Xbox One Internet Connection will NOT be Required to play Offline Xbox One Games


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2013
Today, Microsoft made a complete 180 and updated some things with the Xbox One that everyone has been complaining about.

An internet connection will not be required to play offline Xbox One games – After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again. There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360.

Trade-in, lend, resell, gift, and rent disc based games just like you do today – There will be no limitations to using and sharing games, it will work just as it does today on Xbox 360.

In addition to buying a disc from a retailer, you can also download games from Xbox Live on day of release. If you choose to download your games, you will be able to play them offline just like you do today. Xbox One games will be playable on any Xbox One console -- there will be no regional restrictions.

The sharing of games will work the same way it does today with Xbox 360, by simply sharing the disc. Downloaded titles cannot be shared or resold, which is a bummer because you'd think they would still offer the new options to share those with at least one friend who's been on your friends list for 30 days. Also, just like Xbox 360, playing disc based games will require that the disc be in the tray to be able to play it. That is for those who download the game to the console for those extra benefits.

We appreciate your passion, support and willingness to challenge the assumptions of digital licensing and connectivity. While we believe that the majority of people will play games online and access the cloud for both games and entertainment, we will give consumers the choice of both physical and digital content. We have listened and we have heard loud and clear from your feedback that you want the best of both worlds.
Been mulling this for quite some time today...

All in all it's a pretty big disappointment for me.

Marc Whitten left me an olive branch to cling to, however, with family that's nice -_-
I am not at all surprised that they're going this route now, but from what I read recently about used games, both Sony and Microsoft are leaving it in the hands of the devs as to whether or not a particular game can be lent/rented/bought used. I don't know if this still applies after today, but if so, they're on the same footing in that respect. I have been critical on Microsoft's model this time around, and while they actually had a lot of good intentions behind their policies, it's just a little too abrupt. They're taking the steps to change it, and it's not too late until launch; I want to want the One for more than just Halo, and if Microsoft plays their cards right, I will.
I am not at all surprised that they're going this route now, but from what I read recently about used games, both Sony and Microsoft are leaving it in the hands of the devs as to whether or not a particular game can be lent/rented/bought used. I don't know if this still applies after today, but if so, they're on the same footing in that respect. I have been critical on Microsoft's model this time around, and while they actually had a lot of good intentions behind their policies, it's just a little too abrupt. They're taking the steps to change it, and it's not too late until launch; I want to want the One for more than just Halo, and if Microsoft plays their cards right, I will.

This is a major step back in functionality.

Yesterday we had:

no discs required
family share
instant switching between games/smart matchmaking (start a matchmaking search in one game while playing another)

what are they doing now to differentiate from sony's online offerings now? this is just 360 v.2 with better graphics and multitasking now.

same policies. same online/offline stance. DRM isn't inherently a bad thing. People just like to forget that...there were positives here that were just thrown away and that's just sad.
I don't like this at all. Guess all the complainers got what they wanted another Boring Xbox 360 2. I was looking forward to the family game share. It seems all the people who had issues with the way it was is the younger generation. I feel they cried because they can't afford to buy their own games and maintain a gold membership. If you think about it the way it was to be originally set up it would of helped the prevention of pirating. Xbox was even offering incentives to people as a compensation like family game Sharing. I can afford my luxuries so why should I get boned because other cry that they can't afford it. I really thought we were progressing in next gen but now its just looking like a other re hashed xbox 360. Way to slow down progression complainers and shame on u MS for not stick I g to your guns.
I feel like people want to have their cake and eat it with the Xbox One. When there was the always-online requirement, a ton of people were saying they were planning to switch over to PS4. Now that it isn't happening, they're all saying how disappointed they are that Microsoft did away with family share. Honestly, the online requirement and game-lending policy was the only thing keeping me from getting truly excited about the Xbox One. Now that it's gone, it's an entirely different story for me.
I think that those who want the Xbox One to be always online are in the minority. And, Microsoft was simply beaten by Sony fair and square at E3. This is a big eye opener for MS. They cannot control everything. They cannot impose anything they want on gamers. I myself am rejoicing that MS removed their always online policy with the Xbox One. I'm just a bit disappointed that they needed Sony to shove it up their a$$@$ rather than listen to the demands of the customers in the first place.
This probably changes my mind back to the XBone. I HATE that dualshock controller, but I was going to give Sony my money this time around. Who knows, maybe Ill get both just to throw Sony a bone; perhaps it will be the better system and just maybe this new dualshock is ok...doubt it as the left stick is far too low.

