Forum Rules & Guidelines


Former Administrator
Sep 19, 2011
Forum Rules
  1. There is a zero tolerance policy for trolling, bashing, or any other type of uncalled for disrespect of other users in any way. You will receive an infraction for this kind of behavior. Members should be respectful to other members regardless of their forum rank, post count, or status. Please post in a constructive, positive, and add to the conversation manner.
  2. Since this board gets guest of all ages do to its content, do not post items not suitable for minors. Exceptions are achievement names by developers or other reasonable circumstances that are reasonable. This includes curse words.
  3. There are no stupid questions on these boards. Please be respectful and helpful in answering any questions.
  4. Posts on these boards are to be relevant to the thread. Please make sure your posting to the relevant forum or thread before posting.
  5. Bring relevant ideas and add to the conversation posts. Do not spam or post with the intention of solely raising your post count.
  6. Please do not SHOUT, post excessive smiles, or use excessive punctuation in posts or thread titles. Try to type in a normal manner. In other words, always be respectful. Do not use strong language.
  7. Please be mindful of the copyright of other sites and users. Members linking to or asking for information on warez, hacking, crackz, hacking, stealing content, etc. or re-printing copyrighted material without permission will receive an infraction and have their post removed. We are a clean site.
  8. Do not post any links to porn, offensive text, offensive images, links, drugs, hate, terrorism, or anything vaguely familiar to these things will lead to an infraction given to the user.
  9. The infraction system here adds points to a user each time an infraction is given. User will be banned for a week, for accumulating too many points. The "I’ve got this many points left to do what I want "mentality will NOT be tolerated and the user will be banned immediately for this behavior.
  10. Buying/ selling/ trading of virtual or physical products is strictly prohibited on this forum. Failure to comply will result in the user being banned indefinitely.
  11. When creating topics, please try to be as descriptive as possible. Do not post vague titles such as, “Check this out” or “Good News”.
  12. We do not tolerate spam on these boards. Any member posting spam will be banned and their posts removed. This includes posting about free xbox live points.
  13. Links to your own site -> put those in your signature. Please see the signature rules for more information. If it’s relevant to a thread then that’s fine. Be a member that adds to the community, not a spammer.
  14. Don't create a thread and have just a link or youtube video. Describe the content and have your own take. Just a link and or video and no text description may be deleted at a moderators discretion.
  15. Posting New Threads, Articles, or Replies.

  • Please be as descriptive as possible
  • Users will be solely liable for any damage resulting from infringement of copyrights, proprietary rights, or any harm resulting from their own submissions.
  • Quotes can be no longer than 3 paragraphs from any source.
  • Original author should always be given credit.
  • A link to the original source is a must.
  • Changes in user names will be handled on a case by case basis. We may or may not allow it.
  1. Members are allowed to use avatars. User avatars are not to be longer than 120 pixels square and contain no misleading image which attempts to portray the user as having an official status here. Avatars should not be larger than 35kb and any avatar which is link to a slow server or links that are prone to fail may be removed.
  2. Avatars are subject to the same rules as the forum rules.
  3. Failure to comply with these rules will lead to an infraction and loss of Avatar privileges.
  1. Signatures may contain up to 5 lines of text and one image. ONE link is permitted per signature. Maximum image size is 500x100 pixels.
  2. Only one link is permitted per signature.

  1. Failure to comply with these rules will lead to an infraction and loss of Signature privileges.
  2. Signatures are subject to the same rules as the forum rules.
  3. Text size should be around 9 and 10 (small text)
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