Xbox 360 How to Troubleshoot profile-password errors


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
It is possible to restrict access to your Xbox LIVE profile from any console by making it necessary to use your Microsoft account password to sign into your profile.

You may encounter the following errors when you try making your password necessary for sign-in:

  • "Sorry, there was a problem requiring your password for sign-in on other consoles. Your password is still remembered for other consoles. Try again later, or try requiring password on sign-in from Visit if you think someone else is accessing your account."
  • "Sorry, there was a problem requiring your password for sign-in on this console. Your password is still remembered on this console. Try again later, or try requiring password on sign-in from Visit if you think someone else is accessing your account."
Solution: Set a password requirement on

1) Click My Account

2) Go to Settings & Preferences

3) Select Xbox 360 Profile Protection

4) Sign in using your Microsoft account (email and password associated with your Xbox LIVE account). You will see the number of consoles that don't require a sign-in password to access your Xbox LIVE profile.

5) Click Protect Profile. This will make it necessary to download your profile again using your Microsoft account before it can be used on any console. All previous copies of your profile will not work, and any changes or achievements that had not yet been saved to Xbox LIVE will be lost.

Important: If you feel that your password has been compromised, you can change your Microsoft account password by following these steps:

1) Sign into using your Microsoft account.

2) Got to Account Information, and next to Password, click Change.

If you are unable to set a sign-in password on Xbox. com, you should check the Xbox LIVE service status.

If the Xbox LIVE service status is up and running, you should repeat the process later.

If the problem persists, contact Xbox Support.