Xbox 360 How often do you ragequit from an online game?


New Member
Nov 11, 2013
I'm usually very patient with games, and I'd rather get the post-match rewards (like experience) than quit to preserve my win record, which is pretty uninspiring anyway. However, sometimes a game can be so bad, due to either a poor connection or horribly mismatched teams, that I can't bring myself to see it through.

I've never gotten so angry at a death that I impulsively quit though - it's usually a thought-out thing, and it usually takes five or so minutes of considering my options before I quit.

I have started playing MOBAs lately though - quitting from a MOBA is far worse than your standard FPS though. Even a bad teammate is preferable to no teammate (sometimes) so having someone quit is a huge disadvantage, and I'll usually try and stick it out for the benefit of my team.
I usually only ragequit if I lose progress on a game, like Minecraft. If I'm on a level and I can't figure it out I usually just keep trying, no need to get upset. But in Minecraft if I lose a bunch of diamonds that took me 4 hours to mine I usually scream!
I don't think i ever did. Even if i am really pissed at something i always wait for the end of a match, because if i quit, not just i ruin the other's person experience but i look bad.
Back when I was still playing Fifa on the computer I would rage quit quite often, not because I was losing horrible or I wanted to harm my opponent, but because the server connectivity was really awful most the time.
They never managed to set up stable servers. Many matches where lost because the game was lagging, many goals were denied because I couldn't manage to press the right buttons as most of my moves were time-displaced.
I don't ragequit multiplayer, but I ragequit skyrim a lot. Usually after dying because of something stupid and realizing that I should probably be doing homework.
I don't think I've ever done that... Idk, I think it's very rude in my opinion. Kinda like losing an argument in real life and just walking away.
do you have to be angry to ragequit? or does saying to yourself "man, im really outskilled in this server, let me get out of this game and find another" count as a rage quit?

If it counts i rage quit almost everytime i play battlefield 3
Depends how baloney the game is. This isn't a very clearly defined parameter for me; it's usually dependent on how often I am being killed and for what reasons. I have no shame in admitting it, though I do realize my nasty habits will have to change with the new reputation system. Oh well.
I rage quit from games that have to do with K/D like CoD. But i don't quit from games like halo that have an XP system.
With FPS games, I have rather patient and well mannered because the game usually depends on myself and not on my team.

But recently, like you, I have been playing MOBA games such as DOTA 2 and League of Legends and I can tell you that I am raging much more then I should. Due to the fact that MOBA games are team dependent games, even though I do VERY well, I cannot win the game by myself.

For other games such as Role playing, I am very patient but I do rage if I suddenly lose a item or accidentally die.
One of the most irritating things I can think of is when you are playing a sports game online and the other player bails in the middle of it because they don't think they can win. It's bad sportsmanship, really.
I almost never do it. Mostly because some games punish you for quitting. Dota 2, for example, has a system that register how many times you abandon games, and if you exceed a certain percentage, you're placed on the Low priority queue.
The only games that ever make me mad enough to #ragequit are the MMO games, but I won't actually go through with it and quit in the middle of a game because I hate it when other people do that while I'm playing.
With FPS games, I have rather patient and well mannered because the game usually depends on myself and not on my team.

But recently, like you, I have been playing MOBA games such as DOTA 2 and League of Legends and I can tell you that I am raging much more then I should. Due to the fact that MOBA games are team dependent games, even though I do VERY well, I cannot win the game by myself.

For other games such as Role playing, I am very patient but I do rage if I suddenly lose a item or accidentally die.

Oh my goodness, another person who sees it my way in terms of MOBA games. That's one of their biggest downfalls when trying to enjoy it. You can be simply beasting and destroying the enemy team, but in MOBA's K/D means absolutely nothing and if you're one person down, or one person is just feeding, that usually ruins the ENTIRE match.

As for actual "Rage quitting", I've done it quite a few times. Lately I've been playing Modern Warfare 2 again on the Xbox 360, and it seems just about everyone is either using an FAL or Pistol with a modded controller, or using a Jitter mod to fire the Striker Shotgun or Famas full auot with no fire rate. That's when I rage quit because it's pretty much cheating to act like they're good.
my normal quit time is in first 20 seconds... usually get put in a map i just played (bf4) the cloud needs to do better job of mixing up placment i seem to get put in the same maps time after time. i havn't been on shanghi 1 time on bf4 yet but have been in the locker and those smaller maps 50+times i sware.

i tend to not rage quite or really ***** while in game. if i find myself out skilled drastically i tend to camp in areas that give me a fighting chance. i have found this to be a solid way to stay mid pack in most any server. when i say camp i dont mean in one spot.. im saying i hold a position and learn it. takes a bigger map and lets me zero in on an area still gets me points for seruring and holding a position.
Well it usually depends on the current status of the match. For example if I were to join an online multiplayer game and our team is losing quite badly and theres absolutely no hope; Rage quit.
If I am playing against somebody else, I will never ragequit. That is just not fair and I hate when it happens to me. If you are going to lose, just lose with class. No need to quit like a little baby.
right i played co-op a few times on battlefield 3 and was being put in a bad situation. I wanted to quit so badly but i had had 3 other people quit on me and didnt want to quit on the person.
Too often. But after getting the banhammer in Halo 4 and thinking I could never play again I have matured and stick with it trying to turn it around, but more often than not - especially with Cod I hit start, down, A, A quicker than I can blink. That's why I make myself stop playing online if I'm doing bad because I'll only get angry.