Xbox One How Many Hours a Week Do you Spend Gaming


New Member
Apr 4, 2014
Because I'm busy with school and sports, I can only game on weekends. When summer begins, I plan on gaming daily. I'm afraid it'll become addictive so I'm wondering how often you guys game on a regular basis. How many hours?
I too am either working or busy with Uni so I only game on the weekends and some nights when I get off early or don't have to get up early. I'd probably say that I spend around 5-8 hrs a week on average depending on how busy I am at the time. When a new game comes out that I am really into that number will more than likely change.
I have been so busy lately that I have hardly had anytime to really play any video games these days but I have been making a special effort to really get back into playing lots of video games. I think when watchdogs come out thought that I will really be spending lots and lots of time playing games again because I must say that it is one game that has really peaked my interest.
i am on daily but i have allot of free time.. i use my xb1 netflix/amazon,twitch as my tv in my room.. i dont have a cable box in room but my tv does get cable...

as for gaming.. its mood based for me.. i dont seem to play many games as much as i enjoy watching.

i did do a few hour ac4 black flag run today..along with a few tracks on trials fusion
i have no played bf4 in a week and forza5 in a month or so...

usually once i get a new game im on it a good bit till i get bored or frustrated.. i dont have any i am super excited about or have pre ordered.. i kinda want watch dogs... i thought i might get wolfenstein but it looks eh to me..(watched trailer on xb1 dashboard today)

id say im on 8 hours a day or more.. but i go to bed to twitch or netflix.. so im not always watching or around.. depending on the stream i have put my system on for days and left twitch on a 24-48 hr stream.. dosnt mean i am in front of it..
Because I'm busy with school and sports, I can only game on weekends. When summer begins, I plan on gaming daily. I'm afraid it'll become addictive so I'm wondering how often you guys game on a regular basis. How many hours?

I spend atleast 7 hours a day every day so thats 49 hours a week atleast.. thats a bout average I think...
It depends on what games are out for me. When there's a game that I really like and can't put down, I'll spend extra long hours on gaming during that period. During the gaming drought, I won't even bother to turn on my console at all for an entire week because there's no game that I want I play at all. Right now, I'm hooked on Dark Souls II and I spend an average of 6 hours on it daily so that amounts to about 42 hours a week.
I spend at least 2-3 hours usually, it's just enough that I get involved in the game, if I had only an hour available I'd rather not even game at all that day.
On the weekends I might play more, maybe 8-10 hours if I don't have anything planned that day.
Around 10 hours, give or take. But only if there are no games I want to play badly. Take the newly released Wolfenstein: The New Order - it'll help me summon much more play hours than my usual. So I guess that in the end it's all about how much I want to play a certain game. Free roaming RPG's for example fill my spare time completely. And I'll probably turn into a gaming monster again once the XBox One gets more games in the library.
Exam season is here so I only end up playing about 1 hour a day.
Usually I'd play a good 3 hours everyday but I realised that I needed to stop.
I spend maximun three hours during work time. I limite myself because it's really addictive ! On weekends, if I have no plans, I go for 6 hours a day. But it really depends on the games. If I don't have anything good to play I won't play just for spending my time.
Over 10 hours probably. I don't have a job or many commitments right now and gaming is like an anti-depressant for me that keeps me from drinking, smoking or doing other more harmful stuff.
I game way more than I should, I can tell you that much. The hours vary week to week depending on what I have going on in my life. When I do play, it's for a long and intense gaming session. I can't play for just half an hour and get up and go do something else. Several times I have realized too late that the sun was coming up, or that I had work in a couple hours. Rarely, but it does still happen.
i play atleast an hour of gaming but on weekends i got 3 hours of gaming. i still have a busy life but i still manage to have a time out to play.
couple hours a day but not everyday. Id say about ten hours a week. When I get better at Titanfall it will be longer.
I'm playing a lot less now, because I'm focusing in other things such as school. I guess I'm spending like 4/5 hours playing every week, which is a lot less than I used too.
Depending on my schedule it is anywhere between five and fifteen per week. I do freelance work so it really is a matter of how much work I come up with and how quickly I can get it done.
Gaming is near and dear to me and has been for a long time. With that said, I don't interrupt my normal life or other responsibilities to simply game. What I do do is spend 3 - 15 hours a week gaming and if there's more to it, it has to do with some sort of work I'm doing. I really consider this to be a social experience since I play a lot of the time with other friends and people who are putting similar efforts into life outside of gaming.

There are some weeks that I hope to bust out a good 30 hours though.
Steam says 77 hours past 2 weeks. It is so high because I am on vacation this month. Usually its around the lower 30s.
Not nearly as much as I would like. Let's just put it like that, shall we?
I game a lot. Especially now that it is summer, all I spend my time on is an 8-5 university job and then all my nights pretty much my own. Its probably going to have to be severely diminished once school begins again but i'll enjoy it while it lasts.