Xbox One Insider leaks for Xbox E3 show (I have reasons to trust)


New Member
May 27, 2013
These are from a member of Neogaf called CBoaT (thread here). If you are not aware of CBoaT, he is a an extremely reliable source who types in near-gibberish so he cannot be identified, or quoted. I'll copy & paste his info with translations. Please note he is nearly always correct.

_^ confiemed micresft actively attemptbuyinr PS44FOUR nonmetnions. IF y dont explifitly here 3rdparty say “OUR GAME IS EXCLUSIVE FOR XBONE’ confdinetly assuem Ps4 version is avabilelbe behind scenes. #truthfact

Microsoft have bought "Non-mentions" of the PS4 for games that are held at other conferences. If they don't say "This game is exclusive to Xbox" confidently assume that there is a PS4 game behind the scenes. - Can't confirm but so far, so good

_^ stag2 indethpth drm mesaging a@t gamescom. rental stretegy is no stratgy, nolpan for support, just watnt o keep quiet. nontalk execs! beacuse mesaging isnt done. stagae1 waslast Tursyfday...clusterfuktotal

They are starting to detail more of their DRM strategy.

There is no plan to support renting games and they want to keep it quiet. The executives aren't talking because the messaging in uncompleted. Stage one of releasing information did not go over too well. Many users enraged about the DRM issues. - Didn't mention DRM once. Confimished. Wasn't that hard to predict.

_^ cloudpower=praroleofficer. desined from day1@s DRM. peirod. uknoo this alreyad thogh.,, MS idaea. aproached third parties wplan not otherway around. EA/Ubi bigest boostrs but lesa Activbliz whcih makes mye haed fulll of weird#!

The cloud has been designed as DRM since day one. It was Microsoft's idea and not the publishers.. They talked to the publishers abou this, not the other way around. EA and Ubisoft were in full support but Activision were against it.

_^ ONE drm tos plans iws worse than you know. asmnow btw but I can;t get cororobating proof frrorm my fpeoples. theyr sadcared for jobs. it s com*ing tho IT IS COMING ):

XBone DRM is worse than we thought. He can't get information because people are scared of losing their jobs.

_^ MEedge2 at MS conf. langlewdell not mkaign an appearnce.

Mirror's Edge 2 is coming. Tim Langdell will not be there. - Completely confirmed

_^ princeofpersian retgurgiate. for msfconf

A "regurgitated" version of Prince of Persia coming. Not sure what he means by this.

_^ sspecial sekrit Philupspensergame/? - world of banks frmo

World of Tanks is coming to Xbox One. - Confirmed. World of tanks announced.

_^ LIVEpaywallfirm like myb utocks in place for ONEE!1 f2p? sorury.

Live paywall IS a thing for Xbox One. F2p games need live to operate.

_^ deadreising3 and exclcusive DLC for other capcpom game

Dead Rising 3 and exclusive DLC for another Capcom game at Microsoft (I assume DR3 is XBone exclusive) - Confirmed Dead Rising 3 exclusive

_^ onlingamingpayo.w.-allklk for Sony? ahha nope.noconfirm

Online gaming paywall for Sony? He thinks not but it's not confirmed.

_^ sonty rapped up tighterrea than Virgin mosquito when on drm istuf. Frustartin!g myinfogloves!

Sony is tight-lipped on the DRM issue, CBoaT does not know their plan.

He's been very reliable in the past so don't take any of this lightly.
Well we are about 20 minutes into E3 and WoT has been released for the Xbox 360. Maybe there is some credit to what this guy is saying.
I should note that most of these leaks seem to be spot on.

Might be something to think about.
Well he was legit for the most part, but i do feel kind of sad we didn't get to see another prince of persia game, i kinda like the games of the series.