Xbox 360 I have yet to buy any Battlefield 3 DLC... What should my plan be?


Active Member
Mar 27, 2013
First of all, I do absolutely love this game. I've been playing since release and still pop it in every now and then. However, I always thought paying $50 for all the DLC was a total ripoff. But now that the new releases of games are dying down, I'm considering buying the DLC for this game to entertain myself. So, what should I do? I'm thinking of just selling my old copy and buying the Premium Edition, which I think will actually end up being cheaper than just buying the Premium Membership on the marketplace. Or, should I just wait for a price drop?
If you can wait, hold on until battlefield 4 coming out. Until then sell your normal version and buy the premium edition. A lot of people keep playing the older versions of games one year or two after the release of a new one, so you can rest assured that you will have people to play it (even better, the worst players always go to the new one first, so the game gets even better).

Repeat this for every new entry in the series.
How much do you think I could get for a launch Battlefield 3? I don't see many people wanting to by the older version. Plus DICE had to go and use that stupid online pass system.
20 bucks max, and that is stretching it. The pass, the lack of not being premium really brought the price down.
Personally, I do not really regret having bought the Premium pass.
If you absolutely do not want to pay $ 50, buy one or two DLC.

If you play on consoles, I advise you to "Close Quarter" and "End Game". Back to Karkand also is not so bad.
Buy games Premium Edition .... I do not know if it's a good idea, but you can try if it is cheaper.

Battlefield 3 worth buying until BF4.;)
If you don't have premium (all the dlc packs) its a decent buy for 39bux. But if your decent and like the playability go for bf4. I was about to buy the premium title to get everything. If u pre order bf4 u get a code for bf3 as well for something
I have officially bought DLC as of this point for Killing Floor, I'm going to write a review for it and the DLC is quite wonderful for it. This is a PC game through steam. I would say its very awesome. I'm going to write all about it. Check it out, great game!
I don't see the problem in not buying any dlc. Why does it matter. its up to you if you want it or not.
Unfortunately I have bought quite a few dlc packs or season passes if u like the game go for it. Borderlands 2 has added quite a bit of content with dlc and it follows the storyline I hate fps games its a few multiplayer maps and a gun