Is WiiU Release Too Late?


New Member
Mar 8, 2012
I was reading a comment from a video game commentator on another website that was kind of interesting. He seemed to feel that the WiiU should have been released at least a couple of years ago. I can see his point if it isn't going to be a lot different from the 360. Right now, Nintendo is planning on releasing it at the end of this year. People are going to be expecting the Next New Thing, so to speak, and it doesn't sound like that's what the WiiU is going to be.
At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if they end up revamping WiiU before its release. Comparing 360 and WiiU, a blogger said that WiiU was about the same or even lower in terms of graphics capability. It seems pretty safe to say that Xbox won't be losing any customers to WiiU.
I have not read any of those things. I don't know if I would buy the WiiU because I don't think we need another console in the house. I might think about it if the remote controllers were more like the Kinect.
Zelda, this is the longest all of the consoles have ever gone without upgrading to the next system. The Wii U couldn't have come out a few years ago because a few years ago is when the regular Wii was the craze. And the Wii is vastly different from the 360 - the Xbox being superior, of course!
I was reading a comment from a video game commentator on another website that was kind of interesting. He seemed to feel that the WiiU should have been released at least a couple of years ago. I can see his point if it isn't going to be a lot different from the 360. Right now, Nintendo is planning on releasing it at the end of this year. People are going to be expecting the Next New Thing, so to speak, and it doesn't sound like that's what the WiiU is going to be.

As far as it being the next new thing, I'd imagine they're going to really try to advertise the new controller. I'm not sure if that will work as far as getting high sales, but the touchscreen controller definitely looks different. I think it'll get a fair amount of attention.
The Wii U is getting released at the end of the year because that's when the big holiday season is. As for people being excited about it, I think Nintendo should expect a flop.