point.
Women play the same sorts of games that men do, so I don't really see the point of marketing directly to women with "women's games." I'd be much happier if they actually put effort into creating more female characters that weren't just big boobs and no brains, though.

This exactly! Or even it out at least by adding some men who are muscles and no brain ;).
This exactly! Or even it out at least by adding some men who are muscles and no brain ;).

BWHAHAHAHA! *That* would be awesome....we need to get some female game designers to make this happen. I would so buy this even if I never played the darn thing. (But I probably would just to see the muscles guy do stupid things)
Yeah, I really don't think a lot of those women that they're calling 'gamers' are what most of us actually think of as being gamers.

I don't think that spending 5 hours a day on Facebook, playing Farmville, counts as being a 'gamer', even though they would answer yes to a survey asking them if they play games.

There are plenty of women who really are gamers and love the same games as their male counterparts do. I don't think the number is nearly as high, though.
Women play the same sorts of games that men do, so I don't really see the point of marketing directly to women with "women's games." I'd be much happier if they actually put effort into creating more female characters that weren't just big boobs and no brains, though.
I hear that argument a lot, and even though I agree with you that more customisation is always welcomed, I really wonder why people always get worked up about females having big breasts. Its one of the signatures for women and part of the "ideal" picture. Just like most superhero men have huge muscles.

On a completely unrelated not I heard that a woman had sent a letter to the people who make NHL and complained about not being able to make a woman hockey player in the "create your own player" section of the game. EA-Sport responded by implementing her into the game.
I'm curious now to what exactly a "Women's Game" would be like. I can't even picture one. I do not think it would be very fun though.

Me and my husband play games together. He beats me in shooters but I completely wipe him in rts games. He loves Mass Effect and Skyrim but I am completely obsessed with Assassin's Creed and Final Fantasy.

My point is there are already plenty of games out there to chose from. In my opinion trying to cater to us women because they think the games out there are just for men or are meant for men is insulting. Even for those casual girls who only like to play facebook games or iPhone games can already find something on the xbox they might like. They just aren't interested enough to go looking for them!
I think if they made games "for women" I probably wouldn't play them anyway. I like my guns and violence, thank you very much. If I want cutesy then I would go to a Sanrio store and buy some stationary or stickers. LOL at ACSAPA's "make you a sandwich" comment. I haven't heard that one yet. They just think I am a 12 year old boy.