Seeing many of you complaining that this lessens the effectiveness of the the XBone since they dont have the DRM policies is baffling to say the least.

Happy day!

Edit - reading these posts.. My first reaction was what you see here written down. The more I think about it man... IDK. Playstation deserves my money. Good luck to you all with your decision. I am leaning PS4 and that improved dualshock. MS backed down but they dont deserve it.
Just for everyone's info I was never agents MS DRM! I was excited the direction they were goi g. I have known my stance since the reveal and have also keep an open mind into the way Sony took their campaign. If I have to shell out a couple extra 100$ for a system and buy all my own games to play a system that is trying not to become a hack box then so be it. MS had a great concept and was implying a whole new way of how games should be sold and traded. It would of actually been more benifical to everyone if people could just look beyond whats in front of them. U would get more for your trade in than your local gamestop would be ripping u off on. U have to be radical sometimes if your trying to progress. MS would have changed the whole game industry in the way we buy sell and trade games. Its just to bad we are still to closed minded to advance forward to usher in new ideas that in long run would be more benifical to everyone. Oh well people got their Xbox 720 now. Just another re hashed Xbox 360 with slightly better graphics.
I had hoped for other reactions from this piece of news, this really is strange. Did people really want to not be able to own their games and be restricted to the lifespan of the console to play the games that they will "buy"?
Who is to say that your restricted to the lifetime of the console for the games u buy? That is basically your conception and is not fact. You still but the disk and it then gets stored into the system. What's wrong with being able to trade, buy and sell through digital media? Think of bow the future evolves. There were A tracks then walkmens then CD players and mp3s and so fourth. What's hard to except about moving away from a disk format? I'm sure that there would be back up files of all your stream media in case of a system crash. With the direction MS wanted to take your purchases on games will hold a higher trade and sell value. The only people who don't benefit from it are the game stops and other retailers that are ripping you off anyway! What do u get on a trade in of a used game? 15$ max lol. There is more potential out there u just have to learn to see through conceptions u hold to belive though u can't factually say all your investments will be tangible when say the next gen consoles come out. U still have a physical disk anyway its just used in a different approach that u may not be a custom to. What u now have is two system nearly identical now. There's really not a big gap between Xbox and PlayStation now. I personally would of liked to see Xbox follow the DRM through and I believe years into the consoles growth people would realize hey this is a pretty cool concept here. The problem is people fear change and u can't move forward without crackin a few eggs. There's a big picture to the DRM the problem is people are to ignorant to see past there own misconceptions.
Digital will sell itself. It took me awhile to get use to the steam concept. I think by allowing people to choose between them will have its advantages. I do like physical copies and i never sell my games. I do buy used when i can. But for the most part i think you'll see people embrace the digital front. Some people will not off the bat but at least this way MS has given them the choice. Eventually i believe digital will be the preferred method. Let them jump in when their ready and see the benefits other people are getting by using the digital model. Then they'll convert. Lead the horse to water to so to speak.
This is a major step back in functionality.

Yesterday we had:

no discs required
family share
instant switching between games/smart matchmaking (start a matchmaking search in one game while playing another)

what are they doing now to differentiate from sony's online offerings now? this is just 360 v.2 with better graphics and multitasking now.

same policies. same online/offline stance. DRM isn't inherently a bad thing. People just like to forget that...there were positives here that were just thrown away and that's just sad.

That's not entirely gone. They did say that all retails will still be available day one on the marketplace, so if you want to go that route, then those features will work the same as planned.

Digital will sell itself. It took me awhile to get use to the steam concept. I think by allowing people to choose between them will have its advantages. I do like physical copies and i never sell my games. I do buy used when i can. But for the most part i think you'll see people embrace the digital front. Some people will not off the bat but at least this way MS has given them the choice. Eventually i believe digital will be the preferred method. Let them jump in when their ready and see the benefits other people are getting by using the digital model. Then they'll convert. Lead the horse to water to so to speak.

I didn't like the idea at first either, but when I thought about it I never traded or gave away my games other than my brother borrowing them when he has nothing better to do. But overall, I have been more into the games on demand and arcade games, so I will most likely go digital next gen. Hopefully Microsoft doesn't get breached like Sony did and everything will be fine IMO.

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